Walk while tapping a ball, using alternating feet.
Walk while tapping a ball, using alternating feet.
The students will practice dribbling with their feet while working on spatial awareness and ball control. The students should have already been taught to look around while dribbling. They should be able to dribble without constantly looking down at their ball. All children will dribble at once so they need to look up and all around while dribbling so they don't bump into each other.
Walk while tapping a ball, using alternating feet.
Demonstrate moving in personal and general space while maintaining self-control, in response to designated class expectations.
Dribble with alternating feet, demonstrating control of ball and body.
Apply the concept of personal and general space during class activities.
Dribble with alternating feet, demonstrating control of ball and body at varying speeds.
Demonstrate the concept of spatial awareness in a dynamic environment.