This Canvas-based site is perfect for quickly assessing a variety of Spanish grammar activities either as a pre-assessment bell ringer or as a post-assessment exit slip. Each grammar concept links to a 3 point quiz. Students do not have to have a canvas account to take these quizzes. Teachers can provide the links and have students take screenshots of their results at the end. Each quiz should take less than 5 minutes from start to finish. Grammar topics included are Adjectives, Adverbs, Conjunctions, Determiners, Negation, Nouns, Prepositions, Pronouns, and Verbs. These brief assessments will be most useful for novice-level learners who are learning to identify characteristics of the target language.
This intermediate mid to intermediate-high Spanish activity introduces students to multicultural fashion as well as the controversies that have evolved as designers incorporate indigenous designs into their work. Students start by reading a target language article and answering a series of comprehension questions to check their comprehension. Students then weigh in on the presented controversy by sharing their ideas to provided discussion questions. Students then compare this presented situation to other similar situations within their own culture in which large corporations have taken advantage of indigenous cultures.
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This useful resource provides a list of basic conversation starters for Spanish students in the novice low and novice mid learning stages. There are 20 different questions written in both the formal and informal forms so that students can compare the grammatical differences that appear based on who they are talking with. This resource can be printed for students or printed in post form to hang on the classroom wall. These questions also make great bell ringer questions. As students start class, the teacher should call out a number and have students use that question to start interpersonal conversations with their peers.
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This printable resource is perfect for writing out classroom schedules in Chinese. The printout has space for students to write out 7 classes that they attend at school. There is enough room for added descriptions such as teacher's name, room number, or adjectives describing the class. This activity is particularly useful for novice low language learners as they learn school-related vocabulary and descriptions. Teachers can choose to print a copy for each student and have each student write out their current schedule. Another option is to have students work in pairs and discuss their classes. Each student can write down the schedule of their partner as they listen to the information provided in the target language.
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This useful resource provides a list of over 50 regular AR verbs along with a detailed Quizlet flashcard set that can be beneficial to helping beginning students memorize key vocabulary. Each Quizlet features a drawing to help students associate each action with an image rather than just a translation. This deck can be used for a variety of review activities such as matching and spelling. This link also provides a printable list of these common verbs.
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In this novice-mid to novice-high Spanish activity, students will learn and practice the art of bartering for items. Students will participate in a simulated market using fake money to purchase items that are needed to meet a specific list of items. This link provides printouts of items to shop for as well as funny money that can be used in the bartering process. A slide show presentation walks students through the cultural idea of bartering and introduces them to some of the key vocabulary words they will need to complete this simulation.
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This google slide presentation is prepared for intermediate low to intermediate mid-French students who are learning to use the past tense and specifically the phrases I have or I did. These comprehensible phrases are repeated over and over in various slides along with a photo to illustrate the meaning of each sentence. In the end, the photos are repeated without the written sentences to allow students an opportunity to recall the conjugations and/or vocabulary. Finally, students are asked to construct the grammar concept on the last 2 slides.
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This novice low to novice mid French activity includes 2 interactive games that review vocabulary related to school supplies. First a Kahoot game is prepared allowing students to use their phones, ipads, chromebooks or other devices to play against each other in the classroom to see who can identify each classroom item the fastest. In the second game, the teacher uses a prepared slide presentation to show pictures of individual items. Students look through their own personal belongings to see if they can locate the item. The first person to locate and correctly provide the French name for the item gets the point.
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This novice mid to novice high German activity guides students as they create their own learning activity. Students start by researching the country of Austria and brainstorming cultural topics for their project. Once they select a theme, they create a list of vocabulary terms needed to complete their project and then work to locate websites that will teach other classmates about the chosen cultural topic. Finally, students create activities that can be completed by using the chosen resources. After finalizing their created activity, students share their activities with others. While this activity specifically focuses on Austria, this activity can be repeated with a variety of target language locations.
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This interpersonal activity is geared toward level one World Language classes. Students will use the target language to interview and gather basic information about others at the novice-mid to novice-high level.
This activity was created as a result of the World Languages COS Resource Development Summit.
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This unit starts with a video introducing students to life in Pompeii. (This video is about 50 minutes long, it may be useful to show select scenes rather than the entire video). Students are then asked to read and translate 2 eyewitness accounts in which Pliny describes what happened the day of the eruption. Public domain versions of these letters are linked within the activity. Afterward, students are asked to examine the ruins using a video tour of the Forum Baths. To end the lesson, a variety of virtual field trip links are provided allowing student groups to each explore a different aspect of life in Pompeii.
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Students will show an understanding of the parameters of location and movement by noting differences in meaning as the location and movement is changed. Students will view "The Five Parameters of ASL" resource for information and examples needed to complete this activity. Students will compete in pairs or teams to see who can experiment with changing movement and changing locations to create the newest sign meanings.
This activity was created as a result of the World Languages COS Resource Development Summit.
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This novice low to novice high French lesson starts off with a brief grammar discussion about cognates and false cognates. Students then play an online interactive BINGO activity as students observe characteristics of the French language. The lesson wrap-ups with a series of French and English questions. The lesson is guided by a prepared google slide presentation.
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This novice low to novice mid French activity leads students through an exploration of an authentic resource online. Students use a printable worksheet to guide them through an investigation of a French cinema site. Students start by examining the current movie titles and look to see which are American films and which are foreign films. Students are also asked to note the times that movies are shown and to examine the use of the 24-hour clock. Students also participate in a simulated French conversation in which they roleplay attending one of the movies that are currently playing.
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“Las Charlas”, or Chit-Chats, allow the student to take ownership of vocabulary, content, and grammar at the end of a unit. Las Charlas helps to build student confidence in the target language while speaking about a semi-familiar topic. This Charla includes the topic of Hemingway in Cuba. Students are given two resources to explore and learn about Hemingway’s time in Cuba. Students will present a two-minute interpersonal chat with the teacher on the information they have learned.
This activity is a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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This website offers direct links to over 30 French-language newspapers from around the globe. These authentic materials in the target language were published for French speakers and provide lots of interpretative reading practice for students as they explore current events from the French-speaking world. Resources are well organized and provided from Canada, France, Tunisia, and Switzerland
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This printable resource is a ready-to-use unlabeled map of Latin American countries. It is a perfect resource for novice low students to use as they label countries and capitals, a common first step toward learning to identify the locations around the world that speak Spanish. A copy of this resource that is labeled with each country's name is posted in the comment box below. Additionally, another map that includes Spain and Equitorial Guinea is posted in the comment box.
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This resource provides 14 separate video clips of French speakers, each of which illustrates the task of speaking about past actions. Students use interpretive listening skills to identify main ideas and examine how the imperfect, simple past, and compound past tenses are formed and used through these authentic resources. The videos were prepared for intermediate and advanced level learners but could be used with novice learners as a way to introduce them to authentic language. Each video clip provides a French-language transcript and links to grammar reviews and activities for the concepts that are heard in the clip. The concepts covered include: imparfait; passé composé, and passé composé vs imparfait.
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This paired French activity guides novice high to intermediate low students through an interpersonal conversation about careers. Using the provided checklist, one partner interviews the other about his career preferences. Then, using a target language website, each student researches the top two careers chosen by their partner. Students finally choose the job they feel is best for their partner and give a verbal presentation to the class explaining why they selected a specific job for their classmate.
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This is a public domain Spanish language copy of Adolfo Gustavo Bécquer´s poetry which includes Rima LIII (53) also known as "Volverán las oscuras golondrinas".This specific Rima is featured on the College Board´s suggested reading list for the AP Spanish Literature and Culture Exam. This resource provides students an opportunity to interpret, restate, and react to what is read in the authentic written text. The text can also be used to describe the main ideas and significant details from the story.
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In this intermediate low to intermediate-high ASL activity, students will learn about classifiers and their role in telling stories. A detailed PowerPoint is included to walk students through the key grammatical terms taught in this lesson. The PowerPoint also includes links to video examples of classifiers being used to describe accidents in the past as well as tell stories or jokes. After reviewing the resources, students are asked to use their new vocabulary skills to describe an accident or event that happened.
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This unique set of activities is geared toward intermediate mid to intermediate high Spanish students working toward the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. The goal of this unit is to reinforce the theme of Global Challenges as students practice each proficiency skill. The geographical region of emphasis is Chile. This unit includes an interactive PowerPoint that walks students through each individual activity as they click on icons within the slide. (Be sure to open the slide show in presentational view in order to take full advantage of the interactive activities.) Tasks include writing, listening, reading, speaking, and cultural explorations. Cultural topics referenced in these tasks include: food, celebrations, sports, geography, and art.
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This intermediate low to intermediate mid-Spanish resource is perfect for reinforcing commands while also teaching students critical thinking skills. This poster illustrates the steps required for identifying fake news, a skill that is important in today's online world. Teachers can print this individually for their students or download a larger file to print in poster format. Classroom activity suggestions include: 1) highlighting the commands used in the poster. 2) Teachers can delete the images and print the images separately. Then, students can work together to match the command/instruction with the image that illustrates it. 3) Teachers can send students to an online target language site and have them follow these steps and record their findings. Then, students write an analysis of the site explaining why or why not it is fake news.
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This novice-low Spanish activity is specifically aimed at elementary students who are beginning their Spanish journey. In this activity, students will learn about families in various Spanish cultures and gain a preliminary knowledge of the Spanish language, learning the Spanish names for various family members. Students will start by identifying some of the locations where Spanish is spoken. They will then examine differences between Hispanic families and their own. Finally, they will learn some vocabulary words associated with describing their family. Detailed activities and guided questions are included along with possible extension activities that focus on Spanish exploration and immigration.
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This intermediate-mid to intermediate-high Spanish activity encourages students to report on current events. The activity starts by reviewing key vocabulary words by playing a game in which students describe a word to see if their classmates can guess what they are describing. A set of cards with full-color photos are included to illustrate each current event-related vocabulary word. Then, students are given a pre-printed current event card and are asked to summarize the event for their peers. There are 4 events included but this could easily be completed by having students each explore the internet to find authentic websites of current events in order to report on the most recent events.
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This Latin activity references an inscription found by archeologists regarding Pompeii's neighbor, Nuceria. This inscription is a short poem that has cultural connections to Ovid's "Ars Armatoria." It also is a perfect lead into discussions on the significance of signet rings in Roman social, political, and business culture. Finally, the poem promotes discussion about the name Primigenia and its connections to other graffiti found throughout Ancient Rome. Extension activities include creating a story about Primigenia, designing signet rings, or mapping out the journey from Pompeii to Nuceria.
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This novice-high to intermediate-low Spanish activity introduces students to cultural aspects of shopping in Spanish-speaking countries. At the start of the lesson students are given an opportunity to compare the way prices are written in the US as well as in Spanish countries, particularly paying attention to the use of the comma and the period in each. Then, students simulate shopping by using prepared shopping lists and online websites to access prices. Half the students act as shop owners or employees of a grocery store using online advertisements. The other half of the students have a grocery list and must "shop" for the specific item, asking each store employee the cost to locate the best price. Conversations between merchants and shoppers should be conducted in the target language, paying special attention to the numbers used in providing the prices.
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This novice mid to novice high German activity allows students to explore an authentic German website as they learn about television programming in Germany. To start with, students compare German television with the television programs available in the US. Students then demonstrate an understanding of simple written language by searching the site to gather specific information based on programs they would like to watch. Finally, students wrap up the activity by identifying the differences between public and private broadcasters in Germany.
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Students will research sights to see in a German-speaking city on an official tourism website in the target language. Students will create a suggested travel itinerary for a weekend visit to the city. (This lesson includes 2 phases, uploaded as separate learning activities.)
This activity was created as a result of the World Languages COS Resource Development Summit.
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This Spanish language lesson helps intermediate-high students understand the historical and cultural contexts of sonnets from Spain's Golden Age. Students studying for the AP Spanish Literature and Culture exam will find this unit particularly helpful as they learn the essential vocabulary needed to analyze poetry and write about content and themes. The poems/sonnets in this unit are approached through both reading and listening to the poems set to music. Worksheets are provided to keep students on task as they work. Students use the information gathered through the various activities to write essays about the sonnet, its tone, the literary devices used, and its meaning as it relates to Sor Juana's life. Optional assessments and extension activities are also provided.
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This lesson challenges students studying Spanish to examine their own culture and demonstrates the need to step outside of personal views and examine things from another perspective. Through the use of an authentic resource, Level 1 Spanish students will examine the word Americano. This word evokes passion and pride for those in the U.S., but it also evokes the same emotions for all people located on the American continent. For this reason, the term estadounidense is much more culturally appropriate when referring to someone from the United States.
This activity was created as a result of the World Languages COS Resource Development Summit.
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This interactive hands-on set of activities is perfect for introducing elementary-aged students to Latino culture through music. It is also a perfect activity for Hispanic Heritage Month. The link provides an English handout that offers a variety of hands-on activities including a glossary of music-related vocabulary and Latino music styles, directions for making a pan flute out of straws, information about Selena and Celia Cruz, and activities that connect math to Latino beats through music. As students complete each activity with their teacher they learn to identify the rhythms of the target culture. To meet community standards teachers can choose to scan a QR code located on the document to access a Spotify playlist compiled by the Smithsonian. This will allow students to listen to music while they work.
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The purpose of this activity is to have students expand upon their own personal definitions of beauty and aesthetics that they formulated the previous class period. Students will examine beauty through the lens of nature, fashion, poetry, people, and art, using authentic resources and cultural elements from the Spanish-speaking world. Students will also reflect upon their own views of the products and perspectives of beauty and aesthetics while reflecting upon those from people in the Spanish-speaking world.
This activity was created as a result of the World Languages COS Resource Development Summit.
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This two-page full-color printable resource illustrates French prepositions, making it easy for students to recall each vocabulary word. This prepared handout uses an emoji face and a box to help elementary, middle school, and high school students make visual connections with this grammar topic.
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This novice high to intermediate low French activity introduces students to the Paris of the 1940s and 50s. This activity focuses on the song Sous le ciel de Paris by Yves Montand. A pdf worksheet is provided to help guide the class through this activity. Students start with preliminary questions in which they reflect on background information about the time period. After listening to the song students complete activities that ask them to identify various aspects of the song including the people and the city of Paris. At the end, students compare this song to songs in the United States that focus on specific places.