Understand the concepts of open and closed spaces in small group activities while moving or traveling.
Understand the concepts of open and closed spaces in small group activities while moving or traveling.
This activity includes three levels of passing: rookie, starter, and all-star. Students move with various dribbling skills and pass with other students. Throughout the activity, dribbling/movements can be changed by using various offensive tactics and teaching ways to create open spaces. Later in the activity, defense can be added to further teach both offensive and defensive tactics. This activity is designed to teach basketball but can be adjusted to teach many sports that utilize team defensive and offensive tactics.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Understand the concepts of open and closed spaces in small group activities while moving or traveling.
Demonstrate simple offensive and defensive strategies and tactics in a variety of game settings.
Apply skills learned in earlier grades - simple strategies and tactics in chasing/ fleeing, offensive/ defensive strategies and tactics.
Pass and receive in a stationary position, using hands and feet with proficiency.
Utilize a variety of offensive skills to create open space during practice tasks without defensive pressure.
Identify offensive and defensive tactics to create or reduce open space in a variety of activities.
Perform a variety of offensive skills with defensive pressure.
Execute a variety of offensive and defensive tactics to create open space.
Execute a variety of offensive skills during modified game play.