Classroom Resources

Explore division by modeling problems and grouping them with manipulatives. This video focuses on dividing whole numbers by unit fractions and modeling the problems with unit blocks. 



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This video focuses on modeling division of a whole number by fractions using fraction strips.


6, 7

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students take notes to determine the most important information given in a video segment and written text. They compare the information and draw written conclusions about the importance of studying the pig frog and the Everglades.

This resource supports students as they discover explicit and implicit meaning from an informational text.


4, 5

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will distinguish literal from nonliteral language and learn how to use context clues to distinguish if a word or phrase is literal or nonliteral. Students will complete two activities in which they distinguish between literal and nonliteral language in text and write their own nonliteral language.


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will learn how to compare and contrast the most important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic. Students will complete activities in which they compare and contrast texts and write about what they have learned.


3, 5

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students watch how a Chinese watchdog group is protecting the environment with this video and educational resources from PBS NewsHour from December 7, 2015. After, students read an informational text related to the video and respond to open-ended questions. This resource provides students with the opportunity to make inferences, summarize, and cite what the text says explicitly. The resource also includes domain-specific vocabulary. 


6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This video lesson transitions students from reasoning concretely and contextually about quadratic functions to reasoning about their representations in ways that are more abstract and formal (MP2).

In earlier grades, students reasoned about multiplication by thinking of the product as the area of a rectangle where the two factors being multiplied are the side lengths of the rectangle. In this lesson, students use this familiar reasoning to expand expressions such as (x + 4)(x + 7), where x + 4, and x + 7 are side lengths of a rectangle with each side length decomposed into x and a number. They use the structure in the diagrams to help them write equivalent expressions in expanded form, for example, x2 + 11x + 28 (MP7). Students recognize that finding the sum of the partial areas in the rectangle is the same as applying the distributive property to multiply out the terms in each factor.

The terms “standard form” and “factored form” are not yet used and will be introduced in an upcoming lesson, after students have had some experience working with the expressions.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this lesson, students explore the power of narrative voice in storytelling and in particular the first-person point of view. They engage with the text through a shared reading exercise and view a video segment from The Great American Read. Finally, students analyze text to identify how authors use language and voice to channel the emotions and experiences of characters.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Learn about the systems literacy concept of exponential growth as a type of reinforcing feedback, using "Chess Wager, a video from Cyberchase in which Harry’s friend explains how putting a penny on one square of a chessboard and then doubling the amount on each subsequent square could generate a tremendous amount of money over time. This resource is part of the Systems Literacy Collection.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The purpose of this video lesson is to help students make sense of expressions, and reason about their position on the number line— whether the number is positive or negative, which of two numbers is larger, or whether two expressions represent the same number. They work through common misconceptions that can arise about expressions involving variables. They also reason about expressions in a and b, given the positions of a and b on a number line without a given scale. This helps develop the idea that the letters in an algebraic expression can be thought of as numbers, even if you don't know the value of a.

Students connect ideas about rational number arithmetic and the interpretation of negative quantities, such as negative time or negative rates of change. They solve problems with rational numbers in various contexts by making tables or numerical calculations. As students reason about the meaning of negative quantities, they engage in MP2.


This resource includes the Expressions with Rational Numbers and Solving Problems with Rational Numbers lesson printout and a Practice Problems handout.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This video lesson focuses on finding “A% of B” as efficiently as possible. The numbers in this lesson are purposefully chosen to be difficult for students to calculate mentally or to represent on a double number line diagram, in order to motivate them to find the simplest way to do the calculation by hand.

Grade 6, Episode 8: Unit 3, Lesson 15 | Illustrative Math



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this video lesson, students' focus becomes more holistic and they begin to see a set of data points as a single thing that can be analyzed, not just a bunch of disconnected points. Students see that sometimes we can model the relationship between two variables with a line (MP4), although they continue to analyze the connections between the scatter plot and the line by comparing individual points. As they see these connections, students begin to see the structure of the scatter plot (MP7) and to use that structure to reason abstractly and quantitatively (MP2).



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This video explains how to calculate area. Area is the measure of the surface inside a flat figure. Area is measured in square units. Multiply the length times the width to get the square units.


3, 4

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The distance around a circle is called the circumference. You can find the circumference of any circle by using the formula C = 2πr. Watch the video to learn about the formula for circumference.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Volume is the measure of how much space there is within a three-dimensional object (one with length, width, and height). Watch the video for an explanation of the formula for volume.


5, 7, 8

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students will explore geometry and frogs in the garden by going on a triangle hunt to find, measure and sketch angles, rays, triangles, and parallel and perpendicular lines. Students will create a garden habitat that attracts frogs and toads, hold a triangle-themed party to welcome frogs and toads, and select healthy triangular snacks.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this Cyberchase lesson, students will watch a video clip in which Hacker creates a cyberfrog with numeric buttons that produce different numbers of hops. The relationship between input and output values is used to teach students how to use algebraic expressions and, subsequently, equations. The entire lesson can be found using the Content Source link or each individual activity can be found in the Content Section.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Help students learn how to determine the diameter and circumference of a circle using the media resources and bubble activity.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Solve a number riddle by finding the point of intersection for two lines. This video focuses on finding the solution for a system of equations, they are represented as an algebraic expression and a set of linear equations that are graphed to find an intersection point.

This video was submitted through the Innovation Math Challenge, a contest open to professional and nonprofessional producers and is part of the Math at the Core: Middle School collection.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students are introduced to graphing on the coordinate plane, in the first quadrant, using (x, y) coordinates. This CYBERCHASE activity is motivated by a video clip in which the CyberSquad is lost, and landmarks are ambiguous. They use the map's grid to construct a coordinate system using letters and numbers.



Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource contains 40 cards that include a Greek or Latin root word, a related image, and example words. These cards could be used as flashcards, a teaching activity, or classroom decor. In addition, all of the words are related to science and could be used to support the analysis of domain-specific text. This resource also includes informational material for teachers regarding teaching this concept.


3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this lesson from Shakespeare Uncovered, students will examine the relationships between parents and children in Henry IV, Part I. (This lesson is best used after reading act 3, scene 2, of Henry IV, Part I or after reading the entire play.)



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this video lesson, students contrast visual patterns that show quadratic relationships with those that show linear and exponential relationships. To analyze the patterns, students generate tables of values, write expressions, and create graphs. They also encounter the term quadratic expression and learn that a quadratic relationship can be written using an expression with a squared term.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area


Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Modifiers are phrases, clauses, or even just words that add a description. In clear sentences, modifiers are next to the target words they are describing. Dangling modifiers are modifiers with no target to describe, which can confuse many readers. This resource provides instruction and practice in evaluating phrases and clauses. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Watch out for inappropriate shifts in pronoun number and person! A shift is when there is a disparity between the perspectives, from the first person, second person, and third person. It is important to maintain perspectives when referring to the same people or things. This resource includes a video, background reading, and a practice handout.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Introductory elements are clauses, phrases, and words that appear before the main part of a sentence. Without commas, the reader may be confused. Use commas to indicate properly the who and the what. This resource includes a video, background reading, and a practice handout. The resource provides instruction and practice with punctuating nonrestrictive elements. 


5, 6

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Offset elements are words or phrases that can be removed from a sentence and not lose any meaning. Sometimes the meaning is needed, and so it is important to not use a comma in these instances.

This resource allows students the opportunity to practice comma placement with introductory elements and direct address. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This lesson explores coordinating conjunctions through a short, fun video and activity. Coordinating conjunctions link two complete thoughts. For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. A helpful hit: Remember FANBOYS.  This resource includes an activity sheet for students to practice using coordinating conjunctions. 


3, 4

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Either, nor? Or, neither? Neither! You use correlative conjunctions in connecting two equal grammatical items. If a noun follows "either," then a noun will also follow "or." If a noun follows "neither," then a noun will also follow "nor."

This resource provides students with the opportunity to identify correlative conjunctions. 


4, 5

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Intensive pronouns add needed emphasis to a sentence. While they function similarly to reflexive pronouns, they differ in that the pronoun can be removed without altering the meaning of the sentence. This resource includes a short video, a handout, and a practice sheet. 



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

There are three perfect verb tenses; all three are created using the helping verb “to have” in different ways. This resource allows students to practice identifying perfect verb tenses.



Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Prepositions indicate the location of a thing to another thing across time or space. Prepositional phrases contain a preposition and its object.

This resource allows students to practice identifying prepositional phrases. 


3, 4

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Building an argument takes planning, skill, and a good topic. This engaging video demonstrates with clever illustrations and narrative coaching, the steps in building an exemplar essay, from creating a hook and analyzing evidence, to convincing the audience with an actionable conclusion.

This resource allows students the opportunity to develop an essay outline and is best used during the planning stage of the writing process. 


6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

English Language Arts

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource