CTE08.AV.DD.3b Demonstrating knowledge of manuscripts, spacing, proofreading, headlines, and copy fitting
CTE08.HUM.LC.17a Identifying strategies, community resources, and services available to balance work, family, and community responsibilities
CTE08.HS.KB.8a Demonstrate proper use of personal protective equipment (e.g. handle biological and chemical hazards properly).
CTE08.HUM.IB.11b Using Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for infection control and disposal of chemicals in Barbering
CTE08.ET.ITD.50 Research the social services, health, and educational resources of the community, engaging with families when appropriate to provide information.
CTE08.HS.SM.7 Utilize dietary guidelines including the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) to plan menus that meet various nutritional needs of the athlete.
CTE08.HUM.ID1.15 Apply elements and principles of design to solve specific problems for the selection and design of interiors.
CTE08.HS.SS.6 Evaluate the purchasing and distribution processes used in purchasing resources for support services.
CTE08.AV.GI.8 Combine marketing, design process, typography, and color skills to solve a design product packaging problem.
CTE08.HS.EPP.1 Explain the concepts of exercise physiology, sports nutrition, sports psychology, and trace their origin.
CTE08.HUM.CA.9a Describing the subject matter, elements of art, principles of design, media, technique, and style used in selected works of art
CTE08.HUM.CS1.17a Describing ethical responsibilities of child service professionals to clients, colleagues, employers, self, community, and society
CTE08.ET.ETI.15 Recognize warning signs of child abuse and neglect, including procedures for reporting and prevention strategies
CTE08.HS.MT.14 Demonstrate understanding of medical terminology relating to the anatomical structures of the special senses system.
CTE08.HUM.IC.13a Identifying various types of shampoos and conditioners, emulsions and suspensions, and pH codes
CTE08.HUM.IB.16a Demonstrating correct techniques for holding combs, shears, clippers, trimmers, razors, and thermal styling tools