Interpret art by referring to contextual information and analyzing relevant subject matter, visual qualities, and use of media.
COS Examples
Example: Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware River in 1776 and its relevance to the Revolutionary War.
Interpret art by referring to contextual information and analyzing relevant subject matter, visual qualities, and use of media.
COS Examples
Example: Emanuel Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware River in 1776 and its relevance to the Revolutionary War.
Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EQ: What is the value of engaging in the process of art criticism? How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text? How does knowing and using visual arts vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art?
Skills Examples
- Compare Gyotaku Japanese fish printing and printing with a rubber stamp.
- Make conclusions about the artist's feelings and perspective.
- Analyze the meaning of Edvard Munch's The Scream.
- Interpret Emanuel Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware River and its relevance to the Revolutionary War.
- Discuss and form an opinion about the social and personal value of a piece of art.
- Apply one element or principle of design to discuss how students' outcomes are different even though they used the same criteria for a work of art/ design.
- Formulate criteria for discussing and assessing works of art.
- Use art vocabulary when discussing and judging artworks.
- Engage in group critiques of one's work and the work of others for the purpose of personal reflection and on-going improvement.
- Constructed environment
- Cultural traditions
- Digital format
- Engagement
- Tertiary color
- Preservation
- Proportion
- Principles of design
- Unity
- Shade
- Style
- Tints & shades