Standards - Arts Education


Practice and analyze how the basic principles alter effect and purpose in refining and completing media artworks.

COS Examples

Example: Change horizon line in digital photographs to affect perspective.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

Skills Examples

  • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use improvisation to imagine a script.
  • In a group and after brainstorming, use a decision matrix to choose one idea and with guidance create a plan and/or model for a media arts production. With guidance, test the model by getting feedback from classmates.
  • With guidance, create and present with a media arts product teaching Newton's Laws.
  • With guidance and responding to teacher questions, compare and contrast how the basic principles of light, audio, video/ images affect an original media arts product. Refine the product based on the discoveries from the discussion, i.e., change audio and/or images.


  • challenge
  • Variety
    • from more than one category of ideas
    • test
    • challenge
    • build
    • order
    • assemble
    • movement
    • force
    • compare and contrast
    • cause and effect

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.


Combine varied academic, arts, and media forms and content into unified media arts products.

COS Examples

Example: Combine animation, music and dance.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists integrate various forms and contents to develop complex, unified artworks.
EQ: How are complex media arts experiences constructed?

Skills Examples

  • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
  • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
  • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
  • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
  • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
  • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


  • from more than one category
  • cooperate
  • combining ideas
  • active listening
Artistic Roles
  • designers
  • director
Technical Roles
  • equipment operator
Organization Roles
  • producer
  • director
  • writer
  • editor
  • elements of design
Creative Thinking
  • role playing
  • discussion
Critical Thinking
  • analyze
  • synthesize
  • modeling
  • storyboarding
  • scripting
  • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.


    Collaborate in a variety of artistic, design, technical, and organizational roles, including making compositional decisions, manipulating tools, and planning with a group in media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
    • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
    • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
    • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


    • from more than one category
    • cooperate
    • combining ideas
    • active listening
    Artistic Roles
    • designers
    • director
    Technical Roles
    • equipment operator
    Organization Roles
    • producer
    • director
    • writer
    • editor
    • elements of design
    Creative Thinking
    • role playing
    • discussion
    Critical Thinking
    • analyze
    • synthesize
    • modeling
    • storyboarding
    • scripting
    • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Exhibit basic creative skills to invent new content and solutions within and through media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
    • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
    • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
    • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


    • from more than one category
    • cooperate
    • combining ideas
    • active listening
    Artistic Roles
    • designers
    • director
    Technical Roles
    • equipment operator
    Organization Roles
    • producer
    • director
    • writer
    • editor
    • elements of design
    Creative Thinking
    • role playing
    • discussion
    Critical Thinking
    • analyze
    • synthesize
    • modeling
    • storyboarding
    • scripting
    • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Exhibit standard use of tools and techniques while constructing media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
    • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
    • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
    • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


    • from more than one category
    • cooperate
    • combining ideas
    • active listening
    Artistic Roles
    • designers
    • director
    Technical Roles
    • equipment operator
    Organization Roles
    • producer
    • director
    • writer
    • editor
    • elements of design
    Creative Thinking
    • role playing
    • discussion
    Critical Thinking
    • analyze
    • synthesize
    • modeling
    • storyboarding
    • scripting
    • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Identify and describe the presentation conditions and take on roles and processes in presenting or distributing media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
    EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

    Skills Examples

    • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
    • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
    • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
    • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


    • from more than one category
    • cooperate
    • combining ideas
    • active listening
    Artistic Roles
    • designers
    • director
    Technical Roles
    • equipment operator
    Organization Roles
    • producer
    • director
    • writer
    • editor
    • elements of design
    Creative Thinking
    • role playing
    • discussion
    Critical Thinking
    • analyze
    • synthesize
    • modeling
    • storyboarding
    • scripting
    • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


    Identify, describe, and share the results of a media arts experience to improve the total production.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
    EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

    Skills Examples

    • With guidance, combine two art forms and two Web 3.0 tools to teach the information from science studies through digital art, animation, or video.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect a single word chosen to describe our community.
    • With guidance and in a group, use creative thinking and a decision matrix to choose a topic for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story using the elements of a story.
    • With guidance, use two of the methods available in the classroom to collect images and sound for a media arts project to advertise your favorite breakfast cereal. Use two of the methods available in the classroom to build original images or sounds.
    • In a group, choose a media arts presentation to share with the class about a topic being studied in social studies. In the group, assign roles and make a plan for presenting and carry out your plan for the class. Describe the conditions and process to your class.
    • After sharing a media arts presentation with your class as a group, debrief with your group with guidance to identify the cause and effect of the setting. Choose two improvements in the process that could be made.


    • from more than one category
    • cooperate
    • combining ideas
    • active listening
    Artistic Roles
    • designers
    • director
    Technical Roles
    • equipment operator
    Organization Roles
    • producer
    • director
    • writer
    • editor
    • elements of design
    Creative Thinking
    • role playing
    • discussion
    Critical Thinking
    • analyze
    • synthesize
    • modeling
    • storyboarding
    • scripting
    • audience
  • setting
  • environment
  • Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


    Identify and describe how messages are created by components in media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
    EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe how the messages were created.
    • After watching a series of commercials for cars, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to commercials for breakfast cereals. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each.
    • With help, make a checklist for media arts productions to grade them on basic storytelling, purpose, message, and context.


    • content
    • information
    • theme
    • parts of whole
    • visual/ video
    • sound/ audio
    • temporality
    • audience
    • setting of presentation
    • analyze
    • question
    • effectiveness

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.


    Identify and describe how various forms, methods, and styles in media arts productions manage audience experience.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
    EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe how the messages were created.
    • After watching a series of commercials for cars, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to commercials for breakfast cereals. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each.
    • With help, make a checklist for media arts productions to grade them on basic storytelling, purpose, message, and context.


    • content
    • information
    • theme
    • parts of whole
    • visual/ video
    • sound/ audio
    • temporality
    • audience
    • setting of presentation
    • analyze
    • question
    • effectiveness

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.


    Determine the purposes and meanings of media arts productions while describing their context.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Interpretation and appreciation require consideration of the intent, form, and context of the media and artwork.
    EQ: How do people relate to and interpret media artworks?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe how the messages were created.
    • After watching a series of commercials for cars, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to commercials for breakfast cereals. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each.
    • With help, make a checklist for media arts productions to grade them on basic storytelling, purpose, message, and context.


    • content
    • information
    • theme
    • parts of whole
    • visual/ video
    • sound/ audio
    • temporality
    • audience
    • setting of presentation
    • analyze
    • question
    • effectiveness

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.


    Identify basic criteria for and evaluate media arts productions, considering possible improvements and contexts.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating, and producing media artworks.
    EQ: How and why do media artists value and judge media artworks? When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe how the messages were created.
    • After watching a series of commercials for cars, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to commercials for breakfast cereals. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each.
    • With help, make a checklist for media arts productions to grade them on basic storytelling, purpose, message, and context.


    • content
    • information
    • theme
    • parts of whole
    • visual/ video
    • sound/ audio
    • temporality
    • audience
    • setting of presentation
    • analyze
    • question
    • effectiveness

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.


    Use personal and external resources to create media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
    EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

    Skills Examples

    • With help, combine two art forms to describe a happy memory of listening to or watching a media arts production along with research about the event into a draft of a media arts product.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Use software and online applications with adult permission. Cite sources in any media arts products.


    Community/ Culture
    • personal
    • external
    • resources
    • values
    • combine
    • commercial
    • advertising
    • choices
    • actions
    • personal space
    • personal information
    • trusted person
    • purpose
    • permission

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.


    Identify and show how media arts productions form meanings, situations and/or culture.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
    EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

    Skills Examples

    • With help, combine two art forms to describe a happy memory of listening to or watching a media arts production along with research about the event into a draft of a media arts product.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Use software and online applications with adult permission. Cite sources in any media arts products.


    Community/ Culture
    • personal
    • external
    • resources
    • values
    • combine
    • commercial
    • advertising
    • choices
    • actions
    • personal space
    • personal information
    • trusted person
    • purpose
    • permission

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.


    Identify how ideas from media arts productions relate to everyday cultural life and influence values and online behavior.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
    EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

    Skills Examples

    • With help, combine two art forms to describe a happy memory of listening to or watching a media arts production along with research about the event into a draft of a media arts product.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Use software and online applications with adult permission. Cite sources in any media arts products.


    Community/ Culture
    • personal
    • external
    • resources
    • values
    • combine
    • commercial
    • advertising
    • choices
    • actions
    • personal space
    • personal information
    • trusted person
    • purpose
    • permission

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.


    Examine and interact appropriately with media arts tools and environments, applying safety, rules, and fairness.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
    EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

    Skills Examples

    • With help, combine two art forms to describe a happy memory of listening to or watching a media arts production along with research about the event into a draft of a media arts product.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Use software and online applications with adult permission. Cite sources in any media arts products.


    Community/ Culture
    • personal
    • external
    • resources
    • values
    • combine
    • commercial
    • advertising
    • choices
    • actions
    • personal space
    • personal information
    • trusted person
    • purpose
    • permission

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.


    Conceptualize original media arts products, utilizing a variety of creative methods.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
    EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meet the group's artistic goals. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard.
    • After researching choose many and varied images and l for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use balance and contrast.
    • Refine a media arts project to address a chosen purpose, communicating through metaphor.


    • imagine
    • visualize
    • unified ideas
    • theme
    • brainstorm
    • unique
    • synthesize
    • model
    Artistic Goals
    • intent
    • message
    • aesthetic
    • your "why"
    • intent
    Artistic Concepts
    • balance
    • contrast
    Elements of Design
    Principles of Media Arts
    Elements of Design
    Figurative Language
    • analogy

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.


    Consider the artistic goals and the presentation while collaboratively discussing, testing, and assembling ideas, plans, and models for media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists plan, organize, and develop creative ideas, plans, and models into process structures that can effectively realize the artistic idea.
    EQ: How do media artists organize and develop ideas and models into process structures to achieve the desired end product?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meet the group's artistic goals. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard.
    • After researching choose many and varied images and l for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use balance and contrast.
    • Refine a media arts project to address a chosen purpose, communicating through metaphor.


    • imagine
    • visualize
    • unified ideas
    • theme
    • brainstorm
    • unique
    • synthesize
    • model
    Artistic Goals
    • intent
    • message
    • aesthetic
    • your "why"
    • intent
    Artistic Concepts
    • balance
    • contrast
    Elements of Design
    Principles of Media Arts
    Elements of Design
    Figurative Language
    • analogy

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.


    Arrange varied content and components to convey purpose and meaning in different media arts productions, applying associated artistic principles.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
    EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meet the group's artistic goals. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard.
    • After researching choose many and varied images and l for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use balance and contrast.
    • Refine a media arts project to address a chosen purpose, communicating through metaphor.


    • imagine
    • visualize
    • unified ideas
    • theme
    • brainstorm
    • unique
    • synthesize
    • model
    Artistic Goals
    • intent
    • message
    • aesthetic
    • your "why"
    • intent
    Artistic Concepts
    • balance
    • contrast
    Elements of Design
    Principles of Media Arts
    Elements of Design
    Figurative Language
    • analogy

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.


    Use artistic concepts of balance and contrast.

    COS Examples

    Example: Recreate a short scene depicting Hansel and Gretel running through the forest, with some students representing static trees and others performing the moving characters. Balance is created by composition of figures in the frame and contrast is shown by static and moving characters.


    Demonstrate intentional effect in refining media artworks, emphasizing elements for a purpose.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: The forming, integration, and refinement of aesthetic components, principles and processes creates purpose, meaning and artistic quality in media artwork.
    EQ: What is required to produce a media artwork that conveys purpose, meaning, and artistic quality? How do media artists improve/refine their work?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meet the group's artistic goals. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard.
    • After researching choose many and varied images and l for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use balance and contrast.
    • Refine a media arts project to address a chosen purpose, communicating through metaphor.


    • imagine
    • visualize
    • unified ideas
    • theme
    • brainstorm
    • unique
    • synthesize
    • model
    Artistic Goals
    • intent
    • message
    • aesthetic
    • your "why"
    • intent
    Artistic Concepts
    • balance
    • contrast
    Elements of Design
    Principles of Media Arts
    Elements of Design
    Figurative Language
    • analogy

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.


    Demonstrate how a variety of academics, arts, and media forms (content and media) may be mixed or coordinated into media arts products.

    COS Examples

    Example: Perform and record a narrated dance.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists integrate various forms and contents to develop complex, unified artworks.
    EQ: How are complex media arts experiences constructed?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.


    Collaborate to practice fundamental artistic, design, technical, and career skills in media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Utilize formal technique, equipment usage, production, and effective communication.

    COS Examples

    Example: Divide students into groups focusing on cinematography (recording performance), acting, effects (lighting, sound, and scenery), and editing of a final product.


    Practice design thinking in addressing problems within and through media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Demonstrate use of tools and techniques in standard and novel ways while constructing media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
    EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.


    Explain the presentation conditions and fulfill a role and processes in presenting or distributing media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
    EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


    Explain results of and improvements for presenting media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
    EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

    Skills Examples

    • Choose and share a media arts product that shows a variety of academics, arts and media forms. Identify each element as the product is being shared.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use creative thinking to choose a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice. The project will reflect an original story with a clear purpose, message, and meaning.
    • Create a media arts product that addresses a specific problem in the community and revise the product at least twice.
    • In a creative team with assigned roles, use tools available in the classroom in both a standard and novel way for a media arts project that combines two art forms and has been revised at least twice.
    • Choose a media arts presentation to share with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies.
    • After sharing a media arts product with a younger group of students about a topic being studied social studies, debrief with the class about the results and improvements that could be made for the presentation.


    • books, print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.


    Identify, describe, and explain how messages are created by components in media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
    EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify, describe, and explain how the messages were created by the individual components.
    • After watching a series of commercials for shoes, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to a series of political ads. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each and how interpretation is affected by context.
    • Using a class made checklist for basic principles, processes, and context grade one of your own media arts products and make changes to make it better.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.


    Identify, describe, and explain how various forms, methods, and styles in media arts productions manage audience experience.

    Unpacked Content

    Essential Questions

    EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
    EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

    Skills Examples

    • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify, describe, and explain how the messages were created by the individual components.
    • After watching a series of commercials for shoes, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
    • With guidance, watch and respond to a series of political ads. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each and how interpretation is affected by context.
    • Using a class made checklist for basic principles, processes, and context grade one of your own media arts products and make changes to make it better.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

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