Learning Resource Type

Lesson Plan

Let's Tour Lady Liberty!

Subject Area

Digital Literacy and Computer Science
Social Studies




In this lesson, students will embark on a virtual field trip to the Statue of Liberty. This exciting tour will enable students to make observations related to the statue's iconic history. These observations will allow students to gain an appreciation of the size of the statue, what the statue represents, and how it is an important symbol to our country.

    Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 3


    Explain the significance of representations of American values and beliefs, including the Statue of Liberty, the statue of Lady Justice, the United States flag, and the national anthem.

    Unpacked Content



    • historic figures (male and female)
    • celebrations
    • exemplify
    • democratic values
    • recognize
    • founding fathers
    • significance
    • national holidays
    • American symbols
    • monuments


    Students know:
    • Fundamental democratic values including equality, justice, and responsibility for the common good.
    • The names and significance of national historic figures, both male and female.
    • The significance of national holidays and the relationship of each to democratic values.
    • The history and significance of American symbols and monuments.
    • Vocabulary: democratic values, equality, justice, responsibility, common good, founding father, national holiday, American symbol, monument


    Students are able to:
    • Identify national historic figures and celebrations.
    • Identify the ways historic figures and celebrations exemplify fundamental democratic values.
    • Recognize our country's founding fathers and other historic male figures.
    • Recognize historic female figures.
    • Describe national holidays, including the significance of each and the democratic values associated with each.
    • Identify American symbols and monuments and describe the history and significance of each.


    Students understand that:
    • There is an importance and impact of national historic figures and celebrations.
    Digital Literacy and Computer Science (2018) Grade(s): 3


    Locate and curate information from digital sources to answer research questions.

    Unpacked Content



    • curate
    • keyword
    • search engine
    • database


    Students know:
    • that information to research questions can be obtained from digital sources.
    • how to use resources to organize information.
    • how to use resources to present or share with others.


    Students are able to:
    • create a list of keywords or phrases to enter into a search engine and/or database such as the Alabama Virtual Library.
    • use additional words or punctuation to narrow search such as AND (+), OR, NOT (
    • ), and quotation marks.
    • organize information.
    • share information by creating a digital resource.


    Students understand that:
    • information can be located from a digital source to answer research questions.
    • information can be organzied and shared by creating a digital resource.

    Primary Learning Objectives

    Students will become familiar with the history, significance, and physical facts of this famous landmark/sculpture.


    Additional Learning Objective(s)

    Students will be able to indicate/name the location of the statue on a map of New York State and explain one  reason for this location choice.
    Students will be able to describe at least two historical events that happened at the time of the statue’s dedication.
    Students will give an example of an item that  represents an idea, thought, or feeling, and apply this  knowledge to the ideals that the statue represents.
    Students will visually recognize the statue, including  the various parts (tablet, torch, crown) and be able to  recall physical and historical facts about the statue.


    Before Activity

    1.  Show a picture of the Statue of Liberty. Activate prior student knowledge by asking what this symbol/landmark represents to our state and country.

    2. Read aloud The Story of the Statue of Liberty by Betsy and Giulio Maestro. As you read, students will record evidence of the ideals that the Statue of Liberty embodies on a graphic organizer.

    3. Discuss the recorded evidence by creating a "class" graphic organizer, combining responses together. 

    During Activity

    4. Students will View virtual tour of Statue of Liberty at http://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/photosmultimedia/virtualtour.htm

     5. While on tour, students will complete a "scavenger hunt" of the famous landmark. Their findings should be recorded on their questionnaire.

    After Activity

    6. Students will use their findings to write a blog entry explaining why many immigrants chose to come to America. The entry must develop a logical argument portraying which/what American "ideal" immigrants found attractive.

    7. Once students have completed their entries, they can share with other students if time permits. 

    Assessment Strategies


    Students can create a presentation about interesting facts about other representations of American values and beliefs or perform further research.


    For students who are low-functioning, it might be beneficial to assign a peer partner to help guide them through the virtual field trip.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    61 to 90 Minutes

    Background and Preparation


    Students should have an understanding of the difference between the terms "symbol" and "symbolism."

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    "Lady Liberty Ideals" graphic organizer (1 copy for each student)

    "Let's Tour Lady Liberty" questionnaire (1 copy for each student)

    Technology Resources Needed

    Computers with Internet access

    *For blogging activity, free blogs are available at

