Classroom Resources

EVERFI's Healthier Me is an innovative, games-based elementary school health curriculum that educates elementary school students about the importance of well-balanced meals and physical activity. These elementary health lesson plans prepare students to make healthy, informed decisions when it comes to nutrition and fitness, securing a healthier and happier future for the next generation.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Mental Wellness Basics introduces students to concepts related to mental health and wellness. The stigma associated with mental health can have serious and negative impacts on help-seeking behaviors, and many mental health conditions and symptoms can be significantly lessened through prevention.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Prescription Drug Safety is an innovative digital course that focuses on high school students, arming them with the knowledge and tools to make healthy, informed decisions. By empowering students with substance abuse prevention education at an early age, we can help the next generation stop opioid abuse.

Through interactive scenarios and self-guided activities, students learn about a range of topics, including the science of addiction, how to properly use and dispose of prescription drugs, and how to intervene when faced with a situation involving drug misuse. 

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Drinking in high school doesn’t just put students at risk; it threatens the ability of schools to achieve their educational objectives. AlcoholEdu® for High School takes a public health approach to alcohol education in schools, incorporating evidence-based prevention methods to create meaningful results.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Character Playbook is an innovative digital character education program that uses engaging social-emotional learning activities to educate students about cultivating and maintaining healthy relationships during their critical middle school years.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


5, 7

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Ignition: Digital Wellness and Safety is a digital literacy curriculum designed to provide students with the information literacy skills they need to safely and confidently navigate the digital world.  

These six digital responsibility lessons encourage students to take practical steps to protect their own privacy and safety online, while also teaching them how to evaluate content for accuracy, perspective, and motive. Ignition helps students acknowledge the benefits of digital communities and resources while guiding them to successfully navigate potential pitfalls in their digital lives.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

With so much emphasis placed on improvements in math and science, skills like compassion often receive less classroom time. This unintended trade-off may be short-sighted, as compassion is an important social-emotional skill that begins to develop in early childhood and is essential for lifelong health and success.
Learning compassion increases students’ own sense of well-being and improves the learning environment for all learners. By teaching kindness, empathy and compassion in the classroom, educators set their students up for long term success in every aspect of life.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


2, 3, 4

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The source is an informational PDF about the pros and cons of the use of technology as it affects personal, family, and community health. The guide covers issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. To access the PDF, scroll to the bottom and click on the Printable PDF link. The resource also has an option to purchase free copies of the guide. The resource has additional links for information on Kids and Technology.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is a lesson plan designed to stimulate student discussion following media coverage of a high-profile case of a youth or adult posting or transmitting inappropriate information or photos via cell/text, email, or social networking that resulted in humiliation, termination of employment and/or criminal charges. The main objective is to get students thinking about personal information/photos and why some things are never appropriate to post or send.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is an entire website dedicated to flavored nicotine and the harmful effects on teenagers. The source has a one minute video that could be displayed at the beginning of the lesson. The resource provides additional information on Flavors, Poison, and Nicotine. The resource includes images of the different types of nicotine flavored products. You can scroll to the bottom of the page and download the 12-page PDF guide to help navigate how to keep kids healthy and nicotine free in the age of a vaping epidemic. The resource could be adapted to help students develop a thoughtful decision-making process in avoiding the use of vaping.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is information on how to ask for and offer assistance to enhance the health of self and others- specifically human trafficking. The resource provides additional resources on the topic of human trafficking that you could use to develop a meaningful lesson plan.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is informational material about how Robert Jackler has spent more than a decade researching the history of advertisements produced by Big Tobacco. The ear, nose and throat surgeon from Stanford University has built a diverse collection of more than 50,000 advertisements from magazines, newspapers, billboards, television and the internet from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. The collection highlights the tobacco industry’s efforts to deceive the public about the health risks of their products.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free video resource comes from When Rebekkah was 14, she blew out her ankle during cheerleading practice and was prescribed opioid painkiller pills. Instead of getting better, she quickly found herself addicted to powerful opioids and eventually turned to heroin. She had been an accomplished dancer and athlete, and that was lost when her addiction took over her life and self-image. Now Rebekkah is regaining control of both—courageously making her detox public in order to help other people while she works towards a new start.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.





Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is a lesson plan developed by Sanford Medicine-Tobacco Prevention Toolkit. The lesson plan objective is to provide an understanding of the known health risks associated with smokeless tobacco use. Many adolescents may not fully understand the risks of smokeless tobacco use and believe that it is harmless. 

The included PowerPoint provides an overview of what students should know about smokeless tobacco, including why youth find them appealing, marketing tactics being used, what we know about the health effects of smokeless tobacco use. At the end of the PowerPoint are some debriefing activities that you can use with the students.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is a free video by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The video describes how the drug naloxone can save the life of an opioid overdose. This video could be used as a way to propose ways to treat health problems, such as an overdose.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is an informational website about drinking and driving. The information is provided by Moms Against Drunk Driving. This specific resource would be a great tool for leading a class discussion or a debate on the facts and myths that surround alcohol and the legal age limit of 21. The website also provides additional resources to gain more knowledge about alcohol.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is informational material about phobias and panic disorders. The overview of the resource is, "Everyone feels scared at times. But sometimes, fear can come up in a situation that isn’t expected. This fear stops us from going about our usual routines or working towards our goals. Phobias and panic disorder are two examples of mental illnesses that can lead to these problems." The resource also provides links to other resources to help educate students about mental illnesses.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource is informational material from the website Advocates for Youth. Young people in Alabama are at serious risk for unintended pregnancy, HIV, and STIs. The youth of color and LGBT youth are at even higher risk for negative sexual health outcomes. The resource provides health facts for adolescents in the state of Alabama. The statistics could help analyze the influence of external factors on health beliefs and behaviors.

The website also provides other resources to further enrich your lesson plan.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the effect foods have on the brain.

When it comes to what you bite, chew and swallow, your choices have a direct and long-lasting effect on the most powerful organ in your body: your brain. So which foods cause you to feel so tired after lunch? Or so restless at night? Mia Nacamulli takes you into the brain to find out.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation and use of calories.

We hear about calories all the time: How many calories are in this cookie? How many are burned by doing 100 jumping jacks, or long-distance running, or fidgeting? But what is a calorie, really? And how many of them do we actually need? Emma Bryce explains how a few different factors should go into determining the recommended amount for each person.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of how the liver works in keeping us alive.

There’s a factory inside you that weighs about 1.4 kilograms and runs for 24 hours a day. It’s your liver: the heaviest organ in your body, which simultaneously acts as a storehouse, a manufacturing hub, and a processing plant. Emma Bryce gives a crash course on the liver and how it helps keep us alive.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of how the pancreas works in keeping us alive.

Beneath your ribs, you’ll find, among other things, the pancreas--an organ that works a lot like a personal health coach. Emma Bryce explains how this organ controls your sugar levels and produces a special juice that releases the nutrients from your food to help keep you in the best possible shape. 

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of how the lungs work in keeping us alive.

When you breathe, you transport oxygen to the body’s cells to keep them working, while also clearing your system of the carbon dioxide that this work generates. How do we accomplish this crucial and complex task without even thinking about it? Emma Bryce takes us into the lungs to investigate how they help keep us alive.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of HIV and global efforts toward eradicating the disease.

The world is getting closer to achieving one of the most important public health goals of our time: eradicating HIV. And to do this, we won’t even have to cure the disease. We simply have to stop HIV from being transmitted until eventually, it fizzles out. Philip A. Chan explores the preventive strategies helping us tackle HIV and the possibility of ending the epidemic.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of how multivitamins work in the body in evaluating the necessity of their use.

People spend billions of dollars every year trying to boost their health with multivitamins- but are they actually good for you? SciShow researches the science of multivitamins.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation of how exercise improves brain health and function.

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


7, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education
Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This activity leads up to Speedball. It uses the skill of throwing and catching while working on the concept of teamwork. The students will be separated into teams of five to six and will have a quadrant to defend. The area is coned off into a square with four quadrants. Each quadrant will have a hula hoop with four balls, one of each color inside the hoop, and a jail. The goal of the game is to get all four of your team's colored gator balls in their hoop before the rest of the other teams are able to do so (eg. The red team has all of the red balls inside the hula hoop before the yellow, blue, and purple teams).

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Lacrosse basketball is a game where students are working with their team to score in the baskets by dunking the ball. This game will have students combining lacrosse skills, changing speed and direction in game situations. The object of the game is to score by passing the ball to your “goal player” in the corner of the activity area who will dunk it in the basket. This is a fun and fast-paced activity that incorporates cooperation skills within a small group setting.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This activity is called Birdie in the Cage. The object of the activity is to practice underhand serves and to become more accurate when the birdie is served. The first partner will stand on the poly spot and serve the birdie with a swing low to high, trying to strike it into the hoop or the poly spot inside of the hoop. The other partner retrieves the birdies. After a set period of time, the partners will switch roles.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

RPS (rock, paper, scissors) Victory Lap is a dynamic warm-up. The object of RPS Victory Lap is to do as many victory laps as you can during a 5-minute warm-up. This is a great cooperative game as students will play with a variety of partners during this activity. On the start signal, students will find any partner and play a game of RPS. The winner of the game will jog to a cone, read the first warm-up task, and then perform that task to the next card. Repeat until the student completes a lap and then re-enter the game and find a new partner. If a student does not win a round of RPS, he/she should quickly find a new partner and try again.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Hot box is a fun and creative way for students to work on throwing/catching and using offensive concepts to score for their team. Points are earned when a team catches a pass inside the “end zone”, which is marked by the four cones in the middle of the playing area. The link to this activity is for a disc but can be used with any type of object to throw and catch working on the skills listed above.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit. 


6, 7, 8

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This Field Day water activity allows students to work independently and together with their peers in a game setting. This activity is a Ketchup Bottle Tag. The object of the game is to tag other players by squirting them with your ketchup bottle. On the start signal, begin at a speed-walking pace. When your ketchup bottle is empty, move to a refill station, and hold plank position as long as you can while your teacher refills your bottle.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE Course of Study Resource Alignment Summit.


4, 5, 6

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource provides a Holistic Dual Performance Rubric for Ball Handling and Dribbling Skills. This checklist provides a one-page assessment for your class all in one place.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Messy pirates dropped their treasure, and it’s time for the class to go on a treasure hunt. The goal is to collect as many pieces of pirate treasure as possible. In this activity, the students will use the appropriate amount of force when tapping the soccer ball with their foot in order to maintain control during the treasure hunt activity.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1, 2, 4, 5

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Foot skills self-assessment is provided. Students draw faces to show how well they think they are doing with various skills associated with kicking.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1, 2

Subject Area

Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource