Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Using the Interpretive Mode to Introduce Verb Formation

Subject Area

World Languages


7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


This lesson is intended to be the first introduction to verb conjugations in level one. This introduction to conjugation relies on students discovering verb conjugations and testing a hypothesis by using the interpretive mode of communication. Students will initially watch a short clip in the target language, create a hypothesis on how verbs are conjugated, and finally will put their hypothesis into action in a simple interpretive mode activity.

This activity was created as a result of the World Languages Course of Study Resource Development Summit.

    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Interpret what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar topics using the present tense.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to recognize the difference between a question and a statement.
    • how to identify who is speaking.
    • how to identify who is being spoken to.
    • how to recognize the topic being discussed.
    • how to rely on pictures, graphs, or charts to aid in comprehension.


    Students are able to:
    Novice Mid Level
    • identify the key idea presented by a speaker or published work on a familiar topic.
    • differentiate between questions and statements.
    • gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
    • rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
    • recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
    Novice High Level students are able to:
    • identify the key idea presented by a speaker or published work on a familiar topic.
    • differentiate between questions and statements.
    • gather basic information from graphs, charts and pictures.
    • rely on background knowledge to aid in comprehension of difficult or new words.
    • recognize characters and punctuation marks that are unique to the target language.
    • locate places on a map.
    • identify purpose of a brochure/advertisement.


    Students understand that:
    Novice Mid Level
    • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
    • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
    • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
    Students understand that:
    Novice High Level
    • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
    • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
    • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
    World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - World Languages


    Identify characteristics of the target language and the native language.

    Unpacked Content



    Students know:
    • how to recognize similarities among root words in order to aid comprehension in the target language.
    • that conjugations can effect the formality/tone of the provided information.
    • that word order varies across langauge and may differ from their native language.
    • that some expressions (ex.
    • idiomatic expressions) may not translate literally from language to language.


    Students are able to:
    Novice Mid Level
    • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
    • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
    • memorize common idomatic expressions.
    • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
    Novice High Level
    Students are able to:
    • use the alphabet or writing system to express ideas.
    • use diacritical markings to clarify meaning when writing.
    • identify appropriate situations in which to use formal and informal structures.
    • memorize common idomatic expressions.
    • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.


    Students understand that:
    • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
    • other understandings will depend on theme taught.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students can:

    • identify the subject in a sentence.

    • interpret meaning from a short target language visual clip and order events by using visual and auditory cues.

    • identify patterns in verb construction and placement.

    • interpret meaning in simple sentences by recognizing grammatical structures and searching for cognates.

    Activity Details


    • Students will be provided with a teacher-created list of target language events in simple sentence format using cognates and familiar verbs directly related to the trailer selected.  (Ex. For a Spanish class using Mr. Popper's Penguins, consider using sentences such as the following: El Sr. Popper usa la computadora - Mr. Popper uses the computer. Los pingüinos pasan tiempo con amigos en la refrigeradora - The penguins pass time with friends in the refrigerator.)

    • Students will identify the subject (underline) in each sentence.

    • As a class, students will participate in a discussion confirming the subjects they identified and observing any familiar verbs in the sentences.


    • Students will watch the selected target language trailer from http://www.youtube.com or the one listed above and put the actions they have been reading in order by using the visual and auditory cues from the clip. Students will watch the clip multiple times if needed.

    • Students will work in partners/small groups to form a hypothesis of how verbs have changed. Students will identify patterns in the verb endings/constructions for each subject.

    • After enough time for discussion, students will come together and discuss the changes identified (Ex. Spanish students may hypothesize that the -ar is dropped and replaced with an “o” when the subject is “yo.”)


    • Students will read an alternate target language reading as a way to “test their hypothesis” and see if their observations about each form are upheld.

    • Students will interpret meaning from this reading by recognizing grammatical structures. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    • The teacher will informally assess students’ ability to identify the subject of a sentence through oral discussion.

    • The teacher will assess students’ ability to listen and view target language material by checking for the appropriate order of actions from the target language video clip.

    • The teacher will cycle through the classroom as students work to assess students’ ability to identify patterns in verb construction

    • Students will self-assess their ability to identify patterns in verb construction by comparing their hypothesis to another target language reading.
    • The teacher will check for understanding of target language reading by asking target language questions checking for accuracy.

    Variation Tips

    At the end of the lesson, if time allows, consider having students write simple sentences that describe the film clip on the board and check to see what students are doing well or if there are any patterns of errors.

    This activity can be used for a variety of grammar topics and conjugations. Try playing around with the type of interpretive communication required. You can adjust this activity by using children's’ books, songs, film clips, poems, and more.

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Digital Tools / Resources