Citizen of a Digital Culture
Citizen of a Digital Culture
Citizen of a Digital Culture
Safety, Privacy, and Security
Differentiate between a secure and a non-secure website including how they affect personal data.
Example: HTTP vs. HTTPS.
Legal and Ethical Behavior
Describe the causes and effects of illegal use of intellectual property as it relates to print and digital media, considering copyright, fair use, licensing, sharing, and attribution.
Differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate digital content and the use of that content.
Digital Identity
Define digital permanence.
Define personal privacy, digital footprint, and open communication.
Impact of Computing
Discuss digital globalization and Internet censorship.
Examples: Software that scans a website for posts about potential threats; a person’s ability to order a product directly from a manufacturer in another part of the world; a student in Africa can take an online math course created in the United States; web-hosting company prevents posting of content.
Identify emerging technologies in computing.
Global Collaborator
Creative Communications
Communicate and/or publish collaboratively to inform others from a variety of backgrounds and cultures about issues and problems.
Digital Tools
Type 30 words per minute with 95% accuracy using appropriate keyboarding techniques.
Social Interactions
Define censorship.
Computing Analyst
Track data change from a variety of sources.
Example: Use editing or versioning tools to track changes to data.
Identify data transferring protocols, visualization, and the purpose of data and methods of storage.
Examples: Using an online collection tool or form to collect data that is then stored in a spreadsheet or database.
Identify varying data structures/systems and methods of classification, including decimal and binary.
Examples: Difference between a bit and a byte, bit representation, pixels.
Summarize the purpose of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).
Discuss how digital devices may be used to collect, analyze, and present information.
Compare and contrast types of networks.
Examples: Wired, wireless (WiFi), local, wide area, mobile, Internet, and intranet.
Differentiate between secure and non-secure systems.
Modeling and Simulation
Explain why professionals may use models as logical representations of physical, mathematical, or logical systems or processes.
Example: Students will discuss why an engineer may build a model of a building before actually constructing the building.
Explain how simulations serve to implement models.
Innovative Designer
Human/Computer Partnerships
Define assistive technologies and state reasons they may be needed.