Classroom Resources

In this free lesson plan from, students participate in a basketball relay. During the lesson, students will practice teamwork, dribbling, and shooting a basketball. Assessment is based on following directions, participation, and observation.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


3, 4

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource provides a variety of visuals to teach and apply skill related components of fitness to class activities.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this activity, the students will be hunters or rabbits. You can choose a few hunters out of the class (for example 4-5 students). Students must all remain in the forest (which is the space the students will be in to perform the locomotor tasks). When the teacher says, "Run Rabbits Run", or "Skip Rabbits Skip", or other locomotor skills (slide, gallop, hop, etc.), the students will complete the task. If a hunter catches a rabbit, then the rabbit becomes a tree in the forest. The hunters must use the designated locomotor skill the teacher calls out when attempting to catch the rabbits. The hunters can be changed at the teacher's discretion. 

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The learners will work on building trust while working together to complete a simple obstacle course.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This interactive student workbook is filled with 19 activities that explore Discover MyPlate lesson topics and is connected to education standards for literacy, letter-sound correspondence, counting, sequencing, classifying objects, identifying healthy behaviors, and more. The answer key is located in the Discover MyPlate Teacher’s Guide. A STAR Chart for evaluating and measuring student understanding and a Discover MyPlate Certificate is also provided.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free video resource from PBS LearningMedia helps educate students on suicide prevention. A Kentucky school’s Sources of Strength (SOS) program uses social networks to help prevent suicide among teens and spread messages of hope and resolve. This video segment is part of You Are Not Alone, a youth mental health series produced by KET. Teachers can use this resource to make students aware that social media can be used as a tool to uplift students.

Sensitive: This resource contains material that may be sensitive for some students. Teachers should exercise discretion in evaluating whether this resource is suitable for their class.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free lesson plan from allows students to practice coordination while staying physical.  Students will be able to demonstrate age-appropriate hand-eye coordination while taking turns with classmates.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Serving Up MyPlate is a collection of classroom materials that helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health. This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate  icon and a variety of hands-on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity in staying healthy.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Minnie, a teenager living with diabetes, goes to a gym for the first time to work out in this video adapted from Living with MyType2. Minnie’s coach, Brandi, guides her through different exercises and stretches. She also discusses some strategies that Minnie can adopt to stay motivated to exercise and help control her diabetes.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


7, 8

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This unit is presented as a series of cooperation, team building, and problem-solving learning tasks. Learning tasks should begin as partner to partner, and progress to small group, large group, and finally, whole class activities. Teachers are encouraged to select the learning tasks that best fit their teaching style and students’ needs.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource provides a variety of visuals to teach and apply health-related components of fitness to class activities. This is a free resource from

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit. 


3, 4, 6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Pete Jones, of Louisville, Kentucky, died by suicide at age 23. His family talks about his mental health struggles and their work to honor his memory and prevent suicides through the Pete Foundation for Depression Prevention. This video segment is part of You Are Not Alone, a youth mental health series produced by KET. Video Resources are available below the video.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this exciting video for grades 2 through 5, students get to unite cognitive and psychomotor skills. Students pick a card with an exercise written on it such as 20 crunches. They then decide whether to take the deal by showing a thumbs-up or to decline the deal by showing a thumbs-down. Students may pass once and then must perform the exercise on the second card they select.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit. 


2, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This learning activity is a free resource from PE Kansas Lesson Plans.  This activity can be used to help students throw using manipulatives while moving. Students will practice throwing to a moving target and catching while moving.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a free video resource from PBS LearningMedia about opioid addiction. In this video segment from Understanding the Opioid Epidemic, students will watch the story of Michael Israel and learn how he became addicted to prescription painkillers. In this video, to be used with the program Understanding the Opioid Epidemic, students will explore the misconception of safety associated with prescription opioid painkillers. They will understand the differences between prescription drug use, misuse, and abuse.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This learning activity provides a role-play scenario for students to apply the decision-making steps outlined in various situations and scenarios. Small groups of students determine lists of options, consequences, and decisions for each hypothetical situation. A digital activity link is included for use.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free resource from KidsHealth is informational material that can be used to teach students about eating disorders. Eating disorders are problems with the way people eat. They can harm a person's health, emotions, and relationships. There are several types of eating disorders.

This resource covers eating disorders, types, health and emotional implications, causes, diagnosis, treatment, and where to go for help.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The resources can be used at the end of an educational gymnastics unit. The planning tool can be used to assist students as they design their own gymnastics series/routines, while the rubric allows teachers to assess the performance of the designed routines. Teachers should designate multiple lessons in order to provide ample time for students to design, practice, and perform routines as a culmination to the unit. Be sure to set clear guidelines for students regarding the skills that they may include in their routines. Prior to creating routines, each gymnastics skill should be explained with thorough safety instructions, demonstrated for students, and practiced in a variety of learning tasks.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is a picture with hand placement for passing a ball to print out and attach to the wall as a target. This resource is appropriate for grades K-3.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free video resource from PBS LearningMedia teaches students the importance of communicating while playing sports.  Playing outside makes kids happier, healthier and stronger! In this segment, Abby Brown visits a softball practice and discovers constant communication is a crucial part of working together as a team in order to succeed.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


2, 3

Subject Area

Physical Education
Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will understand how teams are used in the workplace and those skills that will make them effective team members. Students will self-assess their behavior in a recent team situation.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Learn about the difficulties that arise from identifying the genetic causes of diseases for which there currently is no cure and explore the potential for gene therapy to one day cure diseases like Alzheimer's, in this video segment from the Secret of Life School Video: "Genetic Medicine: Tinkering with Our Genes."

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The goal of this learning activity is to help your students expand their knowledge of physical activity beyond sports and help them identify non-competitive things they can do to improve their personal fitness levels or increase their activity levels such as walking the dog or taking out the trash.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


5, 6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free resource from KidsHealth includes informational material to teach students about depression. Depression is more than occasionally feeling blue, sad, or down in the dumps. Depression is a strong mood involving sadness, feelings of discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that may last for weeks, months, or longer. This resource outlines the difference between depression and general sadness, the signs of, and treatment for depression.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this activity, students learn how mutations in a gene can cause disease. They simulate the inheritance patterns of several different diseases caused by recessive genes. They learn how some recessive genes confer an advantage in the heterozygous state in certain environments. Finally, they identify and research five genetic disorders they would like to know more about and present their findings to the class.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a free video resource from PBS LearningMedia. In this video, students learn the importance of sleep in staying healthy, happy, and focused on day-to-day activities.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


2, 3

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This digital activity link guides students through steps for healthy conflict management. Students have the opportunity to respond to scenarios in the "You Decide" section and select the best choices for hypothetical scenarios. Role-play, skit development, and discussion allow students to work through inevitable conflict with guiding questions to provoke choices for resolution.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This activity is a lead-up game to soccer that teaches skills through different methods and opportunities for scoring. The activity is designed to keep students moving throughout the class, to build skills to participate in soccer, and to be confident in their ability. It is will also increase their foot-eye coordination.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free resource from KidsHealth is a fitness video demonstrating several fitness activities. The ideal exercise program combines strength training, aerobic exercise, and flexibility exercises. This resource contains multiple videos to show strength training exercises that are specifically designed to fit into a weight loss plan, along with some tips on how to do each one.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students take a quick oral quiz on television, advertising, and body image. Then they use an “Ad Decoder” (critical questions) to examine advertisements that are aimed at them. They also discuss how messages about body image can affect health.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 10

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This activity is a Tabata-style training with a focus on improving various areas of fitness. The activity can be specifically linked to improving an area of the Alabama Fitness Test scores or just overall fitness area.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a lesson designed for overhand and catching skills. Students can self assess their progress or the teacher can assess skill cues during the activity. Students will be challenged to see how many different types of balls they can overhand throw and catch with a partner.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


2, 3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource includes information for online safety, information sharing, and privacy when gaming or surfing the internet. Appropriate internet communication skills are also discussed.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education
Digital Literacy and Computer Science

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will practice principles of protecting a basketball while dribbling using pivoting.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a free classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia.  Students watch a video to learn how to cut their sugar intake.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource