Learning Activities

In this activity, the teacher will use the Google Doc to introduce students to "Chunking Multisyllabic Words.The teacher will model how to chunk syllable parts and read multisyllabic words using the first two words simple and even. The teacher will have students join her to chunk and read the rest of the words. This activity is meant to be multisensory, allowing students to stand up and use their hands to chunk words (like an alligator snapping for food). 

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will apply the knowledge they gained on how to find the components of a vector by subtracting the coordinates of an initial point from the coordinates of a terminal point in order to prove they understand the learning objective. The students will work on this learning activity individually.  This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity or an After Activity for the associated Before and During activities.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This activity should be used as extra practice or an assessment after students have been introduced to the relationship between multiplication and division. Students will find the fact family for a given array and then solve a word problem where they must write the multiplication and division equation that represents the problem. 



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This lesson includes a teaching video and has a Desmos card match activity where students are practicing their skills using the Fundamental Counting Principle. The video and card match activity will allow students to apply their knowledge of the Fundamental Counting Principle by solving problems and self-checking their results.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will apply their knowledge to distinguish the differences between proportional and non-proportional situations or relationships using graphs, tables, and equations. This Difference Between Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships Practice Quizizz game has 25 questions to test the understanding of distinguishing the difference between proportional and non-proportional relationships and is intended to be used as an after-activity. Quizizz allows the teacher to conduct student-paced formative assessments through quizzing, collaboration, peer-led discussions, and presentation of content in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages. The students will work on this learning activity individually. To get the most from this activity, students should know that linear relationships can be represented as words, tables, graphs, and equations. 

This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity or as an After Activity.


7, 8

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will be introduced to the differences between proportional and non-proportional situations or relationships. The lesson includes dialogue, teaching material, and re-teaching material. To get the most from this activity, students should know that linear relationships can be represented as words, tables, graphs, and equations. 

This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity or a Before/Engage Activity.


7, 8

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will learn how to distinguish the differences between proportional and non-proportional situations or relationships using graphs, tables, and equations. The lesson includes vocabulary, dialogue, teaching material, practice, and re-teaching material. To get the most from this activity, students should know that linear relationships can be represented as words, tables, graphs, and equations. 


This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity or a During/Explore Activity. The Before and After activities can be found in the Notes or Recommendations section.


7, 8

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This lesson will assist teachers in guiding students through identifying direct and indirect characterization, as well as, analyzing how dialogue and characters' actions contribute to the meaning of the text.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will listen to a short YouTube video about endangered animal species and answer questions relating to the material. They will then summarize what they have learned using the $4.00 Summary attached. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will spin the Wheel of Names to choose the endangered animal they will research. They will use the attached approved websites list to gather information and answer questions about their endangered animal.

They will also use the attached Epic book list to help them gather information. The Epic book list is public, so by clicking on the link provided below, students will have access to a variety of books and read alouds about endangered animals.

Students will then use the information gathered to create the Endangered Animals Poster (attached). 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will present their Endangered Animal poster (from the learning activity Endangered Animals: Part 2) to the class. While listening to the presentations, they will take notes on two other students' endangered animal poster presentations using the Endangered Animal Presentations Notes. They will then use their notes from the poster presentation to write a three-paragraph informational essay. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This is an activity used to introduce a lesson on explicit and recursive formulas for a sequence from a pattern. Students are asked to examine a pattern and find a formula to describe the sequence in the pattern. They will then determine if they wrote an equation that is recursive or explicit using the given definitions of both.  


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will use the attached Interactive Google Slide Presentation to assess if the students know the difference between the first and third-person points of view in literary texts.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will show a video to introduce students to first-person and third-person points of view. The video will help students identify what perspective a story is being told using the help of pronouns.  Then the students will identify first-person and third-person narration with the help of pronouns in two similar stories and record them on a point of view T-Chart. An anchor chart is included with this activity. 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will use the attached Interactive Google Slide Presentation to introduce and explain to students the difference between the first and third-person points of view in literary texts. Within the Google Slide, there are examples of narrator vs. character point of view with the use of movie clips to introduce the topic. The Google Slides explain both points of view and allow for interactive practice as a whole group or small group to discuss the differences between the first and third-person points of view.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this activity, students will practice comparing three-digit numbers by playing a game. The students will work with a partner to draw three cards, arrange the cards to make the largest number, and then decide which student has the largest number. This learning activity will help the students understand place values and the words "equal to", "less than", or "greater than."



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will complete a Google Slides activity where they practice defining and using words with Greek and Latin Roots. Students will work with a partner or small group to play a Greek and Latin Roots Matching Game.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will play a game to review Greek and Latin roots. Students will identify and define words with Greek and Latin roots. Students will also use these words in sentences correctly and draw a symbol or picture to represent the Greek or Latin root.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will view a video about prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Students will receive a Greek and Latin Roots Guide. Students will work in small groups to identify words that contain Greek and Latin roots. They will also identify the definitions of these words and use them in sentences. Students will complete an Exit Slip to show understanding of Greek and Latin roots.

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this activity, the teacher will use the video, "Partition a Circle Into Two, Three, or Four Equal Shares," to discuss misunderstandings/misconceptions when identifying equal shares(s). The teacher will use the Google Slide presentation, "Name the Missing Equal Shares With Circles and Rectangles," to review what students know and to find the missing equal shares of circles and rectangles. The students will complete to Google Doc assignment, "This shape is Partitioned Into," to show their learning of the new concept.

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This Google slideshow has six images to help students represent adding up to 10 using objects. Each slide will prompt students to determine how many more of the displayed object is needed to make ten. This activity is used to activate student thinking and student engagement.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this activity, students will visit four different stations and study informational text about Puritan culture. Students will gain an understanding of Puritan themes and values based on an analysis of the documents. 

This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

This activity is intended to be completed individually using Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle requires the teacher to set up an account but it is free. Students will watch a short video montage of The Princess Bride. Students are asked to define the word and to write a story using the word. 

This resource was created as part of the ALEX Resource Development Summit. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will use this Google Slides presentation to review each of the text features. Afterward, the students will read an article and identify and label specific text features. For the final assignment, the student will use all that they learned to answer text feature questions about the article they read. 

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, the students will watch a video to introduce them to basic nonfiction text features including photographs with captions, an index, glossary, bold print, maps, and labels. After watching the video, the students will complete a scavenger hunt to identify specific text features. Finally, the students will share their scavenger hunts with the class.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

The teacher will use a YouTube video to help students understand text features as it will explain each one. After each text feature is explained, the teacher will ask a follow-up question to determine if the students are comprehending the new information. The students will then play a game to interactively identify text features through the game.

This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will learn to add or subtract two vectors. The activity will teach the students that they simply add or subtract their components. In other words, add the x component of the first vector to the x component of the second and so on for y and z. The answers the students will get from adding or subtracting the x, y, and z components of their original vectors are the x, y, and z components of their new vector. This learning activity should be used as an introductory activity. 


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Students will color the vertices of a network/graph using as many colors as possible and as few colors as possible.  

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this activity, the teacher will present students with the video Partitioning Circles and Rectangles. The teacher will introduce and define the math terms whole, equal shares, partition, halves (half of), thirds (third of), and fourths (fourth of). The teacher will use the Google Slide presentation to build and activate students' background/prior knowledge of circles, and rectangles while expanding students' knowledge of the math terms.

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this activity, students have to use their knowledge of place value to determine the numbers being compared. Then, students will compare the numbers using the correct comparison symbol of <, >, or =.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Following the introduction to the CULTURE model through the Slide Show and the introduction to the Infographic, students previously worked in teams to evaluate sources using the CULTURE model. This activity is intended to assess students' understanding of how to make connections between an author's culture and their text in order to facilitate a deeper understanding of the choices that an author makes in terms of style, language, and theme. Student observations are recorded on a graphic organizer and submitted to the teacher for evaluation.


This learning activity can be used as a stand-alone activity but is best used as an After Activity, the Before and During Activities can be found in the Tools or Recommendations section.


This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will make a comparison of Deviations – Mean Absolute vs. Standard – 

This learning activity allows a brief review of the Mean Absolute Deviation compared to the Standard Deviation. The expectation is for the students to understand they are related.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

In this learning activity, students will be introduced to four candidates in an election for the Best Smiley Face. Students will watch the candidates introduce themselves and then vote for their favorite candidate by ranking the candidates from their first choice to their fourth choice. The goal of this video lesson is to teach students about new and exciting ways of holding an election that they may not be aware of. This activity should be used as an introductory activity to identify a variety of voting methods. The during and after activities can be found in the Comment Section of this lesson.

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity