Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Which Direction Should I Go?

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this lesson, students investigate cardinal directions and the compass rose through video and a directions game. Then, students will draw and label a map of the classroom using cardinal directions.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 1


    Identify land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.

    Unpacked Content



    • identify
    • create
    • use
    • land masses
    • bodies of water
    • physical features
    • cardinal directions
    • compass rose
    • nonstandard measurement
    • distance
    • geographical features


    Students know:
    • The differences in land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.
    • The use of cardinal directions and the compass rose.
    • Techniques for using nonstandard measurement.
    • Vocabulary: land masses, bodies of water, physical features, cardinal directions, compass rose, nonstandard measurement, distance, geographical features


    Student are able to:
    • Identify land masses, bodies of water, and other physical features on maps and globes.
    • State the purpose and use of cardinal directions and compass rose.
    • Identify nonstandard measurement.
    • Use nonstandard measurement for locating distances.
    • Use vocabulary that relates to geographical features (for example, river, lake, ocean, and mountain).


    Students understand that:
    • Land masses, bodies of water, and physical features can be identified on maps and globes.
    • Cardinal directions and the compass rose help us read maps.
    • Nonstandard measurements can be used to find distance.
    • There is an appropriate vocabulary to describe geographical features.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to explain cardinal directions and a compass rose through a whole class directional game and drawing a classroom map.  



    The teacher will introduce the lesson with the vocabulary words to support learning. These will be posted on the word wall.

    • physical features
    • map
    • cardinal directions
    • compass rose
    • north
    • south
    • east
    • west


    Show the Maps and Cardinal Directions video. Have students partner up and give a graphic organizer (compass rose) to each partner group. Students should label the four directions on the compass rose. Students can use the vocabulary word wall posted earlier in the classroom as a reference. To make sure all of the students comprehend cardinal directions, have the students stand up and face north, south, and so on.  


    Play a whole class directional game - have students stand up and identify an object in the classroom by using a series of directional clues to aid the students with identifying a mystery object. Next, divide the students into pairs, and have one child guide their partner to an object using the directional clues. For example, take four giant steps east; now take three tiny steps north.

    Have students draw and label a map of the classroom using cardinal directions and a compass rose.


    The teacher will introduce the lesson with the vocabulary words to support learning. These will be posted on the word wall.

    • physical features
    • map
    • cardinal directions
    • compass rose
    • north
    • south
    • east
    • west


    Show the Maps and Cardinal Directions video. Have students partner up and give a graphic organizer (compass rose) to each partner group. Students should label the four directions on the compass rose. Students can use the vocabulary word wall posted earlier in the classroom as a reference. To make sure all of the students comprehend cardinal directions, have the students stand up and face north, south, and so on.  


    Play a whole class directional game - have students stand up and identify an object in the classroom by using a series of directional clues to aid the students with identifying a mystery object. Next, divide the students into pairs, and have one child guide their partner to an object using the directional clues. For example, take four giant steps east; now take three tiny steps north.

    Have students draw and label a map of the classroom using cardinal directions and a compass rose.

    Assessment Strategies

    Students will be assessed on their drawing of the classroom map in their journal.


    Students can draw a map from the classroom to the playground and label using a compass rose. Students can use cardinal directions to explain a path from the classroom to the playground.


    Students struggling with this concept can partner with the teacher and watch the video again.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    0 to 30 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    • The teacher should have vocabulary cards ready for the word wall before the lesson.  More information about word walls can be found at the following website:  Reading Rockets
    • The teacher will need to print out a graphic organizer (compass rose) from TeachersPayTeachers (one for every two students).
    • The teacher should also make sure the video is working before class time.
    • Higher achieving students will most likely need to be a group captain to assure that the activity goes as planned.

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Vocabulary Cards for word wall

    Markers for illustrating vocabulary cards (optional)

    Graphic organizer (Compass Rose) from TeachersPayTeachers

    Sample Directives/Commands for students to read in case students struggle with directives. (Optional)

    Technology Resources Needed

    Maps and Cardinal Directions for Kids video

