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Connect with other disciplines while using the target language.

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Students know:
  • the importance the metric system plays in measurements throughout the world.
  • that weather patterns are dependant on geographical locations.
  • currency changes from country to country and exchange rates are variable
  • where the target language is spoken.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • use map skills to identify countries and geographical features around the world.
  • identify resources needed to calculate exchange rates and measurments.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use map skills to identify countries and geographical features around the world.
  • identify resources needed to calculate exchange rates and measurments.
  • investigate other disciplines using the target language language.


Students understand that:
  • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
  • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
  • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.


Interpret information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture.

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Students know:
  • that a person's culture, background, and previous experiences affect the way they view and interpret information.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • access and evaluate information available through the target language and its culture.
  • identify personal perspectives on various topics related to school.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • access and evaluate information available through the target language and its culture.
  • identify personal perspectives on various topics related to school.
  • investigate other disciplines using the target language language.


Students understand that:
  • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
  • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
  • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.


Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

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Students know:
  • how to recognize similarities among root words in order to aid comprehension in the target language.
  • that conjugations can effect the formality/tone of the provided information.
  • that word order varies across langauge and may differ from their native language.
  • that some expressions (ex.
  • idiomatic expressions) may not translate literally from language to language.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
  • use diacritical markings to clarify meaning when writing.
  • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
  • memorize common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.


Students understand that:
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.


Identify products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture.

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Student know:
  • how to identify important cultural products, practices, and perspectives that are important within their own personal lives.
  • how to use present tense verbs to describe what people do.
  • how to use adjectives to describe nouns.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • identify the products, practices, and perspectives that are unique to native culture.
  • identify the products, practices, and perspectives that are unique to the target language culture including celebrations, music, games, and rhymes.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • identify the products, practices, and perspectives that are unique to native culture.
  • identify the products, practices, and perspectives that are unique to the target language culture including celebrations, music, games, and rhymes.
  • compare and contrast native and target culture products, practices and perspectives.


Students understand that:
  • there are similarities and differences in the characteristics of the target culture and their own.
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • by studying another culture, one can better understand and appreciate their own.
  • other understanding will depend on theme being taught.


Communicate using the target language within the classroom and globally.

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Students know:
  • how to appropriately participate in a variety of basic conversations with the target language speakers.
  • how to describe themselves and others to the target language speakers.
  • how to ask and gather basic information through conversations with the target language speakers.
  • how to recognize opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • identify places aoround the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places in the community where the target language is spoken.
  • set own learning goals.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • identify places around the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places in the community where the target language is spoken.
  • recognize their own proficiency level.
  • set own learning goals.


Students understand that:
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.


Identify opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment.

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Students know:
  • the locations of the target language specific countries.
  • the key attractions within the target language specific countries.
  • the key celebrations within the target language specific countries.


Students are able to:
Novice Mid Level
  • access important travel documents and safety information online.
  • use physical and online resources to identify and participate in celebrations within the target language countries.
Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • access important travel documents and safety information online.
  • use online resources to evaluate hotels and attractions within target language countries.
  • use physical and online resources to identify and participate in celebrations within the target language countries.


Students understand that:
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.


Communicate and share on familiar topics with a variety of words, phrases, and simple sentences in the past time frame.

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Students know:
  • question words and how to recognize and use them in conversation.
  • how to describe themselves in first person.
  • how to describe others in third person.
  • interpret information from texts, graphs, and pictures.
  • utilize the language to express needs.


Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • use basic greetings.
  • introduce themselves.
  • respond to yes/no questions.
  • respond to either or questions.
  • answer who, what, when where.
  • say age.
  • say what one likes/dislikes.
  • talk about places.
  • interpret meaning of question words when used in conversation and respond appropriately.
  • collect information using basic question words.
Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • ask and answer questions related to school subjects.
  • have a simple conversation on a variety of concrete topics.
  • relate information using basic informal commands.
  • construct verbs using formations that indicate past actions.
  • interpret meaning of question words when used in conversation and respond appropriately.


Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.


Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the past tense.

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Students know: how to:
  • interpret audio and visual documents in the target language
  • identify key information and details from the target language materials
  • explain how the target language is connected to other content areas through geography, history, etc.
  • recognize basic products of the target language culture.


Novice High Level
Students are able to:
  • identify the key idea presented by a speaker or published work on a familiar topic.
  • differentiate between questions and statements.
  • gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
  • rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
  • recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify patterns in the contruction of past tense verbs and how this impacts meaning of texts.
  • how to recognize and use descriptors in basic conversations
  • restate key information.
  • use cognates to assist in comprehension of target language materials.


Students understand that:
Novice High Level
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Students understand that:
Intermediate Low Level
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.

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