Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Around My State

Subject Area

Social Studies




In this learning activity, students will watch a video from GoNoodle about taking a road trip through the USA. In the video, a significant fact is given about each state visited. Students will then research areas in their state and create their own video about taking a road trip through their state (Alabama). Students should include at least six significant facts about their state starting with their hometown and include cardinal and intermediate directions to describe their route from city to city navigating through their state.

This alignment results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 3


    Locate the prime meridian, equator, Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, International Date Line, and lines of latitude and longitude on maps and globes.

    Unpacked Content



    • physical regions
    • cultural regions
    • geospatial technologies
    • thematic maps
    • megalopolis
    • landlocked


    Students know:
    • Vocabulary associated with maps and globes.
    • How to use cardinal and intermediate directions to locate an area in Alabama or the world on a map or globe.
    • How to locate physical and cultural regions and geographical features on a map or globe of an area in Alabama or the world.
    • How to locate points on a grid using coordinates.
    • How to use a scale to determine distance.
    • How to use legends, labels, and symbols to locate physical and cultural regions on an Alabama or world map.
    • How to describe the use of geospatial technologies.
    • How to interpret information on thematic maps.


    Student are able to :
    • Use a map or globe to locate specific geographical features.
    • Use cardinal and intermediate directions.
    • Use labels, symbols and legends on a map.
    • Use a map scale to determine distance.
    • Use geospatial technologies.
    • Use geographical terms associated with maps and globes.
    • Locate coordinates on a grid.
    • Interpret thematic maps.


    Students understand that:
    • Geographical information can be used to locate an area in Alabama or the world on a map or globe.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will be able to use cardinal and intermediate directions to locate on map areas in Alabama.

    Activity Details

    This activity would work great after a lesson on cardinal and intermediate directions to reinforce their importance during navigation.

    To begin the learning activity, review cardinal and intermediate directions. Cardinal directions are the four main directions on a compass rose. Starting at the top point and moving clockwise, N is for North, E is for East, S is for South, and W is for West. An easy Mnemonic to remember this is Never Eat Slimy Worms. Intermediate directions are the points between the cardinal directions. Starting at the point between North and East: NE - Northeast, the point between East and South:  SE - Southeast, the point between South and West:  SW - Southwest and the point between West and North:  NW - Northwest.

    Show the video: Road Trippin' USA from Fresh Blazer from GoNoodle.

    Group the students into groups of four students per group and tell the students they will be creating their own "road trip" video using Adobe Spark. First, point out to the students how in the video, the singers stated one fact about each state they visited. Tell students they will start their "road trip" in their hometown and they will also need to state one significant fact about each city they "visit". Students will use cardinal and intermediate directions to describe the route they navigate from city to city on their "road trip" through their state. Students should research cities in their state to gather facts and cardinal directions before creating their videos. Students will share their videos completed videos with the class.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    Students will be assessed on their "road trip" video. The video must include six cities starting with their hometown and include a fact about each city. Students will use cardinal and intermediate directions to navigate the route from city to city on their "road trip".

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Students will need access to Internet-capable devices for research and video creation. 

    Digital Tools / Resources