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Conduct basic keyword searches to gather information.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • a search engine searches exactly what you type.
  • a search engine may only produce search results for one or some of your keywords.
  • using a plus (+) sign between words tells the search engine to search for all of the words and using a minus (-) sign before a word will exclude that word from your search.
  • putting quotation marks around a set of words or a phrase tells the search engine to keep those words together in a search.


Students are able to:
  • state important key words that pertain to a topic
  • use the plus (+) sign to tell the search engine to search for both words in a resource and use a minus (-) sign before a word to remove it from your search.
  • use quotation marks around a phrase to communicate to the search engine that they want that phrase to be found with the words in that order.


Students understand that:
  • search engines have to be told exactly what to search.
  • a search engine will search each word separately unless it is told it to search for a phrase or multiple words or to exclude words.


  • search engine
  • quotation marks


Create a research-based product using online digital tools.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • information can be gathered about a topic using a digital tool.
  • information can be organzied about a topic using a digital tool.
  • how to use an appropriate online digital tool to present information about a topic.


Students are able to:
  • research about a topic.
  • collect information about a topic.
  • organize and display what they learned using an online digital tool.


Students understand that:
  • An online digital tool can be used to organize and display information and ideas.


  • online


Collect, create, and organize data in a digital chart or graph.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • spreadsheets can be used to collect data.
  • charts and graphs can be created using a spreadsheet or by hand to represent data.


Students are able to:
  • enter data into a spreadsheet to create a chart or graph.
  • manipulate data in a spreadsheet.
  • design charts and graphs using color, labels, titles etc.


Students understand that:
  • charts and graphs may be used to represent data and to determine answers to questions.
  • the design of the chart or graph may be edited according to the user's preferences.


  • graph
  • chart
  • data


Explain how users control the ways digital devices save information in an organized manner.

COS Examples

Examples: Folders, cloud-based, pictures, chronologically, naming files.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • multiple file types may be stored/saved.
  • files may be stored locally on a machine/device or in the cloud.
  • files may be organized by name, folders, etc.


Students are able to:
  • assign file names.
  • create and name folders for organizing files.
  • save files in multiple places such as on a device or in the cloud.


Students understand that:
  • there are many types of files that can be saved.
  • files are given names.
  • files can be organized in digital folders.
  • folders and storage can exist on a device or in the cloud.


  • folders
  • storage
  • file names
  • organization
  • cloud storage


Compare the different operating systems used on digital devices.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • different types of devices have different operating systems.
  • features of different operating systems may vary.
  • some features of operating systems may or may not be compatible with another operating system.


Students are able to:
  • identify the operating system of the device they are using.
  • compare various operating systems.


Students understand that:
  • they may need to choose the device they use for a project based on the operating system and device features.
  • different devices function with different operating system.


  • operating system


Explain the purposes of visible input and output components of digital device.

COS Examples

Examples: Purpose of keyboard, mouse, ports, printers, etc.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • different computing devices have additional pieces that serve different functions.
  • functions of various input and output components.


Students are able to:
  • identify the input or output component needed for a job they are doing.


Students understand that:
  • there are additional components that may or may not be needed to perform a specific tasks such as printer to print paper or a keyboard for entering data.


  • input
  • output


Investigate the design process and use digital tools to illustrate potential solutions to a problem, given guidance and support.

COS Examples

Examples: Create a presentation, drawing or graphic, audio tool, or video.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • problems can be found everywhere, such as in their classroom, neighborhood, town, state, country, and world.
  • they can produce ideas and solutions to these problems.
  • there can be more than one solution to a problem.
  • how to test a solution.
  • how to display their ideas using a digital tool.


Students are able to:
  • find and define problems in everyday life in the classroom, neighborhood, or city.
  • state multiple solutions for a problem.
  • draw, write about, or build a prototype to the solution.
  • redesign a solution after testing and/or critique.
  • share solutions through a digital platform.


Students understand that:
  • they can solve problems in their home, classroom, neighborhood, and city.
  • they can share their solutions with others.
  • they can share their solutions digitally with words, drawings, audion, and/or videos.
  • solutions can be made better through testing and critique.


  • design process
  • critique
  • redesign


Identify, demonstrate, and apply personal safe use of digital devices.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • strategies to be safe while using digital devices which include protecting passwords, using usernames and avatars that do not identify the student, and telling an adult if they encounter unsafe or inappropriate content.


Students are able to:
  • create and use passwords which are only shared with their parents.
  • log off of digital device when no longer using it.
  • explain why you should not share personal information with others online.


Students understand that:
  • passwords are important to have and not share.
  • logging out of resources and devices protect your accounts and information.
  • you should never share personal information with others online.


  • personal safety
  • digital device
  • digital citizenship
  • personal information


Recognize and demonstrate age-appropriate responsible use of digital devices and resources as outlined in school/district rules.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • that the District has a set of rules that every student must follow to use district/school provided resources.


Students are able to:
  • summarize the school/district rules as defined in the District's Acceptable Use Policy
  • follow the rules when using school/District resources.


Students understand that:
  • to use school/District resources, you must follow the rules as stated in the District's Acceptable Use Policy/procedures.


  • responsible use of digital devices
  • school/District rules (acceptable use policy/responsible use policy)


Assess the validity and identify the purpose of digital content.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • how to read a web address to validate authenticity.
  • locate the publisher of a website.
  • use context cues to define the purpose of digital content.


Students are able to:
  • read the domain name and extension of a web address to identify type of digital content.
  • identify the publisher of a website.
  • use context cues to define the purpsoe of digital content.


Students understand that:
  • anyone can create digital content.
  • digital content may or may not be true.
  • every digital content has an author.
  • digital content has a purpose.


  • validity
  • read a web address
  • publisher
  • domain name
  • extension


Identify and employ appropriate troubleshooting techniques used to solve computing or connectivity issues.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • how to identify when a problem exists.
  • strategies to resolve connectivity or computing issues.


Students are able to:
  • assess a computing issue using look and listen to locate the issue.
  • refresh the website.
  • restart the resource or device.
  • identify if the device is connected via wire or wirelessly.


Students understand that:
  • every issue can be solved once the cause is identified.


  • troubleshooting
  • connection
  • wired
  • wireless
  • restart


Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • that information to research questions can be obtained from digital sources.
  • how to use resources to organize information.
  • how to use resources to present or share with others.


Students are able to:
  • create a list of keywords or phrases to enter into a search engine and/or database such as the Alabama Virtual Library.
  • use additional words or punctuation to narrow search such as AND (+), OR, NOT (
  • ), and quotation marks.
  • organize information.
  • share information by creating a digital resource.


Students understand that:
  • information can be located from a digital source to answer research questions.
  • information can be organzied and shared by creating a digital resource.


  • curate
  • keyword
  • search engine
  • database


Produce, review, and revise authentic artifacts that include multimedia using appropriate digital tools.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • a variety of digital tools in which they can create or revise authentic artifacts to share their knowledge.


Students are able to:
  • design and create authentic artifacts using approved digital tools that meet COPPA guidelines.
  • review an authentic artifact to revise with new or additional information.


Students understand that:
  • everyone can be an author, producer, director, etc.
  • , using digital tools.


  • multimedia
  • artifacts
  • Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)


Use numbers or letters to represent information in another form.

COS Examples

Examples: Secret codes/encryption, Roman numerals, or abbreviations.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • techniques for understanding how to representing information in another way using numbers or letters.


Students are able to:
  • use letters or numbers to represent information in another form.
  • use a secret code to determine information represented in letters and/or numbers.


Students understand that:
  • numbers and/or letters can represent information in another way.


  • encryption
  • secret codes


Analyze a given list of sub-problems while addressing a larger problem.

COS Examples

Example: Problem - making a peanut butter sandwich; sub-problem - opening jar, finding a knife, getting the bread.

Problem - design and share a brochure; sub-problem - selecting font, choosing layout.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • strategies for analyzing sub-problems from a given list for a larger problem.


Students are able to:
  • analyze given lists of sub-problems while addressing a larger problem.
  • identify the sub-problems for a larger problem.


Students understand that:
  • larger problems have sub-problems.
  • it can be easier to solve a large problem if you identify smaller sub-problems to tackle or solve.


  • sub-problem


Explain that different solutions exist for the same problem or sub-problem.

COS Examples

Example: Multiple paths exist to get home from school; one may be a shorter distance while one may encounter less traffic.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • different solutions exist for the same problem or sub-problem.
  • techniques to explain that different solutions exist for the same problem or sub-problem.


Students are able to:
  • identify different solutions for the same problem or sub-problem.
  • explain that these solutions exist.


Students understand that:
  • multiple solutions exist for the same problem or sub-problem.


  • solution
  • sub-problem
  • problem


Examine logical reasoning to predict outcomes of an algorithm.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • to apply logical reasoning when predicting outcomes of algorithms.
  • strategies to examine logical reasoning to predict outcomes of an algorithm.


Students are able to:
  • determine possible outcomes of an algortihm.
  • recognize that an algorithm can have multiple outcomes.


Students understand that:
  • logical reasoning is necessary when predicting outcomes of an algorithm.
  • algorithms can have multiple outcomes.


  • logical reasoning
  • outcome
  • algorithm


Create an algorithm to solve a problem as a collaborative team.

COS Examples

Examples: Move a character/robot/person through a maze. List steps to build a sandwich.


Describe the function of a flowchart.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • the purpose of a flowchart.
  • how flowcharts function.


Students are able to:
  • discuss the purpose and function of a flowchart.


Students understand that:
  • a flowchart is a visual representation of an alogrithm, program, or process.


  • flowchart
  • function