As more and more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their children or are vaccinating them later, diseases like measles are making a comeback. Are vaccines safe? How do vaccines work? Why do some people claim there is a link between vaccines and autism?
This will direct you through everything one will need to know about organizing a 5K. This resource describes the process from inception to the finish line and beyond. Many times things can get overlooked during the planning process, especially for first time race directors. This website gives a good overview of all that is necessary to organize a successful run.
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In this activity, teachers will induce mild stress in students by announcing they are about to have a pop quiz that will be a major part of their grade. Once students learn that this is not true, they will describe their physical and mental changes in response to this stress.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Playing outside makes kids happy and healthy! In this segment kids learn about skateboarding. The kids in this segment talk about the equipment needed to skateboard safely, the steps to becoming a skilled skateboarder and the different types of moves that can be done on a skateboard at each skill level.
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Vaping is the act of inhaling an aerosol created by an e-cigarette or similar device. The term "vaping" misleads the user into thinking they are inhaling a vapor and something potentially safe or at least harmless. This is just one reason why the NFHS, with support from the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General, has created Understanding Vaping and E-cigarettes. This course helps dispel such misconceptions and highlights specific risks such as nicotine addiction for youth who try vaping and e-cigarettes.
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In this media-rich activity from Cyberchase, students use math to investigate the components of a healthy, well-balanced meal. They use the My Plate food chart as a reference to learn the proper proportions of each of the five food groups and plan a well-balanced meal.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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In this episode of iQ: smartparent, learn all about fitness—with a digital twist! Experts reveal the newest technologies that support and promote health and fitness. Build healthy habits for the 21st century with tips from this video. Get your whole family connected and set personal fitness goals for each member of your family.
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From medications to products you would never think are dangerous, Dr. Michelle Ruha, from the Banner Poison Center, brings to light expected and unexpected hazards for children.
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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) causes people to believe that parts of their body look ugly. People with BDD spend hours focused on what they think is wrong with their looks. Many times a day, they do things to check, fix, cover up, or ask others about their looks. They focus on flaws that seem minor to others.
This can be tied directly to a unit on self-esteem and/or eating disorders.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Ever heard the saying, "you are what you eat"? Food labels give us important nutritional information to make informed healthy eating decisions. Hear why the FDA decided to give food labels a makeover with this video and educational resources from PBS NewsHour from May 20, 2016. This video can be played during a lesson on using food labels to determine nutritional value.
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The School Health Index (SHI) Self-Assessment and Planning Guide is an online self-evaluation and planning tool for schools. The SHI is built on CDC’s research-based guidelines for school health programs that identify the policies and practices most likely to be effective in reducing youth health risk behaviors. The SHI is easy to use and is completely confidential.
The SHI (and related materials) is available as an interactive, customizable online tool or downloadable, printable version. The SHI aligns with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.
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This resource is informational material about how Robert Jackler has spent more than a decade researching the history of advertisements produced by Big Tobacco. The ear, nose and throat surgeon from Stanford University has built a diverse collection of more than 50,000 advertisements from magazines, newspapers, billboards, television and the internet from the turn of the 20th century to the present day. The collection highlights the tobacco industry’s efforts to deceive the public about the health risks of their products.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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A young boy, Will, is going in for a check-up. This video clip from Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood takes the viewer from the waiting room, through the examination of Will's height, weight, eyesight, reflexes and more! After watching this clip, children will know what to expect when visiting the doctor. This video can be played when teaching a lesson on community health helpers.
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Each day, America’s teenagers are bombarded with misleading messages about drugs. Glamorized by media and endorsed by peers, the consequences of drug use and experimentation are dangerously disguised, and often hidden altogether. The reality is that drug use can alter a teen’s life forever. That’s why every student should be given the tools to make a decision against using drugs - and the best place to give them those tools is your classroom.
This resource is lesson 4. To access videos and lesson materials:
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The resource is informational material about communicating to trusted adults, specifically your parents, about mental health. The information provides strategies on communicating effectively to adolescents parents. The resource is from Mental Health America and gives other resources about mental health. The overview is about how to communicate effectively to parents, but it also includes teachers, relatives, and guidance counselors. This is a great resource on explaining when input from a health professional, counselor, or trusted adult would be helpful.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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In this video, students will learn about equine-assisted therapy and how working with horses helps individuals with intellectual disabilities to develop new skills through their interactions.
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A Jeopardy-style game of drug facts.
Drug Facts Challenge! is a Jeopardy-style game based on scientific findings developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The questions and answers are based on the NIDA for Teens Drug Facts pages.
Play as a group or have students play individually. Allow time for teens to review the NIDA for Teens Drug Facts prior to playing. You can print out or have teens access the pages online. Another option is to display each of the Drug Facts on a large screen, allowing teens ample time to read and discuss. Then, use the same large screen to display and play the Drug Facts Challenge! game.
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This informational web page helps students to understand the basics of self-esteem and ways to increase self-esteem.
This resource is appropriate for younger elementary grades.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This resource is an animated video from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) which explains addiction in simple terms. Quitting drugs is hard because addiction is a brain disease. Your brain is like a control tower that sends out signals to direct your actions and choices. Addiction changes the signals in your brain and makes it hard to feel OK without the drug. Watch the video for a visualization of these concepts and for information on how to get yourself or a loved one help.
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Explore the reasons behind the 2011 recall of ground turkey by the meat-packing company Cargill Foods in Springdale, AK, and the implications on our food safety, in this video excerpted from FRONTLINE: The Trouble with Chicken. Noticing high levels of salmonella in its ground turkey, Cargill Foods eventually recalled its product, but the delay still sickened 132 people and killed one person.
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Before starting the activity, be sure to discuss with your group the dangers of tobacco use and the effects of the tobacco industry’s presence in the retail environment. Use the following as a guide. Refer to for additional interactive materials to help set the stage of the problem.
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In this activity, the students will do a presentation about an over-the-counter weight loss pill. They will explain how the drug will work and if the drug is safe and effective. Each group will have a given amount of time to do their presentation. A rubric, Rubric Weight Loss Pills, will be used to score their work.
This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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This is a free video resource from PBS LearningMedia that teaches students about the importance of sunscreen. In this video from DragonflyTV, Aaron and Justin, who spend lots of time outdoors surfing and bike riding, test which level of sunscreen best protects their skin from the harmful effects of the Sun’s rays. The boys order a set of special water bottles designed to change color when exposed to ultraviolet rays. They then apply olive oil, shortening, and three sunscreens of different sun protection factors (SPFs) to the bottles and gauge how well the applications work.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Leo leads an active life. As a type 1 diabetic, his nutritional needs demand added scrutiny. At every meal, a pump delivers insulin into Leo’s body and a monitor tracks his blood glucose level. Because the body processes nutrients in different ways, Leo analyzes foods for their protein, fat, and carbohydrate contents.
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This lesson helps young people understand the causes and effects of stress and learn some techniques for dealing with it. The youth will identify physical symptoms of stress and list some situations that may bring them on. They will learn some skills for managing stress and make their very own stress ball.
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Students will read an article about cell phone usage in schools and add to their graphic organizer by listing the positive and negative effects of cell phones in school. They will discuss their findings and evaluate which reasons are the most compelling. Students will also identify school policies that support the positive use of phones or discourage the negative use of phones in their own schools.
This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.
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Learn about the difficulties that arise from identifying the genetic causes of diseases for which there currently is no cure and explore the potential for gene therapy to one day cure diseases like Alzheimer's, in this video segment from the Secret of Life School Video: "Genetic Medicine: Tinkering with Our Genes."
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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In this video adapted from Earth Island Institute's New Leaders Initiative, meet Jessica, a high school student and leader for Teens for Safe Cosmetics. Learn about toxic chemicals in cosmetics and how the industry has been unregulated in the United States.
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This website is a useful resource for teachers and students. Here, users will find access to "the risks of tobacco," "tobacco triggers," and "quit vaping". This information can be useful for a teacher developing a lesson or useful to students as informational material.
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This classroom resource is lesson plan containing a link to an animated interactive with videos, question sets, and text about bullying. The resource is the basic introduction to what is bullying, who is bullied, why do kids bully, what can they do and what should they do. This resource will also allow them to take a pledge to be a kid against bullying.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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Learn about Down Syndrome from Mary Ann Schluier, a habilitator at CP Rochester. Next, hear from Patrick Hurley, an individual with Down Syndrome, and his family as they talk about their day to day lives, his activities, and skills to participate in numerous activities in the community.
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Students watch a short film, A Game for Life by Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, about an innovative soccer program in the poor neighborhood of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, that helps to educate local youth about HIV/AIDS prevention.
In this lesson, students explore how participation in team sports can help empower youth in other areas of their lives. Students identify principles of how young people learn and discuss the ties between sports, civic engagement, and HIV/AIDS prevention. Reflective writing prompts are also included for students to demonstrate their understanding of the story.
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This activity will examine why bullies bully others, to try to build students' self-esteem, and to know what to do if they are being bullied. In addition, this activity will help students find positive ways to deal with their feelings if they are being bullied.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
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This video teaches exercise and healthy habits as a young girl takes a yoga class for children. The class demonstrates a few yoga moves and talks about why hydration is important during exercise. This video can be played during a lesson on personal health.
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As an educator, you can play a vital role in teaching children about poison prevention. Young children are at the greatest risk for unintentional poisoning. The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, in cooperation with Department’s primary contractor for poison information, the Nebraska Regional Poison Center, has created this lesson plan that makes it fun and easy to teach this important topic. The lesson plans are designed to provide you with tools to instruct and encourage poison prevention education for pre-school-age children and their parents. Many educators choose to use these lesson plans during National Poison Prevention Week, which occurs during the third week in March each year.