Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Alabama: A Boundless Field of Speculation

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Social Studies




This lesson looks at the natural resources that drew businesses to Alabama. Students will explore the adapted 1820 letter from Mason and Dexter in Cahaba, Alabama to Richards and Simmons in Cumberland, Rhode Island.  Students will explain ideas within this historical text based on specific information presented in this primary source.

This lesson can be used as a stand-alone or can follow A Natural Attraction: The Natural Resources of Alabama During the Early Nineteenth Century

This lesson was created in partnership with the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 4


    Relate the relationship of the five geographic regions of Alabama to the movement of Alabama settlers during the early nineteenth century.

    Unpacked Content



    • plateau
    • region
    • fall line
    • plain
    • river valley
    • flood plain
    • delta


    Students know:
    • The distinguishing characteristics of the five geographic regions of Alabama.
    • Alabama's key natural resources including cotton, iron, timber, and rivers.


    The students are able to :
    • Analyze the relationship between Alabama's natural resources and the settlement of the area during the early 19th Century.
    • Make the connection that a region of a state greatly affects the social and economic viability of that region.


    Students understand that:
    • Settlers chose to live in regions based on the natural resources available in that region.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


    Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.

    Unpacked Content



    • Comprehension
    • Literary text
    • Informational text
    • Discussing
    • Writing
    • Response


    Students know:
    • Comprehension of text can be demonstrated by referring to the text in discussions or written responses.
    • Informational text is nonfiction text, and literary text is fictional.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in discussions.
    • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in written responses.


    Students understand that:
    • They can show that they understood literary and informational text by discussing or writing about specific content from the text.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


    Respond in writing to literature and informational text, including stories, dramas, poetry, and cross-curricular texts, both independently and with support, demonstrating grade-level proficiency.

    Unpacked Content



    • Respond
    • Writing
    • Literature
    • Informational texts
    • Stories
    • Dramas
    • Poetry
    • Cross-curricular texts
    • Independently
    • With support
    • Grade-level proficiency


    Students know:
    • Responding to text in a written format demonstrates comprehension of the text.


    Students are able to:
    • Independently and with support, create grade-appropriate written responses after reading literature and informational text.


    Students understand that:
    • To respond in writing to literature and informational texts, they must read critically, have a deep understanding of the text's content, and use appropriate writing skills.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    The students will identify the natural resources of Alabama during the early nineteenth century and evaluate their importance to Alabama settlers during the early nineteenth century.


    Additional Learning Objective(s)

    The students will explain ideas within a historical text based on specific information presented in the text.


    Exploration:  The teacher will engage the students by showing an article and picture of the Mercedes manufacturing plant in Alabama, and asking the students why they think a company from another country (Germany) would want to have a plant in Alabama. https://www.mbusi.com/factory  (This question is designed to generate thinking and start the students on the journey of looking at the benefits of living in Alabama and the natural gifts this state has to offer.)  The teacher will share the day's objective and then refer to the Essential Question: Why would businesses want to come to Alabama during the early nineteenth century?  The teacher will tell the students to go to https://answergarden.ch/ and type in the ID number.  The students will then be taken to the site where they will put their responses to the Essential Questions. If devices are not available, the teacher can create a class concept map with the Essential Question listed in the middle and complete it using responses from the students.  The teacher will orally state the responses and tell the students they will find out if what they listed is correct by investigating a primary source.

    Lesson Development: The teacher will display the 1820 letter from Mason and Dexter using the computer and projecting it on the screen. The students will pull up the same previously downloaded letter on their computers (the teacher can give copies to the students if computers are not available). The teacher will discuss how primary sources give future generations a look into the past and then begin discussing the letter; its condition and its language. The teacher will pass out the investigation sheet, Classroom Student Investigators. The teacher will model how to pull information from the letter by going over the first paragraph of the letter with the students.  The teacher will then scaffold pulling information from the letter using the second paragraph.  The students will record information on their sheets as the teacher and students discover information from the letter. The teacher will then tell the students they should work within their small groups, using the remainder of the letter, to complete the handout. After the students have had time, the teacher will go over the findings of the different groups and discuss the information they found and the questions they developed. The teacher will refer to the Essential Question and have students complete the Essential Question Web handout.

    Expansion: The students, either using a computer or paper, will create a brochure describing the natural resources of Alabama during the early nineteenth century and telling their importance to Alabama businesses. The teacher will pass out the checklist and discuss what is expected from the students; restating the objective as a requirement for the brochure (see checklists). After students have had time to create their brochures, they will use the grading checklists to make sure they have included all of the required elements and have demonstrated an understanding of the day's objective. The students will share the brochures with their peers if there is available time.

    Assessment Strategies

    All assessments listed below are directly tied to the primary learning objective: identifying natural resources of Alabama during the early nineteenth century and evaluating their importance to Alabama settlers during the early nineteenth century, as specifically outlined in the procedures and attached checklists. 

    Exploration: Answer Garden (concept map if no technology is available) 

    Lesson Development: Classroom Student Investigators handout, Essential Question Web

    Expansion: Brochures (see checklist and adapted checklists for requirements)


    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hb3cr0F9_ZHXg1Tsvv5Dr5yAnZk7miYT/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103999382322197441653&rtpof=true&sd=trueStudents will research Cumberland, Rhode Island, and Cahaba, Alabama and complete a Venn Diagram on the differences and similarities concerning the weather, land, and businesses found in both places.

    Suggested reading: 

    1. Alabama Natural Resources, Kid's Encyclopedia: http://kids.britannica.com/comptons/article-196110/Alabama
    2. Amazing Alabama: http://www.amazingalabama.com/
    3. Made in Alabama: http://www.madeinalabama.com/


    Students will be placed within small groups and assisted by the teacher throughout the lesson as needed. A peer will assist with the Answer Garden response if needed.  A written copy of the letter will be provided the day before the lesson to those students who may need it.  An adapted checklist for the brochure is provided.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 60 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Students should know about businesses, have a basic knowledge of the time period, be able to work collaboratively, and have basic art, literacy, and computer skills.

    Prior to the lesson, the teacher should write the Essential Question: Why would businesses want to come to Alabama during the early nineteenth century? on the board to refer to throughout the lesson. The teacher should download the attached letter to student computers or print out a copy of the letter for each group to have in the event computers are not available. The teacher should create an Answer Garden, https://answergarden.ch/, with the Essential Question: Why would businesses want to come to Alabama during the early nineteenth century?  The students should be placed in small groups.

    The teacher can review background information found at http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/article/h-3155

    The teacher can read the original 1820 Letter from Mason and Dexter at http://digital.archives.alabama.gov/cdm/singleitem/collection/voices/id/1954/rec/1

    The teacher can access additional background information by reviewing the texts listed in the Bibliography.

    Materials and Resources

    Technology Resources Needed

    projector, computers, screen, Internet