Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Attempt to hop, gallop, jog, run, slide, skip, jump, and leap while maintaining balance.
Developmentally appropriate/ emerging outcomes first appear in Grade 2.
Perform jumping and landing actions.
Apply rhythmic expression in response to music.
Use different bases of support to maintain momentary stillness.
Attempt to create wide, narrow, curled, and twisted body shapes by curling and stretching.
Attempt to transfer weight from one body part to another:
In self-space.
Examples: three body parts to two body parts, crab walk position to plank position
By rolling sideways in multiple body shapes.
Examples: log roll, egg roll, pencil roll
Attempt underhand and overhand throw.
Attempt to catch a dropped ball from varying heights.
Attempt to dribble a ball with one hand using consecutive contacts.
Tap a ball forward, using inside of foot.
Attempt to pass and trap a slow-moving ball.
Kick a stationary ball, planting foot and making contact with shoelaces.
Independently volley a lightweight object with varying body parts.
Examples: balloon, beach ball, foam ball
Attempt to strike a lightweight object with a paddle or other short-handled implement.
Attempt to strike a stationary object with a long-handled implement.
Attempt a single jump with self-turned rope.
Demonstrate the difference between movement in personal and general space while attempting to maintain self-control.
Travel by:
Using various pathways.
Demonstrating various levels.
In general space with varying speeds.
Attempting directionality concepts.
Examples: left, right, up, down, over, under
Developmentally appropriate/ emerging outcomes first appear in Grade 3.
Differentiate between active play and non-active play outside physical education class.
Participate in physical education class.
Discover the connection between physical activity and change in heart rate and breathing.
Follow directions, adhere to class procedures, use equipment properly, and accept responsibility for behavior, when prompted, to create a safe environment.
Appropriately respond to general feedback from teacher.
Share equipment and space with peers.
Demonstrate willingness to seek help for solving problems and making decisions.
Acknowledge that physical activity is important for good health.
Acknowledge that physical activities require varying degrees of challenge and difficulty.
Name physical activities that are enjoyable.
Discuss the enjoyment of active play with peers.
Demonstrate correct form for hopping, galloping, and sliding.