English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


Read high-frequency words commonly found in grade-appropriate text.

COS Examples

Note: High-frequency words should be taught with the main emphasis of the lesson being on regular correspondences and patterns within the word. The student should be able to read the word accurately three times in a row on different days to be considered accurate enough to add to a personal word box, word ring, or fluency folder for fluency practice. Avoid teaching high-frequency words as sight words“ that need to be memorized as a whole word unless there are no regular correspondences in the word. “Of” is an example of a word with no regular correspondences.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • High frequency words that are common found in second-grade level text.


Students are able to:
  • Read high-frequency words in second grade-level text accurately and independently three times in a row on different days.


Students understand that:
  • High-frequency words are words that are found regularly in grade-appropriate text, so it is important to learn to read them automatically, accurately, and independently.


  • High-frequency words
  • Grade-appropriate text