Standards - Arts Education


Construct evaluations of a work of art or collection of works based on differing sets of criteria.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: People evaluate art based on various criteria.
EQ: How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art? How and why might criteria vary? How is a personal preference different from an evaluation?

Skills Examples

  • Critique and justify how personal aesthetic criteria and choices evolve over time and are influenced by the geographical, cultural, and historical perspectives represented in a variety of visual artworks.
  • Compare society's responses to artworks over time, taking into account that perceptions are influenced by culture, personal experiences, social media, and advertisements.
  • Examine the knowledge, skills, and work habits that are needed for careers in the arts; explain how arts skills, innovation, and imagination transfer to various careers in the world of work, and justify the explanation.
  • Apply one's understanding of the genres and styles of various artists, cultures, places, and times when selecting, categorizing, and critiquing historically significant works of art by a variety of artists, in a variety of styles, and from a variety of cultures and times.
  • Describe common characteristics, attributes, styles, and relationships between groups of artists and artworks.
  • Select and use specific images, attributes, or characteristics to create a work of art in the manner of a particular group, style, culture, or historical period.
  • Evaluate and compare various interpretations of a visual artwork; choose one interpretation and use one's own analysis of the artwork to explain and justify the choice.
  • Demonstrate a responding process, with particular attention to engaging the senses actively and purposefully and applying diverse criteria and relevant background knowledge and research when evaluating visual artworks.
  • Work independently to use arts symbols in a variety of genres, styles, and media in order to create artworks that synthesize original ideas and feelings.
  • Integrate and adapt attributes of a particular society or culture, or of one's own experiences, to create original artworks and designs.


  • Artist Statement
  • Abstraction
  • Animation
  • Distortion
  • Elaboration
  • Fragmentation
  • Juxtaposition
  • Magnification
  • Metamorphosis
  • Multiplication
  • Reversals
  • Simplification
  • Viewpoint
  • Form, intent, and content complement each other
  • Intent drives the selection of media and technique
  • Mix and blend materials
  • Expand on new ideas of communicating visually.
  • Making informed choices to communicate effectively.
  • Artists pursue new and innovative ways to create multiple themed artworks with technical skill and mastery while maintaining and caring for materials.
  • Reflect, re-engage, revise and refining works of art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.


Appraise the impact of an artist or a group of artists on the beliefs, values, and behaviors of a society.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Through artmaking, people make meaning by investigating and developing awareness of perceptions, knowledge, and experiences.
EQ: How does engaging in creating art enrich people's lives? How does making art attune people to their surroundings? How do people contribute to awareness and understanding of their lives and the lives of their communities through artmaking?

Skills Examples

  • Create an artwork that combines influences of a particular artist, style, culture, or time with personal experience; for instance, create a collage in the manner of Romare Bearden that references gentrification of urban areas.
  • Create an original painting that speaks to a significant personal memory and contains features, qualities, or attributes that were derived from a historical art movement.
  • Describe, from different perspectives, the extent to which Jim Fitzpatrick's portraiture of Che Guevara or Shepard Fairey's Hope changed how society viewed the historical figures depicted.
  • Analyze how an artistic movement influenced greater society, such as how the pop art movement of the 1960's changed the way that many Americans viewed marketing and popular imagery.
  • Work independently to use arts symbols in a variety of genres, styles, and media in order to create artworks that synthesize original ideas and feelings.
  • Integrate and adapt attributes of a particular society of culture, or of one's own experiences, to create original works and designs.
  • Evaluate how specific artists, artworks, or designs have shaped culture, society, or history, and justify one's evaluation and conclusions.
  • Evaluate the role of the artist and the impact of visual arts in relation to the economy, politics, and the environment.


  • Artist Statement
  • Abstraction
  • Animation
  • Distortion
  • Elaboration
  • Fragmentation
  • Juxtaposition
  • Magnification
  • Metamorphosis
  • Multiplication
  • Reversals
  • Simplification
  • Viewpoint
  • Form, intent, and content complement each other
  • Intent drives the selection of media and technique
  • Mix and blend materials
  • Expand on new ideas of communicating visually.
  • Making informed choices to communicate effectively.
  • Artists pursue new and innovative ways to create multiple themed artworks with technical skill and mastery while maintaining and caring for materials.
  • Reflect, re-engage, revise and refining works of art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.


Synthesize knowledge of social, cultural, historical, and personal life with art-making approaches to create and defend personal philosophies of art based on a connection to aesthetic theories and visual culture.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: People develop ideas and understandings of society, culture, and history through their interactions with and analysis of art.
EQ: How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? How is art used to impact the views of a society? How does art preserve aspects of life?

Skills Examples

  • Create an artwork that combines influences of a particular artist, style, culture, or time with personal experience; for instance, create a collage in the manner of Romare Bearden that references gentrification of urban areas.
  • Create an original painting that speaks to a significant personal memory and contains features, qualities, or attributes that were derived from a historical art movement.
  • Describe, from different perspectives, the extent to which Jim Fitzpatrick's portraiture of Che Guevara or Shepard Fairey's Hope changed how society viewed the historical figures depicted.
  • Analyze how an artistic movement influenced greater society, such as how the pop art movement of the 1960's changed the way that many Americans viewed marketing and popular imagery.
  • Work independently to use arts symbols in a variety of genres, styles, and media in order to create artworks that synthesize original ideas and feelings.
  • Integrate and adapt attributes of a particular society of culture, or of one's own experiences, to create original works and designs.
  • Evaluate how specific artists, artworks, or designs have shaped culture, society, or history, and justify one's evaluation and conclusions.
  • Evaluate the role of the artist and the impact of visual arts in relation to the economy, politics, and the environment.


  • Artist Statement
  • Abstraction
  • Animation
  • Distortion
  • Elaboration
  • Fragmentation
  • Juxtaposition
  • Magnification
  • Metamorphosis
  • Multiplication
  • Reversals
  • Simplification
  • Viewpoint
  • Form, intent, and content complement each other
  • Intent drives the selection of media and technique
  • Mix and blend materials
  • Expand on new ideas of communicating visually.
  • Making informed choices to communicate effectively.
  • Artists pursue new and innovative ways to create multiple themed artworks with technical skill and mastery while maintaining and caring for materials.
  • Reflect, re-engage, revise and refining works of art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

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