Learning Activities

This learning activity introduces students to the Judicial Branch of the Government.  After the activity, students will be able to recognize the basic principles established in the Judicial Branch of Government. In closing, students will design a poster with a minimum of 3 facts about the Judicial Branch of Government.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will use red licorice candy to try to solve a real-world dividing fractions problem. This is an introductory activity to build a conceptual understanding of dividing a whole number by a fraction.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This learning activity introduces students to the Executive Branch of the Government. The students will use Ducksters.com to locate the Executive Branch of Government article and read or listen to it with a partner. After this activity, students will be able to recognize the basic principles established in the Executive Branch of Government. In closing, students will design a poster with a minimum of 3 facts about the Executive Branch of Government.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this small group activity, the students will be playing a game of "Oh No!" to practice determining proportional relationships. They take turns pulling a card from a bag and determining if the relationship on the card is proportional or not. If it is, they get to keep the card. If it isn't, they have to put all of their cards back. The winner is the person with the most cards at the end of the game.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This learning activity will explain the meaning of the signals used in the sport of football. The resource, Football Signals, will show how to communicate the infraction or play to the fans, players, and coaches. The students will watch the Alabama vs. Auburn game to learn the procedures.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, the students will research the necessary components of a sports physical. The resource, Teens Health, will help to determine what is involved with the medical procedures.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students in each Grade 5 class will work in collaboration to create a group Google Slides presentation celebrating the Alabama Bicentennial (or Alabama History.) Each student pair will research a different topic to find information to create two or three slides as part of the group slideshow. The finished class Google Slides show will be presented, with each student pair reading their own slides. (See digital resource for suggested topic list drawn from course standards.) 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Learning Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This learning activity will show students how good sportsmanship can make a worldly impact on sports. The moment was considered the pinnacle of sportsmanship, and it still stands as one of the defining moments of the Great Northwest Athletic Conference. The students will brainstorm ideas of how to demonstrate good sportsmanship. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This is an instant activity for classes to engage in full body warm up. The activity is geared for students to work cooperatively while warming up for the main lesson for the day. This is an easy set up to use and move out of the way for other class activities. The activity card can be displayed on a screen or printed to give each group. The only set up needed is the activity card and a deck of cards. 

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit. 


3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This is an instant activity for classes to engage in full body warm up while gearing up for the main lesson for the day. The students will work independently using locomotor skills and various exercises while maintaining personal space. This is a super easy setup and no equipment is needed. The activity card can be displayed on a screen or printed to hang on the wall.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This lesson integrates math into music while making a real-world connection to pizza.  Students are learning fractions in math using a pizza to divide shapes into parts with equal areas.  The same example is used to divide a measure of music into equal parts using rhythm.   Students will label rhythm patterns and discover how rhythms and fractions are related. 



Subject Area

Arts Education

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this whole group activity, the teacher will provide instruction on identifying the key elements in a familiar fairy tale (characters, setting, and plot). The students will complete a story map graphic organizer to identify key elements and delineate the plot.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This is a fun learning activity that connects math to the real-world of arcade games. In this learning activity, students collaborate to find a strategy to win 450 points and win the grand prize playing Skee Ball. The students will then have the opportunity to practice their strategy on a virtual Skee Ball game.

This alignment is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This learning activity may be used before a Water Cycle Lesson to actively engage students. The students will be introduced to the terms condensation, evaporation, and precipitation. Students may dance, sing, and/or move along with the video in order to learn the vocabulary and the movement that is connected to the Water Cycle. 

This activity is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this whole group activity, students will listen to two versions of a familiar fairy tale. The students will complete a Venn diagram to compare and contrast elements of the two fairy tale versions.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this whole group activity, students will listen to two versions of a familiar fairy tale and consider how changes in the point of view affect their understanding of the story and their feelings about the characters. Students will complete an exit slip to judge mastery of the lesson content.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will visit a website to gather information about the contributions of ordinary citizens including Nathan Hale, Daniel Taylor, and James Armistead during the American Revolution. These ordinary citizens were part of a unique group called The Culper Spy Ring, who supported the American Revolution by sending secret messages to George Washington about the British Army's plans. After reading about these men and women who risked their lives during the American Revolution, the students will make "invisible ink" and send their own "revolutionary warnings" to each other.

This alignment is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this small group activity, students will read a reader's theater fairy tale, using different voices for the characters.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this whole group activity, students will listen to a read aloud to illustrate using different voices to illustrate different points of view.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this whole group activity, students will write their own fractured fairy tale versions, told from the point of view of the villain.

This resource was created as a part of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will be introduced to the many jobs of Paul Revere and how he helped to contribute to the American Revolution.  The students will listen to a rap song about Paul Revere's famous midnight ride and will collaboratively complete a picture frame graphic organizer about Paul Revere to highlight his contributions to the American Revolution.

This alignment results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students in each Grade 6 class will work in collaboration to create a class group Google Slides presentation celebrating the Alabama Bicentennial (or Alabama History).  Students will present information on the reasons behind the strategic placement of military bases in Alabama during World War I, identify changes on the Alabama homefront during World War II, or critique major social and cultural changes in Alabama since World War II. Each student will research a different topic to find information to create one or two slides as part of the group slideshow. The finished class Google Slides’ show will be presented, with each student reading his/her own slides.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Learning Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will watch a video from GoNoodle about taking a road trip through the USA. In the video, a significant fact is given about each state visited. Students will then research areas in their state and create their own video about taking a road trip through their state (Alabama). Students should include at least six significant facts about their state starting with their hometown and include cardinal and intermediate directions to describe their route from city to city navigating through their state.

This alignment results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

Social Studies

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Down on the Farm is a two-part VEX IQ learning activity that provides a hands-on exploration into the impact of computing and simulations on human tasks and machinery. Learners will assemble VEX IQ clawbots to use in a programming activity and a simulation activity based on agricultural tasks.

This activity was demonstrated during the Exploring Today's Classroom (ETC) Summit.



Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will view a video that describes the relationship between multiplication and division. The video provides several illustrations that demonstrate this relationship. After viewing the video, the students will draw illustrations and corresponding math equations to show their understanding of this mathematical relationship.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This digital tool will challenge students to show their mastery of fluently multiplying and dividing within 100 by using their knowledge of the relationship between multiplication and division. Students have the option of three different challenge modes.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will demonstrate the relationship between multiplication and division by projecting the fact family worksheets to an interactive whiteboard or document camera. Students will work in small groups or individually to complete their own fact family worksheets. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This video will introduce students to the skill of writing equations based on word problems. There is also a karaoke-style video that reminds students of the steps for transforming word problems into equations as well as important vocabulary words. There is a corresponding seven-question quiz that will be used to assess student understanding of this concept. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This resource provides teachers with a plethora of multistep word problems that can be used for instruction and small group or independent practice. The teacher can choose the difficulty level of the problems as well as the skills addressed (mathematical operation, one-step, two-step, etc.). 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This printable worksheet will assess student mastery of transforming word problems to equations with an unknown quantity and solving the equation correctly. This resource also includes a modified assessment sheet. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This learning activity introduces the concept of decomposing a whole into fractional parts. Using the book Whole-y Cow Fractions Are Fun by Taryn Souders, students will have fun exploring different fraction-based situations with a friendly little cow who helps guide readers through the story. Prompted by a poem and visual clue, students are encouraged to solve fraction-based problems on each page.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will use Cuisenaire rods to decompose fractions. Students will explore fractional decompositions using these concrete materials. Students will show how a whole can be broken into parts and use an equation to represent the decomposed fraction. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This activity gives students an opportunity to explain how to decompose a fraction as a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way using equations. This activity should be used at the end of a lesson or unit on fractional decomposition. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This activity can be used as an introduction or engagement activity to a lesson on division with large numbers. Students will participate in a mathematical conversation that allows them to express their thinking on the relationship between multiplication and division. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will play a game in which they will use place value understanding and strategies to create and solve multi-digit multiplication problems that have the greatest product.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity