Classroom Resources

Students will analyze the painting, Pansies in Washington, by Alma Thomas. Students will create a color square.  Students can work independently or collaboratively. 


K, 1

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This lesson unit explores Vivaldi's life and his composition, The Four Seasons. Lessons include activities for music, language arts, social studies, science, visual arts, drama, and First Nations storytelling.  A student workbook is provided.  


4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this learning activity, students will learn about women's history and making quilts. Students will make a quilt square in honor of a person who is important to them.


K, 2

Subject Area

Social Studies
Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will identify patterns that are the same and different.  They will create movements to identify when the pattern changes. Using the student worksheet, students will identify if patterns are the same or different. Video demonstrations are provided. 



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this lesson, an arts integration specialist collaborated with an English Language Learner teacher.  The students used a cloze activity to complete a poem about themselves.  They took photographs to accompany the poem.  They edited the photos using iMovie and recorded themselves reading their poem.  



Subject Area

English Language Arts
Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will create short digital videos that include music, photos, video clips, and text using Animoto.  This resource provides several ideas on how to use Animoto in your current lessons.   



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will compare and contrast quilting and square dancing.  This lesson has three options based on time allotment.  Students will graph a figure, choreograph and perform a square dance.     


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This article includes the components of improvisation - timing, choice, and framework.  It includes examples of how to implement each component.  This article is for improvising words only.  


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will discuss day and night, diurnal and nocturnal animals, and daytime/nighttime activities.  They will listen to the first movement from Edvard Greig's Peer Gynt Suite and to Frederick Chopin's Nocturne No. 9, No. 2.  They will identify which music sounds like day and which sounds like night.  They will identify the tempo and dynamics and move to show the mood of each piece.


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will experiment with water to make different sounds.  They will duplicate those sounds with their voices.  They will listen to Aquarium by Camille Saint-Saëns and compare/contrast the sounds made with the water.  



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will explore the history and art of masks.  They will decorate their own mask using a variety of materials.  They will display their mask and discuss art elements included in the design.  


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will analyze a still-life photograph.  They will gather objects with a variety of shapes and textures to produce a still-life piece. They will arrange the objects for balance and experiment with light sources.  They will sketch their design and then photograph the items.  They will compose a descriptive poem about their still-life photograph.  


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will analyze shapes, objects, and textures in still-life paintings. They will draw exaggerated shapes and lines. They will cut shapes from the textural drawings and make a collage. Assessment rubric, letter to parents, examples of artwork, and lesson plan included in PDF. 



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This classroom resource offers a series of lessons from LeslieAnne Bird uses the free site, Incredibox, to help students create their own compositions. It culminates in a DJ Party performance. She provides links to a set of Youtube videos by The Little Kids Rock that makes the process easy. This series of lessons work best with classes that have 1:1 devices.


4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will read about why commercials are necessary to show on television.  They will read why stations do not air old commercials.  They will brainstorm old commercials they remember watching.  They will watch current commercials and discuss what they like and dislike about them.  They will create and record a commercial for one of their favorite products.   


4, 5, 6

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will choose two works from a variety of masterworks from across historic periods and disciplines to perform.  They will choreograph a piece incorporating elements from both masterworks.  They will identify choreographic components in both the masterworks and their original composition.  


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will sing How Do the Animals Move?  They will discuss and demonstrate how animals move.  The students will play a freeze game as they perform the song.  


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will define dynamic markings pianissimo, piano, forte, and fortissimo. They will compile a list of words and instrument sounds that reflect a season. They will compose a four-measure piece of music for their assigned season. They will perform their piece in a rondo with the other seasons. They will listen to Antonio Vivaldi's The Four Seasons and identify each season represented by the music. 


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will study and analyze the works of Tom Rollins.  They will be given a page from a discarded book, read the page, and write a one sentence summary.  They will create a found word poem, trace around the words, draw a picture to enhance the poem, and color in the drawing.  They will mount the page and draw a border around it.  Finally, they will compare their work to Tom Rollins' pieces.  


4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will explore musical elements used to communicate, such as dynamics, pitch and tempo.  They will listen to the book Ring! Yo? by Chris Raschka and decide how each sentence should be spoken.  Students will analyze the "conversation" between instruments in III. Presto by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.    



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will analyze A Storm on the Mediterranean Coast and A Calm at a Mediterranean Port by Claude-Joseph Vernet.  They will choose to paint a stormy or calm landscape.  They will use colored pencils to draw objects in the foreground and middle ground.  They will use watercolors to paint the sky.    


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will identify architectural shapes.  They will cut building shape and details from tagboard.  They will assemble a building and combine with classmates' buildings to create a cityscape.  They will ink and print a collagraph.  Assessment rubric, letter to parents, examples of artwork, and lesson plan included in PDF.   



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will identify basic straight-sided shapes like rectangle, triangle, and square.  They will cut straight-sided shapes and use them to make a collage.  Assessment rubric, letter to parents, examples of artwork, and lesson plan included in PDF.    



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will collaborate to compile a list of adjectives describing a hero/heroine. After analyzing Brook Watson's crest, they will design a coat of arms using personal symbols.



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will use math manipulatives to create AB patterns. They will play rhythm instruments following the patterns.  


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Reading and creating comic strips and comic books are engaging ways to promote literacy at any grade level and across content areas. The students in this video are members of a high school comic book club and have access to drawing tablets and Adobe Photoshop, so they can achieve sophisticated results. Even without such software, however, teachers can still integrate digital comics into a wide range of teaching situations. This video comes with several support materials that include video discussion questions and project suggestions.

There are a number of comic books, especially contemporary ones, that are not “school appropriate,” so you might want to guide students’ web research on comic books. 


6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will mirror each other while practicing levels and a variety of tempos. They will review previously learned disco steps. They will perform four new disco moves such as John Travolta, Hips and Rolls, Out In, and The One That I Want. Students will choreograph and perform a dance using four of the disco moves.  


K, 1, 2, 3

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will create a storyboard for a video. They will review another group's storyboard and provide feedback. They will revise the storyboards based on peer feedback. They will create a short video based on their storyboard. Finally, they will present their video to the class. This unit includes three lessons. This unit is a culmination project of a previous unit The Secret Lives of Batteries.    


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will use a hula hoop to identify personal space. They will perform axial movements (non-locomotor) within their hula hoop.    



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this lesson, students will research and gather information about human body systems and functions. The students will explore creative movement. The students will examine the relationship between creative movement and the human body. The students will choreograph a series of dance phrases representing the human body systems and functions and then erform a choreographed dance for an audience.


6, 7

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will discuss vibrations, frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. They will observe instruments, hypothesize how sound waves are created, and experiment with creating sound.  


1, 4

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will analyze examples of Gustav Klimt's artwork. They will do a gesture sketch of a model and use characteristics of Klimt's background techniques to complete the portrait.  


3, 4

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will experiment with different volumes of water to create different pitches.  They will create four different pitches and improvise melodic patterns.  



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will discuss how animals camouflage and the reasons why animals use camouflage in the wild.  They will analyze A Hare in the Forest by Hans Hoffman.  They will find animals that are camouflaged in the painting. Students will draw an animal that uses camouflage.  They will create a crayon resist and use watercolors to fill their piece.    


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource