Standards - World Languages


Understand the main idea and a few details in texts on a variety of topics related to everyday life and personal interests in various time frames and moods using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

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Students know:
  • variety of time frames.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific topics.
  • the target language vocabulary for various types of documents (written or audio/video) (i.e., literary texts, newspapers, magazines, websites, radio/tv ads, announcements, or live presentations).


Intermediate Mid & High Level
Students are able to:
  • relate the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and products of the cultures as presented on TV, radio, video, or live presentations.
  • describe the main themes and significant details on topics from other subjects and products of the cultures as found in printed sources for target language audiences.
  • identify the principal characters and discuss the main ideas and themes in selected literary texts.
  • comprehend spoken and written messages in the target language.


Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.

Aligned Learning Resources


Present information on a wide variety of both familiar and new topics using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure in various time frames and moods.

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Students know:
  • the target language vocabulary for specific topics.
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.


Intermediate Mid & High Level
Students are able to:
  • create materials about their community for visitors from the target culture.
  • prepare stories or brief written reports about personal experiences, events, or other school subjects to share with others.
  • create and narrate a presentation on a current global concern.
  • prepare an oral or written summary of the plot and characters in selected pieces of literature.


Students understand that:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.


Analyze perspectives through practices of the target cultures.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • background knowledge of the target culture.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • interact appropriately in various contexts with members of the target culture.
  • investigate, analyze and reflect on the relationship of cultural products to perspectives.
  • investigate, analyze and reflect on the relationship of cultural practices to perspectives.
  • use culturally appropriate verbal and nonverbal behavior in daily activities among peers or mixed groups.
  • present to others how (and why) common cultural practices and procedures are carried out.
  • role play a variety of situations from the target culture, using culturally appropriate behaviors and expressions.


Students understand that:
  • language and culture are inextricably linked.
  • an ability to communicate in another language fosters a better.
  • understanding of my own language and culture.
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • other understandings will vary according to theme being taught.


Analyze perspectives through products of the target cultures.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • background knowledge of the target culture.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • nvestigate the products and perspetives of a target culture.
  • investigate the beliefs (perspectives) associated with the target culture's products in the contexts of arts, crafts, graphic representations, music, and short videos.
  • investigate and explain the relationship bewtween cultural products and perspectives.
  • investigate and explain the realtion between cultural practices and perspectives.
  • analyze the function of everyday objects produced in the culture.
  • compare and analyze perspectives reflected in news reports, social media, pamphlets, advertisements, etc.
  • discuss perspectives reflected in creative works of the culture.


Students understand that:
  • language and culture are inextricably linked.
  • an ability to communicate in another language fosters a better.
  • understanding of my own language and culture.
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • other understandings will vary according to theme being taught.


Connect with other disciplines in the target language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • background knowledge of the target culture.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • identify and interpret basic information from authentic sources, such as news articles, event flyers, invitations, and advertisements.
  • identify a few target language news sources and stores.
  • use the target language to learn about other disciplines.
  • use information learned in the target language in other disciplines.
  • use the target language to make comparisons of similarities and differences in countries where target language is spoken.
  • use the target language to investigate, explain, and present connections made with other disciplines.
  • use the target language to present to and interact with others for a variety of purposes in a variety of time frames and moods.
  • make oral or written presentations in the target language on topics being studied in other classes.
  • describe and compare key characteristics of countries where the target language is spoken.
  • research and compare how countries where the target language is spoken deal with current global issues (i.e., environment, economic crisis, migration, etc.).
  • research and report on contributions of the cultures that use the target language to science, medicine, and government.


Students understand that:
  • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
  • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
  • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.


Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • how perspectives of a target culture are portrayed through media and advertising.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • use the target language to investigate, compare, and contrast current events and advertisements from the target culture to a student's own culture.
  • identify and explain the diverse perspectives of the target culture through the lens of a culture's perspectives.
  • communicate in the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.
  • use the target language to make comparison of current events and how they are reported.
  • use the target language to identify advertisements and compare them with target culture and students'own culture.
  • research how a major figure from history, science, or the arts is described in the target language and use it to expand what they already know.
  • compare how products are marketed in the target culture versus the United States.
  • compare news articles on front pages of newspapers from countries where the target language is spoken.


Students understand that:
  • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
  • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
  • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.


Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language using complex sentence structure in a variety of time frames and aspects.

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Students know:
  • common idiomatic expressions in the target language.
  • formal and informal forms of address and language.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • compare and contrast the products, practices and perspectives of the target culture to their native culture in a variety of time frames and moods in the target language.
  • communicate in the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.
  • use target langauge to compare activities and events of the target culture and native culture.
  • use target langauge to compare the practices of target and native culture.
  • identify games, fairy tales, songs, and rhymes from the target culture and compare them with those of the native culture.
  • identify and use borrowed words and cognates in the language they are learning and their own, and hypothesize about their origins.
  • compare and analyze idiomatic expressions in the language they are learning and their own, and hypothesize about their origins.
  • compare language appropriate to specific social groups and situations in the language they are learning and their own. compare syntax functions (e.g., word order and inflections) to express meaning in the target language and in English.


Students understand that:
  • culture and language are inextricably linked together.
  • structures and writing systems of the target language and English have similarities and differences.
  • different linguistic structures communicate different meanings.
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.


Compare products, practices, and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture using varied vocabulary and more complex sentence structure.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • how to identify and distinguish between products, practices and perspectives of culture.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • differentiate between when to use formal and informal register.
  • ecognize and understand idiomatic expressions in listening and reading.
  • use idiomatic expressions appropriately in speaking and writing.
  • communicate in the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.
  • compare and contrast the role and importance of family in the target cultures to their own.
  • compare and contrast school schedules, course offerings, and attitudes toward school in the target cultures to their own.
  • compare and contrast career choices and preparation in the target cultures to their own.
  • compare and contrast entertainment and leisure options in the target cultures and their own.


Students understand that:
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • by studying another culture, one can better understand and appreciate their own.
  • other understanding will depend on theme being taught.


Interact using the target language within and beyond the classroom using complex sentence structure.

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Students know:
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.
  • the target language vocabulary for specific purposes.
  • the cultural practices and perspectives related to communication in the target language.


Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • use target language vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate with target language.
  • speakers inside and outside of the classroom across a variety of contexts.
  • use target language vocabulary and verbs in a variety of tenses to simulate real world interactions in the target culture.
  • communicate with native speakers of the target language or role-play interactions.
  • communicate in the target language in a variety of time frames and moods.
  • interact with members of the local community or with contacts made electronically to hear how they use the language in their various fields of work.
  • participate in language club activities which benefit the school or community.
  • write and illustrate stories to present to others.
  • perform for a school or community celebration.


Students understand that:
  • learning a second language will open doors for you professionally and personally.
  • using the target language to converse with the target language speakers and simulate real world interactions builds confidence for using the langauge globally.
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.