Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Visual Arts


Explain and evaluate how museums or other venues communicate the history and values of a community.

COS Examples

Examples: Civil Rights Museum in Birmingham and the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented either by artists, museums, or other venues communicate meaning and a record of social, cultural, and political experiences resulting in the cultivating of appreciation and understanding.
EQ: What is an art museum? How does the presenting and sharing of objects, artifacts, and artworks influence and shape ideas, beliefs, and experiences? How do objects, artifacts, and artworks collected, preserved, or presented, cultivate appreciation and understanding?

Skills Examples

  • Practice making preliminary sketches in a sketchbook or journal.
  • Illustrate the ability to bring a work from a sketch to a final product.
  • Observe methods for mounting and matting work for exhibition and saving personal work using digital methods.
  • Discuss appropriate behavior in a variety of settings, such as a gallery and an interactive museum.
  • Use various types of paper and recognize its various characteristics (such as tooth).
  • Examine the stages involved in the development of an artwork made of clay (differences between bone dry, bisque firing, and glaze firing), and how each affects the way that the artwork can be used as well as how long it lasts.
  • Present work to others by means of a display, show, exhibit, gallery, or portfolio review.
  • Create (with the assistance of the teacher/ student peers) an appropriate rubric for self-assessment.
  • Visit, either in person or electronically, Civil Rights Museum in Birmingham and the Rosa Parks Museum in Montgomery or other historical gallery/venue of display.
  • Participate in a School or County Art Show where family and community are invited to attend.


  • Artistic ideas and work
  • Formal and conceptual vocabulary
  • Innovation
  • Investigation
  • Two-dimensional
  • Three-dimensional
  • Experimentation
  • Conservation
  • Craftsmanship
  • Linear perspective
  • Environmental responsibility
  • Prior knowledge
  • Museum
  • Gallery
  • Curator
  • Digital
  • Horizon Line
  • Brainstorming
  • Research

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.