CTE08.HUM.D.11 Determine microorganisms that cause foodborne illnesses and conditions required for growth of each.
CTE08.HS.MT.7g Describing the process of breathing and identify the pathway of air as it travels from the nose to the capillaries of the lungs
CTE08.HUM.FSC1.19 Evaluate strategies used to overcome diverse challenges faced by family and human services clients.
CTE08.HS.FHS.7 Use effective communication skills in the field of health care, including addressing clients respectfully.
CTE08.HT.BPA.4 Compare international and regional recipes by evaluating the types of ingredients used to prepare baked goods and pastries.
CTE08.HS.IP.10 Explain routes used for the administration of medicine during a simulated medical case study.
CTE08.AV.IAD.9a Justifying artist intention and purpose in selected works, illustrations, and layouts
CTE08.HUM.LC.8 Explain ages and stages of child development, including prenatal development, infancy, toddler, preschooler, school-age child, and adolescent.
CTE08.AV.AAP.6a Analyzing the job market to determine professional development needs based on animation industry trends
CTE08.HUM.LC.12 Explain the impact of intergenerational living situations on individuals and families throughout the life cycle.
CTE08.HUM.G.30 Demonstrate caregiver strategies appropriate to accommodate persons with mental limitations.
CTE08.HUM.FSC2.14 Explain strategies to assist clients to make informed choices, assess resources and support, and follow through on responsibilities.