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Apply previously-taught phoneme-grapheme correspondences to multisyllabic words with accuracy and automaticity, in and out of context.

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Students know:
  • Phoneme-grapheme correspondences in multisyllabic words.
  • Accuracy is reading the word correctly, and automaticity is reading the word quickly without having to sound it out.


Students are able to:
  • Read multisyllabic words with accuracy and automaticity in and out of context by applying knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences.


Students understand that:
  • Automatic recall of phoneme-grapheme correspondences will help them decode multisyllabic words accurately and become a fluent reader.


  • Phoneme-grapheme correspondences
  • Multisyllabic words
  • Accuracy
  • Automaticity
  • In context
  • Out of context


Read and reread grade-appropriate text accurately, automatically, and with meaningful expression at a rate which supports comprehension.

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Students know:
  • Accurately means reading without mistakes and automatically means knowing the words immediately without sounding them out.
  • Techniques to make appropriate changes in voice, pitch, and expression while reading orally.
  • Reading must occur at a speed (rate) that supports understanding of the text.
  • Rereading is a strategy that aids in word recognition and comprehension.


Students are able to:
  • Read and reread words that are second grade-appropriate with little to no mistakes.
  • Read words quickly without pausing to sound them out.
  • Read and reread at a pace that supports comprehension of the text.


Students understand that:
  • They should read text with accuracy, automaticity, and meaningful expression at a pace that helps them comprehend the text they are reading.
  • They can reread text to improve their accuracy, automaticity, and comprehension.


  • Reread
  • Grade-appropriate text
  • Accurately
  • Automatically
  • Meaningful expression
  • Rate which supports comprehension


Read grade-appropriate poetry, noticing phrasing, rhythm, and rhyme.

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Students know:
  • The features of poetry include phrasing, rhythm, and rhyme.
  • Words rhyme if their vowel and ending sounds are the same (example: ham, Sam).
  • Rhythm is a steady beat made by stressed syllables in spoken words.
  • A phrase is a group of words.


Students are able to:
  • Read grade-appropriate poetry.
  • Notice the features of poetry, including words that rhyme, stressed syllables that create rhythm, and words that are grouped together in phrases.


  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings.


  • Grade-appropriate poetry
  • Phrasing
  • Rhythm
  • Rhyme


Read high-frequency words commonly found in grade-appropriate text.

COS Examples

Note: High-frequency words should be taught with the main emphasis of the lesson being on regular correspondences and patterns within the word. The student should be able to read the word accurately three times in a row on different days to be considered accurate enough to add to a personal word box, word ring, or fluency folder for fluency practice. Avoid teaching high-frequency words as sight words“ that need to be memorized as a whole word unless there are no regular correspondences in the word. “Of” is an example of a word with no regular correspondences.

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Students know:
  • High frequency words that are common found in second-grade level text.


Students are able to:
  • Read high-frequency words in second grade-level text accurately and independently three times in a row on different days.


Students understand that:
  • High-frequency words are words that are found regularly in grade-appropriate text, so it is important to learn to read them automatically, accurately, and independently.


  • High-frequency words
  • Grade-appropriate text


Utilize new academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary, making connections to previously learned words and relating new words to background knowledge.

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Students know:
  • Academic, content-specific, grade-level vocabulary words.
  • Content-specific vocabulary refers to words used in different subjects learned in school such as reading, math, social studies, science.
  • New vocabulary words can be learned by relating them to previously learned words and background knowledge.


Students are able to:
  • Use new academic, content-specific vocabulary by making connections to previously learned words.
  • Use new academic, content-specific vocabulary by relating new words to background knowledge.


Students understand that:
  • Academic, content-specific vocabulary words are used in different school subjects, like reading, math, social studies, and science.
  • They can learn new vocabulary words by making connections to previously learned words or their background knowledge.


  • Utilize
  • Academic vocabulary
  • Content-specific vocabulary
  • Grade-level vocabulary
  • Connections
  • Relating
  • Background knowledge


Make connections to a word’s structure using knowledge of phonology, morphology, and orthography of the word to aid learning.

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  • Phonology (speech sounds within words).
  • Morphology (meaningful units of words).
  • Orthography (the written representation of language).


  • Make connections to a word's structure using speech sounds, meaningful word parts, and spelling of the word to aid learning.


  • Identifying a word's phonological, morphological, and orthographic structure can help them determine the meaning of a word, as well as the word's origin.


  • Word structure
  • Phonology
  • Morphology
  • Orthography


Describe word relationships and nuances in word meanings, including relating them to their opposites and distinguishing shades of meaning in similar or related words.

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Students know:
  • Word relationships and nuances in word meanings.


Students are able to:
  • Describe how the meaning of words are alike or different.
  • Describe the nuances of words that have different shades of meaning (example: happy vs. ecstatic).


Students understand that:
  • Writers and speakers should carefully select words to convey specific meanings, ideas, and relationships.
  • Words have relationships with others and that words have subtle differences that can be distinguished within text.


  • Describe
  • Word relationships
  • Nuances
  • Opposites
  • Distinguishing
  • Shades of meaning
  • Similar words
  • Related words


Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms.

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  • Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings and synonyms are words that have similar meanings.


  • Describe word relationships by relating words of opposite meanings (antonyms) and similar meanings (synonyms).


  • Words can be related to each other, such as some words having similar meanings (synonyms) and some words having opposite meanings (antonyms).
  • Their knowledge of antonyms and synonyms will help improve their academic vocabulary.


  • Antonyms
  • Synonyms


Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs and adjectives.

COS Examples

Examples: Act out jog, gallop, and sprint to distinguish shades of meaning in words related to run.

pretty, beautiful, gorgeous; tiny, small, petite

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  • A verb expresses an action or state of being.
  • An adjective describes a noun or pronoun.


  • Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs, such as act out jog, gallop, and sprint to distinguish shades of meaning in words related to run.
  • Distinguish shades of meaning among adjectives, such as pretty, beautiful, gorgeous; tiny, small, petite.


  • Adjectives and verbs have nuanced meanings.
  • They can use verbs and adjectives with different shades of meaning to clearly convey their meaning when writing and speaking.


  • Shades of meaning
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives


Use knowledge of homophones to determine use of the correct word.

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  • Homophones have the same pronunciation, but different meanings, origins, and/or spellings.


  • Use their knowledge of homophones to determine the correct word meaning and its appropriate use in context.


  • Homophone are words that are pronounced the same, but differ in meaning and/or spelling.


  • Homophones


With prompting and support, interpret figurative language.

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  • Figurative language is a creative way to use words and phrases beyond their literal definition to explain or describe something.


With prompting and support,
  • Interpret figurative language to understand its meaning.


  • Figurative language carries meaning other than the literal meaning of the words or phrases .


  • Figurative language
  • Prompting
  • Support


Analyze meaningful parts of words and phrases in discussions and/or text.

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Students know:
  • Words can be divided into parts to learn the meaning of the word.
  • Phrases are groups of words that carry meaning.


Students are able to:
  • Identify and analyze meaningful parts of words or phrases in discussions and/or text.


Students understand that:
  • Words can be divided into smaller units that carry meaning.
  • Phrases are groups of words that carry meaning.


  • Analyze
  • Meaningful word parts
  • Phrases


Identify possessives and plurals and use them as clues to the meaning of text.

COS Examples

Example: girl’s dress; boys’ game; cats, cat’s, cats’; houses, house’s shutters

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  • That possessives show ownership, and plural mean more than one.


  • Identify possessives by the apostrophe either before or after the s, such as girl's dress; boys' game.
  • Identify plurals by the -s or -es at the end of singular words, such as cats; houses.
  • Use possessives and plurals as clues to the meaning of the text, such as cats, cat's cats'; houses, house's shutters.


  • Possessives and plurals may change the meaning of text.


  • Possessives
  • Plurals


Identify meaningful parts of words (morphemes) and use them as clues to the meaning of unknown words, including base words, compound words, and frequently occurring affixes and inflections.

COS Examples

Examples: -less, -ful, -est

Note: Adding suffix -est changes an adjective to a superlative adjective; adding suffix -ful changes the part of speech.

Unpacked Content


  • Words can be divided into smaller parts that carry meaning, which are called morphemes.
  • Compound words are one word made of two independent, base words (example: hot dog is made of hot and dog).
  • Affixes and inflections can be added to words to change their meaning.


  • Break words down into their smallest meaningful parts (morphemes) to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
  • Identify suffixes like -less, -est, -ful to determine the meaning of an unknown word.
  • Divide compound words into their smaller individual words to determine the meaning of unknown words.


  • They can break words into smaller parts to determine the meaning of words that they don't know.
  • Knowing affixes and inflections can also help them determine the meaning of unknown words.
  • Compound words are made of two base words, and they can divide the compound word into two parts.


  • Identify
  • Meaningful parts of words
  • Morphemes
  • Base words
  • Compound words
  • Affixes
  • Inflections


Use dictionary definitions and information found within the text to help determine meaning of unfamiliar or multi-meaning words.

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Students know:
  • Words can have more than one meaning.
  • Dictionaries are reference books that can be used to find the meaning of unknown or multi-meaning words.
  • Context clues can help determine the meaning of unknown or multi-meaning words.


Students are able to:
  • Use dictionaries (or glossaries in the back of their books) to locate the meanings of unfamiliar or multi-meaning words.
  • Use words within a text to help them determine the meaning of an unfamiliar or multi-meaning words.


Students understand that:
  • The text around a word can provide clues about the meaning of an unfamiliar or multi-meaning word.
  • They can use reference books, such as a dictionary, to help them determine the meaning of an unknown or multi-meaning word.
  • To comprehend a text, they must use strategies to understand the meaning of vocabulary words.


  • Dictionary definitions
  • Unfamiliar
  • Multi-meaning words


Identify new vocabulary and the use of word meanings in text to establish real-life connections.

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Students know:
  • New vocabulary they encounter in text can be used in their real life.
  • Real life means situations that they have experienced or will experience.


Students are able to:
  • Identify vocabulary words learned through reading text and connect them to something they have personally experienced.


Students understand that:
  • Making real-life connections to new vocabulary words, helps them move the new words to their long-term memory, becoming part of their "ready to use" vocabulary.


  • Vocabulary
  • Establish
  • Real-life connections


Use grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary to gain meaning from text.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Academic vocabulary is language that is more formal than spoken language.
  • Domain-specific vocabulary refers to words that are used specifically in school subject areas, like math, science, and social studies.
  • Vocabulary knowledge can be used to comprehend text.


Students are able to:
  • Use knowledge of second grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary words to accurately comprehend text.


Students understand that:
  • Learning the meaning of academic, domain-specific vocabulary words will help them comprehend text in a variety of subject areas.


  • Academic vocabulary
  • Domain-specific vocabulary


Use grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary in writing.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Academic vocabulary is language that is more formal than spoken language.
  • Domain-specific vocabulary refers to words that are used specifically in school subject areas, like math, science, and social studies.
  • Academic, domain-specific vocabulary words should be used in writing to clearly communicate ideas.


Students are able to:
  • Use second grade-level academic and domain-specific vocabulary words in writing.


Students understand that:
  • Using academic and domain-specific vocabulary words in writing makes their writing more interesting and helps to clearly communicate their message.


  • Academic vocabulary
  • Domain-specific vocabulary


Use content knowledge built during read-alouds and independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Content knowledge is information learned about a specific subject.
  • Content knowledge can be learned by listening to read-alouds or independently reading.
  • Informational text is nonfiction text, and literary text is fictional.


Students are able to:
  • Build content knowledge from listening to text read aloud and from independently reading.
  • Use content knowledge learned from read-alouds and independent reading in content-specific discussions with peers.
  • Use content knowledge learned from read-alouds and independent reading in writing.


Students understand that:
  • Content-specific discussions with peers can demonstrate the content knowledge they learned through read-alouds or independent reading.
  • They can produce writings that demonstrate knowledge of content-specific information.


  • Content knowledge
  • Read-alouds
  • Independent reading
  • Informational text
  • Literary Text
  • Content-specific discussions
  • Writing


Identify the main story elements in a literary text.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Literary text is a story that contains story elements, like a plot and characters.


Students are able to:
  • Identify the main story elements in a literary text, such as characters, settings, and plot.


Students understand that:
  • Literary texts include story elements, and they can identify the various elements to better understand the text.


  • Story elements
  • Literary text


Explain the plot of a narrative, using textual evidence to list the major events in sequence.

Unpacked Content


  • Plot is the main events of a story (often referred to as the beginning, middle, and end of a story).
  • The sequence of events is the order in which the story takes place.


  • Explain the major events of a story in order by using text evidence.


  • The plot is the main events of the story that happen in a particular sequence.
  • The plot can be explained by using words or phrases from the text.


  • Plot
  • Narrative
  • Textual evidence
  • Major events
  • Sequence


Describe the characters’ traits, feelings, and behaviors in a story.

Unpacked Content


  • A story author provides descriptions of the characters' traits, feelings, and behaviors.


  • Describe characters' traits, feelings, and behaviors by using information from the text.


  • Understanding each character's traits, feelings, and behaviors will help them better understand a story's plot.
  • They can learn about characters by carefully reading the story and describing the characters' traits, feelings, and behaviors.


  • Describe
  • Character
  • Traits
  • Feelings
  • Behaviors


Describe the setting of a narrative, using textual evidence.

Unpacked Content


  • Setting is when and where a story takes place.


  • Describe the setting of a story by using evidence from the text.


  • They can use information from the text to learn when and where the story takes place.
  • They can use the text to describe attributes of the setting.


  • Setting
  • Narrative
  • Textual evidence


Identify the central message or moral of a story.

Unpacked Content


  • A central message or moral is the lesson that is learned through the story or the one big idea of the story.


  • Identify the central message or moral of a story using information from the text.


  • Stories will often have a central message or moral that the author intended to share with readers.


  • Central message
  • Moral


Identify the theme in myths, fables, and folktales.

Unpacked Content


  • Theme is the main, recurring idea in a text.
  • Myths, fables, and folktales are fictional pieces of text.


  • Identify the theme of a myth, fable, or folktale.


  • Myths, fables, and folktales are often written to convey a particular theme or main message.


  • Theme
  • Myths
  • Fables
  • Folktales


Identify the main idea and supporting details of literary and informational texts.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The main idea is the most important idea presented in the text.
  • The supporting details explain the main idea or provide more information about the main idea.


Students are able to:
  • Identify the main idea in literary and informational text.
  • Identify the supporting details in literary and informational text.


Students understand that:
  • Literary and informational texts have a main idea, or most important message, and supporting details, which provide more information about the main idea.
  • A text usually just has one main idea, but multiple supporting details.


  • Main idea
  • Supporting details
  • Literary text
  • Informational text


Explain how the supporting details contribute to the main idea.

Unpacked Content


  • The supporting details explain the main idea or provide more information about the main idea.


  • Explain how the supporting details provide more information about the main idea.


  • The supporting details help explain the main idea or provide more information about the main idea.


  • Explain
  • Main idea
  • Supporting details
  • Contribute


Recount or summarize key ideas from the text.

Unpacked Content


  • Key ideas are important details within a text.
  • Recount means to retell the big ideas of the text.
  • Summarize means to briefly state the big ideas of the text.


  • Retell or summarize the most important (key) ideas from a text.


  • Texts have key ideas, and they can retell or summarize these important ideas to demonstrate comprehension of the text.


  • Recount
  • Summarize
  • Key ideas


Identify and use various text features to locate ideas, facts, or supporting details in both written and digital formats.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Text features can be used to locate information in printed and digital text.


Students are able to:
  • Identify text features in printed and digital text.
  • Use text features to locate ideas, facts, and supporting details.


Students understand that:
  • Printed and digital text has predictable features that can be used to locate important ideas, facts, and supporting details.
  • Using text features helps support their overall comprehension.


  • Identify
  • Text features
  • Ideas
  • Facts
  • Supporting details
  • Written formats
  • Digital formats


Identify and locate captions, bold print, subheadings, indexes, graphs, maps, glossaries, and illustrations.

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  • Captions, bold print, subheadings, indexes, graphs, maps, glossaries, and illustrations are important text features that can help provide or locate information.


  • Locate captions, bold print, subheads, indexes, graphs, maps, glossaries, and illustrations within a text.
  • Identify captions, bold print, subheads, indexes, graphs, maps, glossaries, and illustrations by naming them within a text.


  • Locating and identifying text features can aid in comprehension.
  • Viewing these text features prior to reading, can provide a preview of the material and give them a purpose for reading.


  • Captions
  • Bold print
  • Subheadings
  • Indexes
  • Graphs
  • Maps
  • Glossaries
  • Illustrations