This high school lesson provides an opportunity for students to learn more about and reflect upon athletes who have taken stands on political issues.
This resource is informational material that can be used by the teacher to incorporate into their lesson planning. This text defines flexibility, identifies how to build flexibility, explains how much stretching is enough, and covers the benefits of flexibility. This resource includes pictures, important terminology, and review questions.
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Rhythms should be taught like other sport skills. Avoid striving for perfection so students know it is acceptable to make mistakes. Teach a variety of dances rather than one or two in-depth in case some students find it difficult to master a specific dance. Make dances easy for students to learn by implementing the techniques found in this resource.
This resource includes choreography for 6 folk dances.
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This activity includes three levels of passing: rookie, starter, and all-star. Students move with various dribbling skills and pass with other students. Throughout the activity, dribbling/movements can be changed by using various offensive tactics and teaching ways to create open spaces. Later in the activity, defense can be added to further teach both offensive and defensive tactics. This activity is designed to teach basketball but can be adjusted to teach many sports that utilize team defensive and offensive tactics.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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The purpose of this activity is to practice striking (racket or paddle) skills.
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The purpose of this activity is to improve the skill to strike an object with a paddle.
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The field is divided into 8 lanes. A defensive and an offensive player are placed in each of the 8 lanes. A goalkeeper for each team is also positioned in front of the goal area. Players may not leave their lane during play. A shot on goal may not be taken until a minimum of two passes has been completed. This rule encourages passing to someone in a better position before taking a shot on goal. Encourage players to maintain their spacing during play.
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This video is part of the Healthy Kids project. It quickly reminds students that mistakes are a natural part of learning. It’s important to speak with kindness, encouragement, and compassion, whether we are talking to ourselves or to others.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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During class time the students will work with a partner and discuss how they handle stress in their everyday lives. Using what they have learned in the lesson the students will list three positive effects that exercise has on mental health and prepare a class presentation.
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Parkour is an art of movement in which you train the body and mind to overcome obstacles. It emphasizes strength, flexibility, balance, body control, creativity, fluidity, discipline, and precision. Parkour movements include running, jumping, vaulting, climbing, balancing, and crawling. Parkour training focuses on safety, responsibility, overcoming fear, and self-improvement.
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In this learning activity, the students will research the necessary components of a sports physical. The resource, Teens Health, will help to determine what is involved with the medical procedures.
This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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This resource provides an interactive guide to engage, explore, apply, and reflect on heart rate. Resting and target heart rate activities are included in addition to guiding application questions for each.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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It’s a huge commitment to be an ER doc. But how many people can say they save lives and really mean it? Yamini talks about the rewards – and pressures – of her job.
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This video provides information about the Pacer Test which is part of the Alabama Physical Fitness Test.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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The goal of this self-assessment is similar to Hellison’s Model for Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility. We want kids to take responsibility for what they say and do in our classes. The easiest way to check and make sure kids understand where they stand is to have them do a self-assessment.
It’s also a great tool for teachers to recognize when a student might have a lower self-perception than they should – this is a great opportunity for the teacher to have a conversation and encourage them.
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This informational material is helpful for students to better understanding wearable technology. This material could be assigned reading or used for class discussion.
This resource includes "try it out" activities as an extension to the reading.
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Most activities that our students do in their day-to-day life use some degree of eye-hand coordination, which is why it's important to ensure that it is as developed as possible. This is a simple activity using balloons and short handled paddles.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This video explains why intensity matters and it breaks down what MVPA is (moderate to vigorous physical activity). Dr. Mike Evans is a staff physician at St. Michael's Hospital and an Associate Professor of Family Medicine. He is a Scientist at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute and has an endowed Chair in Patient Engagement in Child Nutrition at the University of Toronto.
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This learning activity focuses on the skills of throwing with accuracy and catching with coordination. One group of students is throwing to targets while a different small group of students is protecting the targets from the throws. This activity is short in duration and allows for the game to transition quickly to new rounds. This gives students the opportunity to be both throwers and catchers.
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Treasure Grabs is an activity that teaches the students how to communicate with each other while dribbling a soccer ball. The website has the rules and requirements for elementary students.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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In this video, Mike Boyle demonstrates three exercises that can teach proper Squat form to any athlete.
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In this short video, students will learn about the roles and responsbilities of an athletic trainer.
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This resource is a lesson plan that teaches students to observe body movements in different activities and determine what body systems are being used. Students are introduced to correct terminology of body movements. This lesson plan incorporates STEM concepts while teaching about physical movement.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This resource is a plethora of learning tools from PE Kansas to help students better manage stress.
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This resource includes several videos and graphics about the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet and how to create a proper fit. These videos can be displayed during a class session and the graphics can be used to stem class discussion or can be printed to be displayed in the gym or bulletin board.
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In this activity, students are dribbling in free space using the proper cues of the tap and bump technique. Students dribble around the space and try not to get tagged. Students get tagged when the balls from other students collide. If this happens, students hug their ball and spread their legs until one of the untagged students kicks their ball through the open legs of the tagged student. A tagged student can now dribble again once this occurs.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Lacrosse basketball is a game where students are working with their team to score in the baskets by dunking the ball. This game will have students combining lacrosse skills, changing speed and direction in game situations. The object of the game is to score by passing the ball to your “goal player” in the corner of the activity area who will dunk it in the basket. This is a fun and fast-paced activity that incorporates cooperation skills within a small group setting.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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The purpose of this activity is to reinforce fundamental motor skills (run, jump, hop, gallop, slide, leap and skip) and exercises-Watermelon Jack (jumping jacks), Cauliflower Power (push-ups), Raisin Bread (sit-ups), Crab-by Kick (crab kick), and Move n’ Milk (walking hands and feet).
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This website describes 37 different food journals and gives tips on how to be successful during this process. A food journal is a useful tool for improving health. It is a tool that can be used to track what one eats at every meal. Keeping a food diary allows one to:
- Become more accountable for your eating habits
- Identify your motivation for eating
- Focus on your nutritional requirements
- Know your food triggers, for pinpointing allergies
- Keep track of calories for weight loss/gain goals
- Eat more healthily
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The purpose of this activity is for students to practice using a hockey stick to perform soft taps while traveling and changing directions while dribbling and dodging in general space.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This resource provides posters that can be printed with the skills and cues that are associated with locomotor and manipulative skills.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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The purpose of this activity is to facilitate the development and maintenance of physical fitness by using fitness walking as the activity and participate in the "mixed up" activity to understand that time, force, and flow impact heart rate.
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ACE Fit offers a number of free tools and calculators to help you determine everything from your body mass index (BMI) to your target heart rate zone, your blood pressure, body fat composition, daily caloric needs, and more. Each of those tools will help you find an exercise program that fits your individual needs and goals, whether that be losing weight or increasing your strength with weight training.
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This learning activity is a free resource from PE Kansas Lesson Plans. This activity can be used to help students throw using manipulatives while moving. Students will practice throwing to a moving target and catching while moving.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Development Summit.
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This Sesame Street produced video stars Melissa McCarthy discussing the word of the day, "choreographer." After this discussion, Elmo and Melissa lead a dance.