Describe the use and installation of wooden and metal studs and posts.
Describe the use and installation of wooden and metal studs and posts.
Describe the use and installation of wooden and metal studs and posts.
Describe the installation of double top plates and beams in structures.
Describe the installation of openings for doors and windows, including headers.
Describe techniques for bracing a wall.
Compare and contrast various wall sheathing materials for structures.
Examples: plywood, foam board, oriented strand board, insulating board
Explain the importance of vapor barriers used in framing.
Compare advantages of using plastic and building felt as vapor barriers in walls.
Describe the purpose of a ceiling framing system for a structure.
Explain the use of headers in two-story structures, and installation of rough openings for stairs or attic access.
Identify types of roofs used on structures.
Examples: hip, shed, gable, gambrel
Compare conventional and truss roof systems for structures.
Lay out common, hip, and valley rafters.
Lay out a truss using a framing square.
Demonstrate the installation of rough openings for vents and skylights.
Identify various decking materials for roof systems and describe appropriate uses of each material.
Examples: tongue and groove plywood, plywood, oriented strand board
Describe types of materials used for roof systems.
Examples: felt, shingles, metal roofing, roll roofing
Outline procedures for installing roofing materials.
Explain and follow National Electric Code (NEC) safety regulations for performing electrical work safely.
Explain the relationship between wire sizes and load limits.
Install outlets, switches, and fixtures.
Repair and maintain water supply and drainage systems, using appropriate materials.
Examples: PVC, metal (black, galvanized), Polybutylene
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining equipment; utilizing materials and protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field, investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Demonstrate digital literacy by using digital and electronic tools appropriately, safely, and ethically.
Participate in a Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Participate in Supervised Agricultural Experiences and/or work-based, experiential, and service learning.
Demonstrate safety procedures formulated by governing agencies and established by approved industry standards when testing and replacing components or installing wiring in agricultural applications.
Examples: lockout/tagout
Identify electrical hazards and explain ways to avoid or minimize them in the agricultural construction environment.
Identify the hazards associated with an arc flash.
Assess ways to prevent arc flash and ways to minimize its effects.
Explain the purpose of grounding systems used in agricultural wiring applications.
Distinguish between ground faults and short circuits in agricultural wiring applications.
Describe the difference between system grounding and equipment grounding related to agricultural wiring.
Demonstrate the installation of various grounding devices related to agricultural wiring.