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Compare cultural similarities and differences in individuals, families, and communities.

COS Examples

Examples: celebrations, food, traditions

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Individuals, families, and communities mark special days or events in a variety of ways.
  • Cultures are celebrated in different ways.
  • Cultures follow a variety of traditions.
  • Vocabulary: celebration, tradition, culture


Students are able to:
  • Identify celebrations and traditions within their culture.
  • Recognize celebrations and traditions of other cultures.


Students understand that:
  • There are cultural similarities and differences among individuals, families, and communities.


  • compare
  • contrast
  • culture
  • celebration
  • tradition


Describe roles of helpers and leaders, including school principal, school custodian, volunteers, police officers, and fire and rescue workers.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • There are many adult helpers and leaders at our school and in our community.
  • Each person has a different job and/or responsibility.
  • Vocabulary: principal, custodian, volunteer, rescue


Student are able to:
  • Identify and call by role various adult helpers and leaders at their school including teacher, principal, custodian, volunteer, etc.
  • Identify and call by role various adult helpers and leaders at their community including police officers, firefighters, rescue workers, etc.


Students understand that:
  • There are roles that various people play that help us in our community.


  • leader
  • principal
  • custodian
  • volunteer
  • rescue
  • helper


Recognize maps, globes, and satellite images.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • We live on Earth and it is represented in various ways on maps, globes, and imagery.
  • Vocabulary: satellite, map, globe, image


Students are able to:
  • Recognize that a globe represents Earth.
  • Recognize that a maps and satellite mages represents places on Earth.


Students understand that:
  • Maps and globes are representations of places on Earth including their homes, communities and larger world and can be used in a variety of ways.


  • map
  • globe
  • satellite
  • image


Differentiate between land forms and bodies of water on maps and globes.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The difference between water and land and they are represented differently on maps and globes.
  • Vocabulary: land form, body of water, map, globe


Students are able to:
  • Identify land and water on a map or globe that has been represented in a variety of ways (color, texture, symbols, etc.).


Students understand that:
  • Land and water are represented differently on maps and globes.


  • land form
  • body of water
  • map
  • globe
  • difference


Apply vocabulary related to giving and following directions.

COS Examples

Example: locating objects and places to the right or left, up or down, in or out, above or below

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to locate objects or tell someone else how/where to locate an object by using certain words.
  • Vocabulary: right, left, up, down, in, out, above, below


Students are able to:
  • Complete a task by following directions given verbally by the teacher.
  • Complete a task by giving directions verbally.


Students understand that:
  • Different words indicate a directions in which one might move or locate an object.


  • directions
  • following directions
  • giving directions


Identify symbols, customs, famous individuals, and celebrations representative of our state and nation. (Alabama)

COS Examples


  • symbols – United States flag, Alabama flag, bald eagle (Alabama)
  • customs – pledging allegiance to the United States flag, singing “The Star-Spangled Banner”
  • individuals – George Washington; Abraham Lincoln; Squanto; Martin Luther King Jr.
  • celebrations – Fourth of July Memorial Day Veterans Day

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Our state and nation has certain symbols that represent it and its people.
  • There are certain customs common to citizens of our state and nation.
  • There are celebrations common to the citizens of our state and nation.
  • There are certain individuals who are widely recognized as representatives of our state and nation.
  • Vocabulary: symbol, custom, celebrate, celebration, represent, representative, state, nation, Alabama, United States, pledge, allegiance


Students are able to:
  • Identify various symbols of our state and nation, including the American flag, Alabama flag, bald eagle, etc.
  • Identify various customs of our state and nation, including reciting the "Pledge of Allegiance," singing the "Star Spangled Banner," etc.
  • Identify various famous individuals of our state and nation, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.
  • Identify various celebrations of our state and nation, including The Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, etc.


Students understand that:
  • There are certain symbols, customs, celebrations, and famous individuals recognized by most citizens of our state and nation.


  • symbol
  • custom
  • famous
  • celebrations


Describe families and communities of the past, including jobs, education, transportation, communication, and recreation.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Families and communities of today participate in many of the same activities that families and communities of the past participate in.
  • Some aspects of family and community ways of life have changed over time while others have remained the same or similar.


Students are able to:
  • Name various jobs performed by family and community members in the past and present.
  • Describe the ways schools, communication, transportation, and recreation of the past are similar and different to the ways of today.


Students understand that:
  • There are many similarities and differences between the ways people lived in the past and the ways we live today.


  • community
  • family
  • transportation
  • communication
  • recreation
  • long ago


Construct daily schedules, calendars, and timelines.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The purpose of a schedule and how to construct a daily schedule (present).
  • The purpose of a calendar and how to construct a calendar (future).
  • The purpose of a timeline and how to construct a timeline (past).
  • Vocabulary: long ago, yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, future


Students are able to:
  • Sequence daily classroom activities.
  • Create a calendar.
  • Create a timeline.


Students understand that:
  • Constructing schedules, calendars, and timelines helps document past, present, and/or future events.


  • construct
  • apply
  • uses
  • schedule
  • agenda
  • calendar
  • month
  • years
  • days of the week
  • timeline (picture/year)
  • elapsed time
  • past
  • long ago
  • present
  • yesterday
  • today
  • future
  • tomorrow


Identify rights and responsibilities of citizens within the local community and state.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to identify their rights as students and citizens in their community and state.
  • How to have respect for their personal belongings and other's belongings.
  • How to understand rules and consequences of breaking rules as students and citizens in their community and state.
  • How to be responsible for classroom jobs and chores at home to contribute to the common good.
  • How to vote in order to make choices or decisions.
  • Vocabulary: rules, laws, rights, responsibilities, community, citizen, state, property, taxes, voting, choices and decisions


Students are able to:
  • Describe how rules and laws protect rights and property of the people in the community.
  • Describe ways responsible citizens contribute to the common good of the community and state (for example paying taxes).
  • Demonstrate voting as a way of making choices and decisions.


Students understand that:
  • There is an importance to their rights and responsibilities as citizens of their community and state.
  • Rules and laws protect citizens' rights and property.
  • It is important to make choices and decisions through voting. Citizens contribute to the common good of their community and state (for example, by paying taxes, conservation, volunteering, etc.).


  • identify
  • describe
  • demonstrate
  • rules
  • laws
  • rights
  • responsibilities
  • community
  • citizen
  • state
  • property
  • taxes
  • voting
  • choices
  • decisions


Describing ways, including paying taxes, responsible citizens contribute to the common good of the community and state


Recognize leaders and their roles in the local community and state. (Alabama)

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The roles of leaders in the community and state including the governor and mayor.
  • The purpose of state map and that Alabama's capital is Montgomery.
  • Vocabulary: community helpers, mayor, city council, governor, capital, state, map


Students are able to:
  • Describe the roles of public officials in the state of Alabama and leaders in the local community.
  • Use a map to find location of Alabama and its capital Montgomery.
  • Describe and list examples of community helpers.
  • Recognize the role of a leader. Identify the capital on a state map.


Students understand that:
  • Leaders in the local community and state, including mayor and governor, have certain roles.
  • The capital of Alabama is Montgomery.


  • recognize
  • describe
  • understand
  • identify
  • community helpers
  • mayor
  • city council
  • governor
  • capital
  • state
  • map


Identify contributions of diverse significant figures that influenced the local community and state in the past and present. (Alabama)

COS Examples

Example: Admiral Raphael Semmes’ and Emma Sansom’s roles during the Civil War (Alabama)

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The important contributions citizens make in their local community and state.
  • Vocabulary: leaders, significant figures, contributions, contributor, state, past, present, roles


Students are able to:
  • Read and comprehend the role of a contributor.
  • Understand how contributions affect the local community and state.


Students understand that:
  • There were important contributions by significant figures, such as Admiral Raphael Semmes and Emma Sansom, who influence the local community and Alabama from the past and in the present.


  • understand
  • identify
  • distinguish
  • leaders
  • significant figures
  • contributions
  • contributor
  • state
  • past
  • present
  • roles


Identify historical events and celebrations within the local community and throughout Alabama. (Alabama)

COS Examples

Examples: Selma Bridge Crossing Jubilee, Mardi Gras, Boll Weevil Festival, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Black History Month (Alabama)

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The importance of celebrations and events in the local. community and throughout Alabama.
  • The purpose of primary and secondary sources.
  • Techniques to differentiate between fact and fiction.
  • Vocabulary: fact, fiction, celebrations, historical events, primary sources, secondary sources


Students are able to:
  • Identify, discuss, and list celebrations and historical events in the local community and throughout Alabama.
  • Differentiate between fact and fiction when sharing stories or retelling events using primary and secondary sources.


Students understand that:
  • There are celebrations and historical events in the local community and throughout Alabama such as the Selma Bridge Crossing, Jubilee, Mardi Gras, Boll Weevil Festival, Montgomery Bus Boycott, and Black History Month.
  • Primary and secondary sources are an important way to differentiate between fact and fiction.


  • differentiate
  • identify
  • fact
  • fiction
  • celebrations
  • historical events
  • primary sources
  • secondary sources


Differentiating between fact and fiction when sharing stories or retelling events using primary and secondary sources

COS Examples

Example: fictional version of Pocahontas compared to an authentic historical account


Compare ways individuals and groups in the local community and state lived in the past to how they live today. (Alabama)

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Changes occur from past to present and can compare these changes.
  • Communication, apparel, technology, recreation, and primary sources show forms of change over time.
  • Individuals and groups in the local community and throughout Alabama provide information about changes in everyday life.
  • Vocabulary: past, present, communication, apparel, technology, recreation


Students are able to:
  • Compare past and present forms of communication, apparel, technology, and recreation using primary sources in the local community and throughout Alabama.
  • Analyze pictures from the past to the present.
  • Write and speak about individuals and groups that lived in the past compared to those of the present.


Students understand that:
  • People in Alabama and the local community lived differently from past to present in areas such as communication, apparel, technology, recreation, and primary sources.


  • compare
  • identify
  • analyze
  • past
  • present
  • communication
  • apparel
  • technology
  • recreation
  • primary sources


Identifying past and present forms of communication

COS Examples

Examples: past–letter, radio, rotary-dial telephone

present–e-mail, television, cellular telephone


Identifying past and present types of technology

COS Examples

Examples: past–record player, typewriter, wood-burning stove

present–compact diskette (CD) and digital video diskette (DVD) players, video cassette recorder (VCR), computer, microwave oven


Identifying past and present types of recreation

COS Examples

Examples: past–marbles, hopscotch, jump rope

present–video games, computer games


Identifying past and present primary sources

COS Examples

Examples: past–letters, newspapers

present–e-mail, Internet articles


Describe how occupational and recreational opportunities in the local community and state are affected by the physical environment. (Alabama)

COS Examples

Examples: occupational–commercial fishing and tourism in Gulf coast areas (Alabama)

recreational–camping and hiking in mountain areas, fishing and waterskiing in lake areas

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The difference in jobs and play activities.
  • The physical environment in relation to mountains, waterways, and coast and the role it plays in occupational and recreational opportunities.
  • Vocabulary: occupational, recreational, physical environment, mountain range, commercial fishing, tourism, coastal area


Students are able to:
  • Compile a list of occupational and recreational opportunities in the state of Alabama.
  • Identify physical environment features in the state of Alabama.


Students understand that:
  • The physical environment directly affects the occupational and recreational activities in the local community and throughout Alabama.


  • identify
  • understand
  • describe
  • occupational
  • recreational
  • physical environment
  • mountain range
  • commercial fishing
  • tourism
  • coastal area


Identify land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The differences in land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.
  • The use of cardinal directions and the compass rose.
  • Techniques for using nonstandard measurement.
  • Vocabulary: land masses, bodies of water, physical features, cardinal directions, compass rose, nonstandard measurement, distance, geographical features


Student are able to:
  • Identify land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.
  • State the purpose and use of cardinal directions and compass rose.
  • Identify nonstandard measurement.
  • Use nonstandard measurement for locating distances.
  • Use vocabulary that relates to geographical features (for example, river, lake, ocean, and mountain).


Students understand that:
  • Land masses, bodies of water, and physical features can be identified on maps and globes.
  • Cardinal directions and the compass rose help us read maps.
  • Nonstandard measurements can be used to find distance.
  • There is an appropriate vocabulary to describe geographical features.


  • identify
  • create
  • use
  • land masses
  • bodies of water
  • physical features
  • cardinal directions
  • compass rose
  • nonstandard measurement
  • distance
  • geographical features


Differentiate between natural resources and human-made products.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The difference between natural resources and human-made products.
  • Techniques for protecting natural resources (for example, turning off lights when leaving a room, throwing trash away, recycling paper and plastic, etc.).
  • Techniques for promoting protection of resources by participating in Earth Day and Arbor Day.
  • Vocabulary: natural resources, human-made products, conserving, recycling, reduces, reuse, energy, Earth Day, Arbor Day


Students are able to:
  • Understand what natural resources and human-made resources are.
  • Describe ways to protect and conserve natural resources.


Students understand that:
  • There is a difference between natural resources and human-made products.
  • We must protect and conserve natural resources.


  • understand
  • identify
  • differentiate
  • natural resources
  • human-made
  • products
  • conserving
  • recycling
  • energy
  • Earth Day
  • Arbor Day


Listing ways to protect our natural resources

COS Examples

Examples: conserving forests by recycling newspapers, conserving energy by turning off lights, promoting protection of resources by participating in activities such as Earth Day and Arbor Day


Describe the role of money in everyday life.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How money plays a role in everyday life.
  • The difference between goods and services (for example, goods- food, toys, clothing; services - medical care, fire protection, law enforcement, library resources).
  • How money is the primary way to make purchases.
  • How money is earned through working (for example, job, chores, etc.).
  • The difference between purchases of needs and wants within their family.
  • How people save and borrow money.
  • How to differentiate between a buyer and seller.
  • Vocabulary: money, needs, wants, saving, borrowing, buyers, sellers, specialized jobs, goods, services, barter, trade, spend, save


Students are able to:
  • Recognize the primary role of money in everyday life.
  • Identify and describe needs and wants.
  • Describe saving and borrowing.
  • Describe buyers and sellers.
  • Describe the role specialized jobs play in the production of goods and services.
  • Identify and use appropriate vocabulary associated with the function of money (for example, barter, trade, spend, save).


Students understand that:
  • Money plays a role in everyday life.
  • Families make purchases of needs and wants. Students understand the concept of saving and borrowing.
  • There is a difference between buyers and sellers.
  • We can classify the specialized jobs of workers with regard to production of goods and services.
  • There is an appropriate vocabulary to use to describe the function of money.


  • money
  • needs
  • wants
  • saving
  • borrowing
  • buyers
  • sellers
  • specialized jobs
  • goods
  • services
  • barter
  • trade
  • spend
  • save