Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Alabama's Early Governors

Subject Area

English Language Arts
Social Studies




In this lesson, students will learn about the executive branch of government at the state level, especially related to the first governors of the state of Alabama. Their impact on the development of Alabama and Alabama's role in the United States will be discussed.

Students will use research and note taking skills to gather information on an early governor. Then students will participate in jigsaw groups to share their information, discuss the importance of each governor, similarities, and impact. Finally, students will discuss the role of governor and how governors have an impact on the state and the impact these men had in Alabama and in other states. 

This lesson was created in partnership with the Alabama Department of Archives and History. 

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 4


    Describe Alabama’s entry into statehood and establishment of its three branches of government and the constitutions.

    Unpacked Content



    • legislative
    • executive
    • judicial
    • constitution
    • senate
    • congress
    • house of representatives
    • governor
    • checks and balances
    • capital
    • capitol


    Students know:
    • Alabama has had six different constitutions. Alabama has three branches of Government: Executive, Legislative, Judicial.
    • The reasons why Alabama has had five different capitals.
    • The roles of prominent political leaders during early statehood in Alabama, including William Wyatt Bibb, Thomas Bibb, Israel Pickens, William Rufus King, and John W. Walker.
    • What the U.S. Constitution and the Northwest Territory require of a territory to become a state.
    • The history of early settlements in Alabama and the cession of Indian lands.
    • What it means to have a republican form of government.


    The students are able to:
    • Analyze Alabama's entry into statehood.
    • Identify and differentiate the roles of the three branches of government.
    • Compare and contrast Alabama's constitutions.
    • Explain political and geographic reasons for changes in location of Alabama's state capital.
    • Recognize roles of prominent political leaders during early statehood in Alabama, including William Wyatt Bibb, Thomas Bibb, Israel Pickens, William Rufus King, and John W. Walker.


    Students understand that:
    • Many prominent people were involved in Alabama's entry into statehood and that our government was designed in a way that allowed a system of checks and balances to be in place.
    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 4


    Recognizing roles of prominent political leaders during early statehood in Alabama, including William Wyatt Bibb, Thomas Bibb, Israel Pickens, William Rufus King, and John W. Walker

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


    Utilize active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings, following agreed-upon rules for participation.

    Unpacked Content



    • Active listening
    • Discussion
    • Conversation
    • Rules
    • Participation


    Students know:
    • Active listening skills.
    • How to engage in discussions and conversations in a variety of settings.
    • Agreed-upon rules for participation.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate active listening skills during discussion and conversation in pairs, small groups, or whole-class settings.
    • Converse in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
    • Practice the agreed-upon rules for participation.


    Students understand that:
    • Conversations and discussions follow agreed-upon rules which help us actively listen and gain understanding.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


    Demonstrate comprehension of literary and informational text by utilizing its content when discussing or writing in response to the text.

    Unpacked Content



    • Comprehension
    • Literary text
    • Informational text
    • Discussing
    • Writing
    • Response


    Students know:
    • Comprehension of text can be demonstrated by referring to the text in discussions or written responses.
    • Informational text is nonfiction text, and literary text is fictional.


    Students are able to:
    • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in discussions.
    • Demonstrate understanding of literary and informational text by referring to the text in written responses.


    Students understand that:
    • They can show that they understood literary and informational text by discussing or writing about specific content from the text.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


    Use research to produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

    Unpacked Content



    • Research
    • Clear
    • Coherent
    • Development
    • Organization
    • Task
    • Purpose
    • Audience


    Students know:
    • Research happens when you look up information about a topic.
    • Clear and coherent writing is organized into a text structure and develops ideas with the addition of details.
    • Writing styles can vary depending on the task, the purpose, and the intended audience.


    Students are able to:
    • Gather research information about a topic.
    • Create writing that is clear, coherent, and appropriate to the task, the purpose, and the audience.
    • Organize writing into a particular structure and develop ideas using details.


    Students understand that:
    • Before writing an informative text, they should gather information through research.
    • There writing should always be clear and coherent, but the style may change depending on the task, purpose, and audience.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    I can recognize the roles of William Wyatt Bibb, Thomas Bibb, Israel Pickens, John Murphy, and Gabriel Moore. 

    I can determine the importance of these leaders. 

    I can discuss similarities and differences of early leaders with my peers. 

    I can take notes. 

    I can write an organized paragraph in order to inform someone about an early governor. 


    Before beginning this lesson, teachers need determine which governor each student will learn about. There should be four groups of students. 

    Before: Have students write down one thing they know about early Alabama or what they know about governors on a sticky note. Allow students to share with a partner. During this time, the teacher should monitor discussion to promote engagement. 

    The teacher should share something like this with the class, "Each state in our union has a governor. We have had a governor in our state since it was a territory. William Wyatt Bibb was our first governor. Today we are going to learn about him, his responsibilities, and his influence on our state. Also, you are going to collaborate with a team to learn about another early governor of Alabama." 

    During: Begin by displaying the visual primary source of William Wyatt Bibb. Tell students who he is and that he is the focus of the first part of the lesson. Students can be asked what they think about him based on the visual, but this should lead into the next part of the lesson.  Then, either post the article about William Wyatt Bibb on the projector screen, or provide each student with a copy of the article. Have chart paper displayed. 

    Read the article aloud once all the way through. Then go back paragraph by paragraph. Stop at the end of each paragraph. Discuss with students what they think is important and interesting about William Wyatt Bibb. Record these items on the "notes" chart. As you chart, remind students of the importance of taking notes in your own words. Continue this process until you get through the entire article. 

    Read the notes aloud to your class and decide if there is anything else that the class would want others to know about William Wyatt Bibb.

    Then examine the quote provided that William Wyatt Bibb shared with the General Assembly of Alabama. Discuss the quote and determine what Governor Bibb was conveying to them. 

    Assign students to their predetermined group. Provide students with the visual of their governor and his quote. Have students:

    1. View the visual first, and determine if any information about him is provided by examining the portrait.

    2. Provide a copy of the the group's article to students. Follow the model for taking notes. Students can use notebook paper for this part. Assign each group its governor. Students will work with a partner within their group to read and take notes about their given governor. It is best to have groups with the same governor to sit in a common area. When all students in the group are finished, they will meet to discuss what is most important about their governor and what is interesting about him. Students also need to discuss, "is there anything else we'd want others to know about this person?" Students will put these important and interesting facts on their governor graphic organizer in the coordinating box. 

    3. Examine the quote provided that each governor shared and examine the context. Discuss the quote as a team and determine what their governor was trying to convey through this quote. Add important information from this discussion to the graphic organizer in order to share it with peers. 

    If you are making this a two day lesson then stop here and recap the importance of reading for information and taking clear notes. Explain to students that tomorrow they will be sharing their information with others. 

    During Part 2: Divide students into groups of four; one person should be from each governor expert group. Have students in these groups sit together in a manner that promotes discussion and collaboration. Students will take turns sharing about their governor. When one person is presenting, then the other three members are listening and recording important information. Students should each have an opportunity to share their learning and record the learning of others. 

    After: Once students have had time to share information, pose the following discussion questions for the jigsaw groups to answer: (A graphic organizer is provided.)

    • What do your governors have in common?
    • Which governor do you think had the biggest impact on Alabama? Why? 
    • Did any of our governors have an impact in other states, territories, or the federal government? How?  
    • Are you surprised by any of the achievements of these governors? 
    • What kind of qualities do you think these governors needed to lead our state during its early years? Why do you think so? 
    • How can learning about our first few governors help us to possibly understand the beginnings of other states?  

    After students have had an opportunity to discuss each question, then have students share out to the class their discussion and thinking. A ThinkSheet organizer is provided for students to record their answers to these questions, in order to hold their thinking. 

    Students will write an organized paragraph about one of the four governors they studied. Students should write it for someone who is not in their class and should include information they think others should know about this governor.  If your students are not proficient at writing organized paragraphs, then take time here to model how to write one using the information on William Wyatt Bibb. Encourage student input, and have students write their own copy so they can use it as a reference. A rubric is provided to use when grading.

    Assessment Strategies

    During this lesson, teachers should monitor student note taking and provide support when needed. Teachers should observe students during discussion times and provide support as needed. 

    Teachers can review the student note pages and the graphic organizer and determine if students need more support or if they have the information they need. 

    Teachers can review student responses on the question ThinkSheet. 

    Teachers can read the students paragraphs to determine student understanding of the importance and influence of a given governor. 


    Students can create a PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. to share the information gained from the research. 

    Students can choose another governor from our history and research him/her and create a presentation to share with the class. 

    Students can use the Alabama Governor List or can use the Encyclopedia of Alabama to search other Alabama governors. 

    Students can research how early governors were chosen in other states, and compare the process. 

    Students can research to find out when gubernatorial terms changed from two to four years.


    Read and Write for Google Chrome can be utilized to provide support for students who cannot read independently. 

    Rewordify can also be utilized to support students who cannot read the article independently. 

    Students can be allowed to take fewer notes, or to complete the notes page orally. 

    Support or accommodations can also be made for the written assignment at the end. For example, the teacher could help the student write the topic sentence, then the student could write the second sentence. The teacher could support on the third, etc. 

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 60 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Students need to be prepared to discuss the topics with their peers. If student discussion is not an established routine, then supports should be put in place to help students be successful. Teachers should be prepared to monitor student work, question, support, and redirect students as needed. Students need to be able to take notes in their own words. If students have not had experience with this, then more than one modeling lesson may be needed. 

    Teachers should have computers or tablets available for student use or have copies of the articles available.

    Teachers should print a colored copy (if possible) of the portraits of the governors. At least one copy should be provided to each group. 

    WW Bibb Portrait

    Governor Portraits

    Teachers should have an understanding of the Jigsaw learning method. The website  https://www.jigsaw.org/  provides detailed information. 

    The following articles from the Encylopedia of Alabama will provide background information: 

    William Wyatt Bibb   

    Thomas Bibb 

    Israel Pickens

    John Murphy

    Gabriel Moore

    Teachers can view the texts listed in the Bibliography for additional background information. 

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Students will need access to the Archives page on Alabama Governors. If needed, teachers can print off the articles for students to read. (If you think your students need a lower-level text, you can use www.rewordify.com to simplify the text.)

    Students will need a copy of the notes page; teachers may choose to have students write on notebook paper.

    Students will need a copy of the portrait of their given governor and quote. If possible, this should be printed in color. 

    Students will need a copy of the graphic organizer for the jigsaw activity. 

    The teacher will need the article for William Wyatt Bibb and chart paper to model taking notes. 

    The teacher will either need chart paper, a whiteboard, or computer and projector to model writing an organized paragraph. 

    A ThinkSheet graphic organizer is also provided, for the student question and answer activity. 

    A rubric is provided for assessing the paragraphs. 

    Technology Resources Needed

    Teachers will need to access the Alabama Archives website on Alabama Governors.

    A computer and projector can be used as a part of the modeling process if available. These technology tools are not necessary to implement the lesson. 

    Student computers, laptops, and/or iPads can be used when students are reading the article about their governor. However, the teacher can print these articles off if needed.