Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Giddy Up Cinderella

Subject Area

English Language Arts




Students will read two different western versions of the story Cinderella. They will engage in activities where they will compare and contrast different versions of the story.  Students will participate in listening, speaking, and writing activities that require them to reflect on the stories.

This is a College- and Career-Ready Standards showcase lesson plan.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.

    Unpacked Content



    • Active Listening
    • Discussion
    • Conversation
    • Rules
    • Participation


    Students know:
    • Active listening skills.
    • Agreed-upon rules for participation for discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
    • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
    • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.


    Students understand that:
    • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules to help us actively listen and gain understanding.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Use content knowledge built during read-alouds and independent reading of informational and literary texts by participating in content-specific discussions with peers and/or through writing.

    Unpacked Content



    • Content knowledge
    • Read-alouds
    • Independent reading
    • Informational text
    • Literary Text
    • Content-specific discussions
    • Writing


    Students know:
    • Content knowledge is information learned about a specific subject.
    • Content knowledge can be learned by listening to read-alouds or independently reading.
    • Informational text is nonfiction text, and literary text is fictional.


    Students are able to:
    • Build content knowledge from listening to text read aloud and from independently reading.
    • Use content knowledge learned from read-alouds and independent reading in content-specific discussions with peers.
    • Use content knowledge learned from read-alouds and independent reading in writing.


    Students understand that:
    • Content-specific discussions with peers can demonstrate the content knowledge they learned through read-alouds or independent reading.
    • They can produce writings that demonstrate knowledge of content-specific information.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Compare and contrast important details presented by two texts on the same topic or theme.

    Unpacked Content



    • Compare
    • Contrast
    • Topic
    • Theme


    Students know:
    • Compare means tell how things are alike or similar.
    • Contrast means tell how things are different.


    Students are able to:
    • Compare and contrast important details after reading two texts that have a common theme or topic.


    Students understand that:
    • Texts about the same topic or theme will have similarities and differences.
    • Comparing and contrasting texts with the same topic or theme will improve their overall comprehension of the texts.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


    Write an opinion piece about a topic or text with details to support the opinion, using transitional words and providing a sense of closure.

    Unpacked Content



    • Opinion
    • Topic
    • Text
    • Details
    • Transitional words
    • Closure


    Students know:
    • An opinion piece is a writing that provides an opinion about a topic or text and provides reasons for the opinion.
    • Opinion pieces often include transitional words.


    Students are able to:
    • Write an opinion piece about a topic or text using details to support the opinion, transitional words, and a concluding statement.


    Students understand that:
    • Opinion writing follows a predictable structure which includes, stating the opinion, providing details to support the opinion, and ends with a conclusion.
    • Opinion pieces often include transitional words.
    • Opinion writing can be used to explain their opinions and the reasons they have the opinion.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    Students will compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story.

    Students will answer questions by gathering information from the provided sources.

    Students will carry on conversations with peers in small groups, listening attentively, or taking turns speaking.

    Students will write opinion pieces that tell which version of the story is their favorite.


    Before Activity

    1.  Remind the students of all the different versions of Cinderella they have read during the past week. Tell students that today they will read another version of the story Cinderella. Review Cindy Ellen -A Wild Western Cinderella by Susan Lowell which was read the previous day by taking a quick picture walk through the book. Review the main characters, setting, problem, and solution.

    2. Show the students the book Bubba The Cowboy Prince - A Fractured Texas Tale by Helen Ketteman. Tell the students to turn and talk with their partners about what they think might happen in this version of Cinderella. Give students the opportunity to respond orally to the group.

    During Activity

    3. Read aloud the book Bubba, The Cowboy Prince - A Fractured Texas Tale by Helen Ketteman. Ask students to pay close attention to the similarities and differences between this story compared to the one they reviewed earlier in the lesson (Cindy Ellen). Stop periodically in the story and ask students to turn and talk to their partner giving an example of each similarity and difference that they have noticed. The teacher will also ask questions relating to characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution. Continued reading the story aloud, the teacher will periodically make connections to the previous version (Cindy Ellen) of the story.

    4. Display a two-column chart with one column titled Cindy Ellen and the other column titled Bubba the Cowboy Prince. Pass out sticky note papers with details from each story listed on them. Ask students to work with their partners and decide which column their sticky note would need to be placed in. Call on students to share what is written on their note paper and come up and put it on the chart. The other students should give a thumbs up or thumbs down according to the accuracy of the placement of their notes.

    5. Use the information the students placed on the two-column chart and transfer it to a Venn diagram. After placing those notes on the chart (which would all be differences), pass out blank sticky notes and ask the students to write one way the two stories are similar. Call on the students to share their responses with the class.  Place notes on the Venn Diagram. An alternative way for this part of the lesson would be to use an interactive writing slate, the teacher could draw the two-column chart and the students could pass the tablet around and write their answers on the slate as it is projected for the class to see on the screen.

    After Activity

    6. Pass out the handout titled My Opinion, ask the students to write about which Cinderella version is their favorite and tell why stating two reasons, then write about which Cinderella version is their least favorite and tell why stating at least two reasons. Once the students are finished writing their opinions ask them to turn and share their writing with their partners. The teacher will walk around the room and check their report. 

    Assessment Strategies

    Teacher will listen as the students discuss responses to the questions.

    Teacher will evaluate written and oral responses for similarities and differences as they are sharing them with the class.

    Teacher will read the student's written opinions and check to make sure they wrote two reasons to explain their choice. Teacher will evaluate their reasons as they relate to the text.


    Watch the Disney Version of the movie Cinderella. Ask the students to reflect on all the different versions of the book Cinderella we have read throughout the past week.

    Leave copies of the books read in a reading center for the students to reread.


    Pair students who need help with the writing assignment with more advanced learners. 

    Teacher can help struggling students in small group or individually.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 60 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Gather several versions of the book Cinderella

    Read several versions of the book Cinderella throughout the week before this lesson. On the day before you teach this lesson read  Cindy Ellen - A Wild Western Cinderella by Susan Lowell.

    Prepare Two-Column chart

    Prepare Venn Diagram Chart

    Make sticky note paper slips with details from each story written on them

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    As many versions of the book Cinderella that you have available

    Book: Cindy Ellen- A Wild Western Cinderella by Susan Lowell

    Book: Bubba The Cowboy Prince - A Fractured Texas Tale by Helen Ketteman

    Two Column Chart

    Venn Diagram



    Walt Disney's version of the movie Cinderella

    Sticky note paper

    Technology Resources Needed

    Interactive writing slate  (if available)

    digital projector