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Describe the impact of technological inventions, conditions of labor, and the economic theories of capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism during the Industrial Revolution on the economies, societies, and politics of Europe.

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Students know:
  • The impact inventions, labor conditions, economic, and governmental theories had on Europe during the Industrial Revolution.


Student is able to:
  • Evaluate critical factors surrounding a historical time period.
  • Identify causal factors of historical changes.
  • Distinguish among causal factors and results of historical changes.


Students understand that:
  • Various factors impacted the economies, societies, and politics during the Industrial Revolution and each had an impact of the Industrial Revolution on Europe and the world.


  • capitalism
  • liberalism
  • socialism
  • Marxism
  • Industrial Revolution


Describe the influence of urbanization on the Western World during the nineteenth century.

COS Examples

Examples: interaction with the environment, provisions for public health, increased opportunities for upward mobility, changes in social stratification, development of Romanticism and Realism, development of Impressionism and Cubism

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Students know:
  • The influence of urbanization on the Western World during the nineteenth century.
  • The role of political democracy and social justice in the nineteenth century Western World.


Student is able to:
  • Evaluate historical influences using primary resources such as literature, visual arts, and maps.
  • Analyze and explain impacts of historical movements.


Students understand that:
  • Urbanization influenced the Western World during the nineteenth century.
  • Political democracy and social justice played important roles in the nineteenth century Western World.


  • urbanization
  • mobility
  • social stratification
  • Romanticism
  • Realism
  • Impressionism
  • Cubism
  • European Revolution of 1848
  • emancipation
  • universal manhood suffrage
  • women's suffrage


Describing the search for political democracy and social justice in the Western World

COS Examples

Examples: European Revolution of 1848, slavery and emancipation in the United States, emancipation of serfs in Russia, universal manhood suffrage, women’s suffrage


Describe the impact of European nationalism and Western imperialism as forces of global transformation, including the unification of Italy and Germany, the rise of Japan’s power in East Asia, economic roots of imperialism, imperialist ideology, colonialism and national rivalries, and United States’ imperialism.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to describe the global impact of European nationalism and Western imperialism.


Students are able to:
  • Use a variety of types of maps, identify countries and regions that were colonized and/or colonizers.
  • Examine and analyze historical evidence, using a variety of types of primary resources.


Students understand that:
  • Nationalism and imperialism impacted countries and societies around the world during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.


  • European nationalism
  • Western imperialism
  • colonialism
  • national rivalries


Explain causes and consequences of World War I, including imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and the alliance system.

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Students know:
  • How to explain the causes and consequences of WWI.


Students are able to:
  • Identify causes and consequences of historical events using a variety of primary and secondary historical resources.
  • Judge the importance of historical events using specific textual evidence to support the student's position.


Students understand that:
  • There were many causes and consequences of World War I.


  • imperialism
  • militarism
  • nationalism
  • alliance system
  • Bolsheviks
  • Treaty of Versailles of 1919
  • reparations
  • War Guilt Clause
  • League of Nations


Explain challenges of the post-World War I period.

COS Examples

Examples: 1920s cultural disillusionment, colonial rebellion and turmoil in Ireland and India, attempts to achieve political stability in Europe

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Students know:
  • The challenges faced around the world after WWI.


Students are able to:
  • Identify and analyze social and political changes using historical data.
  • Evaluate the impact of social and political changes using primary resources including text, visual and auditory arts, and maps.


Students understand that:
  • There were many global challenges in the world after World War I.


  • Great Depression


Describe causes and consequences of World War II.

COS Examples

Examples: causes–unanswered aggression, Axis goal of world conquest

consequences–changes in political boundaries; Allied goals; lasting issues such as the Holocaust, Atomic Age, and Nuremberg Trials

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to describe the causes and consequences of WWII.


Students are able to:
  • Investigate and explain causal factors for historical events, using a variety of primary resources.
  • Develop and defend a position related to a historical event, citing specific textual evidence to support the student's position.
  • Relate historical consequences to resulting social and political changes.


Students understand that:
  • There were many causes and consequences of World War II.


  • Axis Powers
  • Allied Powers
  • Holocaust
  • Atomic Age
  • Nuremburg Trials
  • militarist
  • totalitarian
  • European Theater
  • Pacific Theater


Describe post-World War II realignment and reconstruction in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, including the end of colonial empires.

COS Examples

Examples: reconstruction of Japan; nationalism in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Africa; Chinese Communist Revolution; creation of the Jewish state of Israel; Cuban Revolution; Central American conflicts

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • How to describe the realignment and reconstruction of Europe, Asia, and Latin America after WWII.


Students are able to:
  • Develop descriptions of historical situations using resources that include literature, visual and auditory arts, maps, and other primary and secondary resources.
  • Explain relationships among historical situations, citing specific evidence to support the student's position.


Students understand that:
  • Europe, Asia, and Latin America were each realigned and reconstructed after WWII.


  • Chinese Communist Revolution
  • Cuban Revolution
  • Yalta Conference
  • Potsdam Conference
  • Iron Curtain
  • Truman Doctrine
  • Marshall Plan
  • United Nations
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  • Warsaw Pact
  • Cold War
  • Korean War
  • Berlin Wall
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • Vietnam War


Explaining origins of the Cold War

COS Examples

Examples: Yalta and Potsdam Conferences, Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Warsaw Pact


Describe the role of nationalism, militarism, and civil war in today’s world, including the use of terrorism and modern weapons at the close of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • The role of nationalism, militarism, civil war, and terrorism in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.


Students are able to:
  • Develop an understanding of key historical events, using a variety of primary and secondary resources.
  • Explain relationship among key historical events and economics, political and social ideologies, and geography.


Students understand that:
  • Nationalism, militarism, civil war, and terrorism all played a role in world events in the close of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first centuries.


  • nationalism
  • militarism
  • terrorism
  • Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Gulf Wars
  • terrorist attacks
  • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


Describing the collapse of the Soviet Empire and Russia’s struggle for democracy, free markets, and economic recovery and the roles of Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan, and Boris Yeltsin

COS Examples

Examples: economic failures, demands for national and human rights, resistance from Eastern Europe, reunification of Germany


Characterizing the War on Terrorism, including the significance of the Iran Hostage Crisis; the Gulf Wars; the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


Describe emerging democracies from the late twentieth century to the present.

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Students know:
  • Examples of emerging democracies from the close of the twentieth century to the present.


Student is able to:
  • Analyze historical and current information in order to understand and make decisions about global issues.


Students understand that:
  • There are global realities of emerging democracies; debates involving science, technology, and the environment; and issues involving civil liberties and human rights in the last half of the 20th Century and the early 21st Century.


  • emerging democracies
  • genetic engineering
  • civil liberties


Compare effects of economic, geographic, social, and political conditions before and after European explorations of the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries on Europeans, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans. [A.1.a., A.1.b., A. 1.d., A.1.g., A.1.i.]

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Effects of economic conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of geographic conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of social conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of political conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of European Explorations of the 15th through the 17th centuries.
  • Influence of the Crusades, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on European Exploration.
  • Motives for establishing colonies, including mercantilism, religious persecution, poverty, oppression, and new opportunities.
  • The course of the Columbian Exchange.
  • The effects of the triangular trade on regions of the world.
  • The development of slavery in the American colonies.


Students are able to:
  • Compare by similarities and differences among the economic, geographical, social, and political conditions before and after European explorations.
  • Describe the influence of the Crusades, Renaissance, and Reformation on European exploration.
  • Analyze and evaluate the course of the Columbian exchange and its impact on the economies of the world.
  • Explain examples of how the triangular trade and the development of slavery affected the colonies.


Students understand that:
  • There were important economic, geographic, social, and political conditions that influenced Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries.


  • indigenous
  • motives
  • mercantilism
  • persecution
  • oppression
  • impact
  • global
  • economic conditions
  • geographical conditions
  • social conditions
  • political conditions
  • Crusades
  • Renaissance
  • Reformation