Balance on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.
Balance on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.
Balance on different bases of support, combining levels and shapes.
Differentiate among twisting, curling, bending, and stretching actions.
Transition weight from various bases of support by:
Transferring weight from feet to different body parts while maintaining balance.
Rolling in different directions with both a narrow and curled body shape.
Throw underhand and overhand, demonstrating correct form with hand/ foot opposition.
Catch a self-tossed or well-thrown object with hands, not trapping or cradling against the body.
Dribble continuously in self-space and while traveling, with preferred hand, demonstrating correct form.
Dribble with alternating feet, demonstrating control of ball and body.
Pass and trap a ball with accuracy to a partner, using varying force and distance.
Demonstrate kicking skills by:
Using a running approach towards a stationary ball with correct form.
Attempting to make contact with a moving ball.
Attempting to kick a dropped ball/object, making contact with shoelaces.
Demonstrate volleying lightweight objects with partner.
Demonstrate striking a lightweight object upward with a short-handled implement, using consecutive hits.
Strike an object, using correct hand placement and proper body orientation.
Demonstrate rope skills with correct form by:
Jumping a self-turned rope consecutively forward and backward.
Jumping a long rope multiple times consecutively with student turners.
Apply the concept of personal and general space during class activities.
Integrate shapes, levels, and pathways into simple movement sequences.
Recognize and adjust exertion of force on an object required during an activity.
Developmentally appropriate/ emerging outcomes first appear in Grade 3.
Describe the benefits of participating in moderate to vigorous activities outside physical education class.
Actively engage in physical education class in response to instruction and practice.
Identify physical activities that contribute to a high level of fitness and the importance of warm-up and cool-down related to vigorous physical activity.
Practice skills with minimal teacher prompting and accept responsibility for behavior and performance actions to ensure a safe environment.
Appropriately respond to and implement specific feedback from the teacher.
Work in a variety of class environments with minimum supervision.
Examples: partner, small group, large group, whole class
Develop effective coping skills for dealing with problems.
Describe the relationship between physical activity and good health.
Identify physical activities that build confidence and activities that are challenging.
List physical activities that provide self-expression.
Describe the positive social interactions that come when engaging with others in physical activity.
Demonstrate correct form for leaping.
Travel showing differentiation in pacing when jogging and running.
Use correct form for jumping and landing.
Perform teacher-selected and developmentally appropriate dance steps, movement patterns, and rhythmic activities.
Balance on different bases of support, demonstrating muscular tension and extensions of body parts.
Move into and out of curling, twisting, and stretching positions.
Transfer weight from feet to hands for momentary weight support both individually and in various partner stunts and counter balance.
Examples: tripod balance, headstand, back to back, wheelbarrow, toe to toe stand