Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

How Are Video Games Made?

Subject Area

Arts Education


4, 5


Students will read about how video games are created.  They will read that computer programmers have to write in a computer language called code to control the game.  They will read that video games have a story, characters, and an environment.  They will begin writing a scenario for a new video game.    

    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Media Arts


    Conceptualize original media arts products, utilizing a variety of creative methods.

    Unpacked Content



    • imagine
    • visualize
    • unified ideas
    • theme
    • brainstorm
    • unique
    • synthesize
    • model
    Artistic Goals
    • intent
    • message
    • aesthetic
    • your "why"
    • intent
    Artistic Concepts
    • balance
    • contrast
    Elements of Design
    Principles of Media Arts
    Elements of Design
    Figurative Language
    • analogy

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
    EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meet the group's artistic goals. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard.
    • After researching choose many and varied images and l for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use balance and contrast.
    • Refine a media arts project to address a chosen purpose, communicating through metaphor.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Media Arts


    Examine and use personal and external resources to create media arts productions.

    Unpacked Content



    • question
    • personal
    • interests
    • external
    • trends
    • observe
    • question
    • fair
    • law
    • right

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
    EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

    Skills Examples

    • Combine two art forms to describe a memory of an news event along with research about the event into media arts product and show effect on culture.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event along with its effect on culture at large, specifically through changing daily language.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Write a letter to the owner of a sound or image and ask permission to use it in a media arts production.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Media Arts


    Explain verbally and/or in media arts productions how media art productions and ideas relate to everyday and cultural life.

    Unpacked Content



    • question
    • personal
    • interests
    • external
    • trends
    • observe
    • question
    • fair
    • law
    • right

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
    EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

    Skills Examples

    • Combine two art forms to describe a memory of an news event along with research about the event into media arts product and show effect on culture.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event along with its effect on culture at large, specifically through changing daily language.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and society.
    • Write a letter to the owner of a sound or image and ask permission to use it in a media arts production.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Media Arts


    Present original ideas and innovations for media arts products, utilizing personal experiences and/or the work of others.

    Unpacked Content



    • Synthesize
    • Innovation
    • Concept
    • Action Plan
    • Materials List
    • Roles/ Team Needed
    • Persuade
    • Discredit
    • Subtext
    • Connotation vs. Denotation
    • Emphasis
    • Exaggeration

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media arts ideas, works, and processes are shaped by the imagination, creative processes, and by experiences, both within and outside of the arts.
    EQ: How do media artists generate ideas? How can ideas for media arts productions be formed and developed to be effective and original?

    Skills Examples

    • Brainstorm with a group and list many, varied, and unusual ideas for a class media arts project. Use a storyboard to capture and organize ideas to advertise a product in a new way with a new message.
    • In a group and after brainstorming choose one idea and create a plan and/or model for a media arts production that meets the group's artistic goals based on the elements of design. Challenge the model by getting feedback from classmates and revise the storyboard to better communicate to the audience.
    • After researching choose many and varied images for a media arts production that convey a chosen purpose. Images and sounds will use emphasis and exaggeration.
    • Refine a media arts project from feedback to get a specific audience reaction, communicating through metaphor and symbolism.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
    Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Media Arts


    Research and show how media arts productions and ideas relate to personal, social and community life.

    Unpacked Content



    • internal
    • external
    • society
    • values
    • question
    • compare information
    • cause and effect
    • fair
    • prudent
    • law

    Essential Questions

    EU: Media artworks and ideas are better understood and produced by relating them to their purposes, values, and various contexts.
    EQ: How does media arts relate to its various contexts, purposes, and values? How does investigating these relationships inform and deepen the media artist's understanding and work?

    Skills Examples

    • Combine two art forms to describe a memory of a news event along with research about the event into media arts product and show effect on culture.
    • Share with the class a favorite media arts production (i.e., YouTube video, etc.), and include the meaning and message of the event along with its effect on culture at large, specifically through changing daily language and behavior.
    • Through teacher-led discussion and by responding to questions, describe how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of the school community and affect family life.
    • Cite sources in any media arts products using APA Style and forecast the possible interpretations and reactions to media arts products.

    Anchor Standards

    Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.
    Link to Resource

    CR Resource Type

    Learning Activity

    Resource Provider


    License Type
