Describe practices to avoid to reduce health risks to self and others.
Describe practices to avoid to reduce health risks to self and others.
A Jeopardy-style game of drug facts.
Drug Facts Challenge! is a Jeopardy-style game based on scientific findings developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). The questions and answers are based on the NIDA for Teens Drug Facts pages.
Play as a group or have students play individually. Allow time for teens to review the NIDA for Teens Drug Facts prior to playing. You can print out or have teens access the pages online. Another option is to display each of the Drug Facts on a large screen, allowing teens ample time to read and discuss. Then, use the same large screen to display and play the Drug Facts Challenge! game.
Describe practices to avoid to reduce health risks to self and others.
Predict the risk of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Describe how the media can send mixed messages about health.
Discuss how risky choices influence the likelihood of unhealthy behaviors, including tobacco use increasing the risk of using other drugs and peer pressure to consume alcohol.
Create a plan for eliminating personal unhealthy behaviors.
Give examples of how substance abuse can increase the likelihood of other health risk behaviors.
Analyze the influence of external factors on health beliefs and behaviors.
Analyze how some health risk behaviors can influence the likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Develop a thoughtful decision-making process in health-related situations.
Work cooperatively as an advocate for improving personal and community health.
Analyze how health risk behaviors in the local school and community are influenced by family, peers and other factors.
Identify decision-making skills used in situations that put adolescents and teens at risk.