Standards - English Language Arts


Use grade-level and domain-appropriate vocabulary in writing.

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Students know:
  • Domain-appropriate vocabulary refers to words that are specifically used within a topic of study.
  • Writers use domain-appropriate vocabulary words to clearly express their meaning and enhance details.


Students are able to:
  • Use grade-level and domain-appropriate vocabulary in their writing.


Students understand that:
  • Using grade-level and domain-appropriate vocabulary will enhance their writing and help them clearly express their ideas.


  • Grade-level vocabulary
  • Domain-appropriate vocabulary


Use specific vocabulary to develop a story.

Unpacked Content


  • Writers select specific vocabulary words to develop a story.


  • Use specific vocabulary words while developing a story.


  • Writers use specific vocabulary to develop a story for a variety of audiences, tasks, and purposes.


  • Specific vocabulary
  • Develop
  • Story


Use specific vocabulary to explain or inform on a topic.

Unpacked Content


  • Writers select specific vocabulary related to a topic to explain details or provide information.


  • Use specific vocabulary to explain or inform information on a topic.


  • Vocabulary related to topic can help provide detailed explanations or information.


  • Specific vocabulary
  • Explain
  • Inform
  • Topic


Use words and phrases in writing for effect and elaboration.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Using particular words and phrases in writing, like unique verbs and adjectives, can create an effect for readers.
  • Particular words and phrase can be used to elaborate, or provide more details, about a topic.


Students are able to:
  • Use words and phrases in writing for effect and elaboration.


Students understand that:
  • Writers carefully choose words to use in writing to elaborate on details and create an effect for readers.


  • Phrases
  • Effect
  • Elaboration


Use transition words and phrases for sentence variety.

Unpacked Content


  • Transition words and phrases help link together ideas within paragraphs and longer texts.


  • Write a variety of sentences that use transition words phrases.


  • Transition words and phrases are used in text to provide sentence variety.


  • Transition words
  • Transition phrases


Write poetry or prose in response to visual images to interpret their meanings.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
  • Writing can be created in response to visual images.
  • Visual images carry meaning to viewers.


Students are able to:
  • Write poetry or prose after viewing visual images to explain their meaning.


Students understand that:
  • Visual images can inspire them to write poetry or prose to describe their feelings and explain the image's meaning.


  • Poetry
  • Prose
  • Visual images
  • Interpret


Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Active listening skills.
  • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
  • Agreed-upon rules for participation.


Students are able to:
  • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
  • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
  • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.


Students understand that:
  • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.


  • Active listening
  • Discussion
  • Conversation
  • Rules
  • Participation


Use context clues to determine meanings of unfamiliar spoken or written words.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Context clues in speech or text can provide the meaning of unfamiliar words.
  • There are different types of context clues, including: inference/general clues, definition/explanation clues, restatement/synonym clues, and contrast/antonym clues.
  • Context clues in text are often indicated by punctuation marks.


Students are able to:
  • Use context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words in speech.
  • Use context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words in text.


Students understand that:
  • An author or a speaker use context clues to explain the meaning of unusual words or academic, domain-specific vocabulary.


  • Context clues
  • Determine
  • Unfamiliar spoken words
  • Unfamiliar written words


Use digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically when researching and writing, both individually and collaboratively.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Digital and electronic tools must be used appropriately, safely, and ethically.
  • Digital and electronic tools can be used for research or for writing tasks.
  • Digital and electronic tools can be independently or with others.


Students are able to:
  • Engage in safe and ethical behavior when using digital and electronic tools individually and collaboratively.


Students understand that:
  • Safe behaviors, interactions that keep you out of harm's way, are necessary when using digital and electronic tools.
  • Ethical behavior, interactions that align to one's moral code, are necessary when using digital and electronic tools.


  • Digital tools
  • Electronic tools
  • Appropriately
  • Safely
  • Ethically
  • Research
  • Individually
  • Collaboratively


Utilize a writing process to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish writings in various genres.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The writing process steps are to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish.
  • Various genres of writing.


Students are able to:
  • Plan writings in various genres.
  • Draft writings in various genres.
  • Revise writings in various genres.
  • Edit writings in various genres.
  • Publish writings in various genres.


Students understand that:
  • The writing process is a set of steps that make writing easier.
  • There are different categories, or genres, of writing that can be used for different purposes.


  • Writing process
  • Plan
  • Draft
  • Revise
  • Edit
  • Publish
  • Genres


Identify and explain literary devices in prose and poetry.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Literary devices are language that carries meaning other than the literal meaning of the words or phrases.
  • Literary text often includes literary devices, such as personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, symbolism, metaphor, and simile.
  • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.


Students are able to:
  • Identify literary devices in prose and poetry.
  • Explain the meaning of literary devices in prose and poetry.


Students understand that:
  • Literary devices are often included in literary text, like prose and poems.
  • An author uses literary devices to convey meaning within the text.


  • Identify
  • Explain
  • Literary devices
  • Prose
  • Poetry


Assess the formality of occasions in order to speak or write using appropriate language and tone.

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Students know:
  • Some occasions (times and places) call for formal language and tone, while other occasions permit a casual communication.


Students are able to:
  • Assess the formality of occasions.
  • In formal occasions, speak and write with a formal language and tone.
  • In informal occasions, speak and write with a casual language and tone.


Students understand that:
  • Different situations require different types of languages and tones.


  • Assess
  • Formality
  • Occasions
  • Appropriate language
  • Appropriate tone


Apply knowledge of grade-appropriate phoneme-grapheme correspondences, syllable types, and morphological structure to read unfamiliar multisyllabic words accurately, both in context and in isolation.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Printed words can be read by saying the sound (phoneme) that is represented by the letter symbols (graphemes).
  • There are six main syllable types that can be used to easily decode multisyllabic words.
  • Morphological structure refers to the meaningful units of a word that are combined to make the whole word.
  • In isolation means reading a single word, while in context refers to reading skills within a larger text.


    Students are able to:
    • Read unfamiliar multisyllabic words accurately in context and in isolation, using knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences, syllable patterns, and the word's morphological structure.


    Students understand that:
    • Multisyllabic words can be read using a variety of strategies.


    • Apply
    • Grade-appropriate phoneme-grapheme correspondences
    • Syllable types
    • Morphological structure
    • Multisyllabic
    • In context
    • In isolation


    Determine and use the correct syllable type(s) to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words, including open, closed, vowel-consonant-e, r-controlled, vowel team (including diphthongs), consonant-le, and leftovers“ including odd and schwa syllables.“

    COS Examples

    Examples: dam-age, ac-tive, na-tion

    Unpacked Content


    • Syllable types are patterns of phoneme-grapheme correspondences that help divide words into parts with one vowel sound which can be easily decoded.


    • Decode words with more than one syllable using their knowledge of common syllable types: open, closed, vowel-consonant-e, r-controlled, vowel teams, consonant-le, odd, and schwa.


    • They can decode (read) multisyllabic words by dividing the words into syllables and applying their knowledge of syllable patterns.


    • Determine
    • Decode
    • Multisyllabic words
    • Syllable types
    • Open syllable
    • Closed syllable
    • Vowel-consonant-e syllable
    • r-controlled syllable
    • Vowel team syllable
    • Diphthongs
    • Consonant-le syllable
    • Odd syllable
    • Schwa syllable


    Apply knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to decode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.

    Unpacked Content


    Students know:
    • Prefixes are word parts that can be added to the beginning of a word.
    • Suffixes are word parts that can be added at the end of a word.
    • The root word is the base word in which a prefix or suffix can be added.


      Students are able to:
      • Decode (read) multisyllabic words using their knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes.


      Students understand that:
      • Their knowledge of the different word parts (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) can help them read most multisyllabic words if they divide them apart into smaller units.


      • Roots
      • Suffixes
      • Prefixes
      • Decode
      • Multisyllabic words


      Apply knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes to encode unfamiliar multisyllabic words.

      Unpacked Content


      Students know:
      • Prefixes are word parts that can be added to the beginning of a word.
      • Suffixes are word parts that can be added at the end of a word.
      • The root word is the base word in which a prefix or suffix can be added.


        Students are able to:
        • Encode (write/spell) multisyllabic words using their knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes.


        Students understand that:
        • Their knowledge of the different word parts (prefixes, suffixes, and roots) can help them spell most multisyllabic words if they divide them apart into smaller units.


        • Roots
        • Suffixes
        • Prefixes
        • Encode
        • Multisyllabic words


        Demonstrate fluency when reading grade-level text and when responding through writing or speaking.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Fluency is the ability to read, write, or speak at a pace that does not negatively impact meaning or understanding.


        Students are able to:
        • Read grade-level text fluently.
        • Demonstrate fluency when writing.
        • Demonstrate fluent speech.


        Students understand that:
        • The ability to read fluently supports comprehension, or understanding, of the text.
        • The ability to write and speak fluently helps clearly communicate with others.


        • Demonstrate
        • Fluency
        • Reading
        • Responding
        • Writing
        • Speaking


        Read grade-level text orally with appropriate pauses, phrasing, stress, intonation, rate, and integration to support comprehension.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Fluent readers include pauses at appropriate times, link spoken words together in phrases, stress the correct syllables and words in sentences, and use changes in voice tone to convey meaning.
        • Oral reading must occur at a rate (speed) to integrate meaning and support comprehension.


        Students are able to:
        • Demonstrate oral reading with appropriate pauses, phrasing, stress, and intonation.
        • Orally read at a rate that supports comprehension.


        Students understand that:
        • To comprehend text that they read aloud, they must read at an appropriate speed, and include pauses, phrasing, stress, and intonation as indicated by the text.


        • Pauses
        • Intonation
        • Integration
        • Stress
        • Phrasing
        • Rate
        • Comprehension


        Read words with irregular and regular spelling patterns accurately and automatically.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Regular and irregular spelling patterns.
        • Accurately means reading without mistakes, and automatically means knowing the words immediately without sounding them out.


        Students are able to:
        • Read words with regular and irregular spelling patterns quickly and correctly.


        Students understand that:
        • Knowing spelling patterns that are common in the English language will help them read words quickly and correctly.


        • Irregular spelling pattern
        • Regular spelling pattern
        • Accurately
        • Automatically


        Write routinely and independently in response to text.

        Unpacked Content


        Student know:
        • Routinely means on a consistent basis, and independently means without help from others.
        • Writing skills.


        Students are able to:
        • Respond to text in writing on a consistent basis without support from others.


        Students understand that:
        • To demonstrate comprehension of text, they can construct a written response.


        • Routinely
        • Independently


        Accurately interpret general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Academic vocabulary is language that is more formal than spoken language.
        • Domain-specific vocabulary refers to words that are used specifically in school subject areas, like math, science, and social studies.


        Students are able to:
        • Correctly identify the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.


        Students understand that:
        • There are multiple strategies they can use to interpret the meaning of academic and domain-specific vocabulary, including using context clues in the text, their background knowledge, the morphological structure of the word, and outside resources.


        • Interpret
        • General academic vocabulary
        • Domain-specific vocabulary


        Interpret words and phrases, including figurative language, as they are used in a text.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Strategies to identify word meaning in context.
        • Figurative language is a creative way to use words and phrases beyond their literal definition to explain or describe something.


        Students are able to:
        • Explain the meaning of words and phrases that are specific to the text.


        Students understand that:
        • Words and phrases, including figurative language, can have different meanings in different texts.


        • Interpret
        • Figurative language


        Explain how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

        Unpacked Content


        • Words have nuanced shades of meaning.
        • Authors choose to use specific words to convey intended meaning and create tone in the text.


        • Explain how the specific word choices of an author create meaning and indicate tone in the text.


        • Words can determine the tone of the text and contribute to text meaning.


        • Word choice
        • Meaning
        • Tone


        Explain how figurative language contributes to the meaning of text, including simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and idioms.

        Unpacked Content


        • Figurative language is a creative way to use words and phrases beyond their literal definition to explain or describe something.
        • Examples of figurative language include similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and idioms.


        • Identify examples of similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, and idioms in text.
        • Explain how figurative language contributes to the meaning of the text.


        • Figurative language carries meaning other than the literal meaning of the words or phrases, and authors choose to include figurative language in text to enhance the text's meaning.


        • Figurative language
        • Simile
        • Metaphor
        • Alliteration
        • Personification
        • Hyperbole
        • Idiom


        Use the relationships between synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to increase understanding of word meanings.

        Unpacked Content


        • Words with opposite meanings are antonyms, and words with similar meanings are synonyms.
        • Homographs are words that are spelled the same, but not necessarily pronounced the same and have different meanings and origins.


        • Use synonyms, antonyms, and homographs to interpret word meaning.


        • The relationships between words can be used to increase vocabulary knowledge.


        • Synonym
        • Antonym
        • Homograph


        Use commonly misused words correctly in writing.

        COS Examples

        Examples: accept/except; effect/affect; racket/racquet; its/it’s; your/you’re; our/are; quiet/quit/quite

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Words must be used correctly in writing to convey the intended message.


        Students are able to:
        • Correctly write commonly misused words, such as accept/except; effect/affect; racket/racquet; its/it's; your/you're; our/are; quiet/quit/quite.


        Students understand that:
        • It is important to use the correct spellings and forms of words in their writing to clearly communicate their ideas.


        • Commonly misused words


        Consult reference materials to find the pronunciation of unknown words and phrases.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Reference materials, such as dictionaries, can be used to find the proper pronunciations of unknown words and phrases.


        Students are able to:
        • Use reference materials to identify correct pronunciations of words and phrases.


        Students understand that:
        • They have tools to help them determine the correct pronunciation of unknown words and phrases.


        • Reference materials
        • Pronunciation


        Use grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in presentations and discussions.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Academic vocabulary is language that is more formal than spoken language.
        • Domain-specific vocabulary refers to words that are used specifically in school subject areas, like math, science, and social studies.
        • Academic, domain-specific vocabulary should be used in school for presentations and discussions.


        Students are able to:
        • Use academic and domain-specific words in speech.


        Students understand that:
        • It is important to use academic, domain-specific vocabulary in formal settings, like school discussions and presentations.


        • Academic vocabulary
        • Domain-specific vocabulary
        • Presentations
        • Discussions


        Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Comprehension of text can be demonstrated by referring to the text in discussions or written responses.
        • Informational text is nonfiction text, and literary text is fictional.


        Students are able to:
        • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in discussions.
        • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in written responses.


        Students understand that:
        • They can show that they understood literary and informational text by discussing or writing about specific content from the text.


        • Comprehension
        • Literary text
        • Informational text
        • Discussing
        • Writing
        • Response


        Analyze in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Characters are any person, animal, or figure that affect the events of the story.
        • Setting is when and where a story takes place.
        • Events are situations that are described in the story.
        • A drama is a story with dialogue that can be read by different people.
        • Details in the text provide information about the characters, setting, and events.


        Students are able to:
        • Use specific details from the text to explain attributes of the characters, setting, or event in a story or drama.


        Students understand that:
        • They can explain details about characters, settings, and events in a story or drama by using evidence from the text.


        • Analyze
        • Character
        • Setting
        • Event
        • Story
        • Drama
        • Specific details


        Identify and explain attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.

        Unpacked Content


        • Characters are any person, animal, or figure that affect the events of the story.
        • Characters in text are described as having certain attributes, like attitude.
        • Characters in text can be influenced by other characters or events in the text.


        • Identify attitudes and influences of multiple characters within a text.
        • Explain the reasoning behind characters' attitudes and influences.


        • There are influences that affect characters' behavior and attitude in a text.


        • Attitude
        • Influence
        • Characters


        Explain how the main character changes throughout the story, using explicit evidence from the text.

        Unpacked Content


        • The main character is the focus of the plot and often displays changes in attitude or beliefs during the story.
        • Explicit evidence refers to direct quotations from the text.


        • Identify the main character in a story.
        • Use explicit evidence from text to explain how the main character changed in the story.


        • A story usually focuses on one main character who changes throughout the text.
        • Their explanations can be supported with direct quotations from the text.


        • Main character
        • Explicit evidence


        Make an inference about a character’s behavior, the setting, and/or specific events, using explicit details from the story.

        Unpacked Content


        • Making an inference requires using observation and background knowledge to reach a logical conclusion.
        • Inferences can be drawn by using information from the text.


        • Use explicit details from a story to support inferences about a character's behavior, the story's setting, and/or specific events.


        • Making an inference requires them to use information from the text and their background knowledge to draw conclusions about characters, settings, and events in a story.


        • Inference
        • Character
        • Behavior
        • Setting
        • Specific events
        • Explicit details


        Describe how authors use literary devices and text features to convey meaning in prose, poetry, and drama.

        Unpacked Content


        Students know:
        • Literary devices are language that carries meaning other than the literal meaning of the words or phrases.
        • Text features are items other than the main text that provide additional or clarifying information about details in a text.
        • Poetry is a genre of text that uses distinctive style and rhythm to aid in the expression of feelings, while prose is written in ordinary language.
        • A drama is a story with dialogue that can be read by different people.


        Students are able to:
        • Describe how literary devices and text features convey meaning in prose, poetry, and drama.


        Students understand that:
        • Authors use literary devices and text features to further explain and enhance specific details in prose, poetry, and drama.


        • Literary devices
        • Text features
        • Prose
        • Poetry
        • Drama


        Identify clues in the text to recognize implicit meanings.

        Unpacked Content


        • An implicit meaning is not directly stated in the text, it is implied or suggested.
        • Authors often provide clues about their intended implicit meaning of the text.


        • Identify text clues that could be used to determine the implicit meaning of the text.


        • Sometimes authors will not state their intended message in the text, so they must use clues to draw a conclusion about the implicit meaning of the text.


        • Clues
        • Implicit meanings

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