Use equipment appropriately and safely, using teacher guidelines.
Use equipment appropriately and safely, using teacher guidelines.
Use equipment appropriately and safely, using teacher guidelines.
APE accommodation suggestions: Verbal prompting and redirecting, peer assistance to model proper personal and social behaviors
Anchor Standard 5: Values Physical Activity: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
5.1 Values Physical Activity: Health
Describe how being physically active leads to stress reduction, social interaction, and an overall healthy body.
APE accommodation suggestions: Peer assistance and modeling
5.2 Values Physical Activity: Challenge
Acknowledge individual challenges in order to handle them in a positive way.
Examples: extending effort, asking for help or feedback, modifying the tasks
APE accommodation suggestions: Peer assistance and modeling
5.3 Values Physical Activity: Self-expression & enjoyment
Describe how moving proficiently in a physical activity setting creates enjoyment.
APE accommodation suggestions: Peer assistance and modeling
5.4 Values Physical Activity: Social interaction
Identify strategies for respecting self and others through activities and games.
Examples: following the rules, encouraging others, playing in the spirit of the game or activity
APE accommodation suggestions: Peer assistance and modeling
Grade 7
Anchor Standard 1: Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
1.1 Locomotor: Dance and rhythms
Demonstrate accurate rhythmic activities and sequences of steps for multiple dance forms.
Examples: folk, social, creative, line, world dance, hip-hop, stomp, haka
APE accommodation suggestions: slower music, poly spots and/or arrows on floor for direction, break the dance steps/ movements down into small parts, review/practice, peer assistance and modeling
1.2 Manipulative: Throwing
Throw using the proper form for distance or power appropriate to the activity in a dynamic environment.
Examples: throwing to a moving receiver, give and go passing
APE accommodation suggestions: Provide a variety of sizes, shapes, textures, and inflation levels of objects to make throwing more successful; use ball launchers.
1.3 Manipulative: Catching
Catch using the proper form from a variety of trajectories using different objects in small-sided game play.
APE accommodation suggestions: Decrease distance ball is tossed, rolled or bounced; provide students the opportunity to catch an object using a bucket or a basket. Good objects to use for catching: stuffed animal, beach ball, scarf, deflated ball, foam ball, fleece ball, balloon (be aware of latex allergies).
1.4 Manipulative: Passing and receiving
Pass and receive using hands and feet in combination with locomotor patterns, change of direction, and/or speed, with proficiency.
Examples: passing and receiving while moving in basketball, ultimate Frisbee, speedball, soccer
APE accommodation suggestions: Use a larger ball or slightly deflated ball.
1.5 Manipulative: Offensive skills
Perform a variety of offensive skills with defensive pressure.
Examples: pivots, fakes, give and go, jab steps, hitting to an open space
APE accommodation suggestions: Peer assistance; verbal cues; modeling
1.6 Manipulative: Dribbling and ball control
Dribble with dominant and non-dominant hand, foot, or implement while changing speed and/or direction in a variety of tasks with defensive pressure.
APE accommodation suggestions: Use a larger ball or slightly deflated ball.