In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus explains to Scout that "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" (36). Make this advice more literal by inviting students to imagine spending a day in someone else's shoes in this writing activity. Students examine a variety of shoes and envision what the owner would look like, such as their appearance, actions, etc. They then write a narrative, telling the story of a day in the shoe owner's life. While this lesson plan uses the quotation from To Kill a Mockingbird as a springboard and ties nicely to discussions of the novel, it can be completed even if students are not currently reading the book.
Students will view and describe two cyanotypes. The class will write a poem describing an object in nature. Students will create a balanced composition using found objects from nature on NaturePrint Paper. They will write a cinquain poem to describe their composition.
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Students will create audio recordings of short poems and will select movements to express the ideas and descriptions included in the poems.
This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.
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In this activity, students will engage in a shared reading of the poem, "The Snowbird's Song," annotating the text to identify phrases, rhythm, rhyme, and areas to apply a meaningful expression.
This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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This video, adapted from material provided by the ECHO partners, presents a telling of the Tlingit myth, "How Raven Gave Light to the World." The story is told by Shirley Kendall (Eagle Moiety), originally from the Alaskan village of Hoonah. It is illustrated with a video of Native dancers and Alaskan scenery, as well as with images depicting Raven.
This resource provides students with the opportunity to analyze stories an myths from diverse cultures.
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In this lesson, students will learn about the executive branch of government at the state level, especially related to the first governors of the state of Alabama. Their impact on the development of Alabama and Alabama's role in the United States will be discussed.
Students will use research and note taking skills to gather information on an early governor. Then students will participate in jigsaw groups to share their information, discuss the importance of each governor, similarities, and impact. Finally, students will discuss the role of governor and how governors have an impact on the state and the impact these men had in Alabama and in other states.
This lesson was created in partnership with the Alabama Department of Archives and History.
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Students have an opportunity to create an outstanding Readers Theatre performance within groups to compete for the title of Reading Idol. Students are given scripts to practice their roles within Readers Theatre. Throughout the week, groups practice repeatedly until the performance day. On the performance day, students take turns performing and evaluating their own work and the performances of other groups before voting on a winning performance. All groups are required to create a podcast of their performance. The Reading Idol winners are also recorded by video and uploaded to the teacher's website for others to view.
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This is an online interactive about soundalike words (homophones) from Merriam-Webster. Words like their/there and to/too are “homophones” — they sound alike but have different meanings, so they often cause mistakes. Students can try playing this quiz of other tricky homophones and see how well they do/dew. Students may choose to set the timer or play without the timer.
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Students take photographs of themselves making the shapes of letters. They use the ear for the letter C, their mouth for the letter O, or use their entire body and their peer to create the letter B. Let students get creative and create the alphabet with their body. Compile all the letters into a digital alphabet book in which the students must guess which letter the students are trying to represent in the photograph.
This activity was created as a result of the DLCS COS Resource Development Summit.
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Students will show comprehension of key vocabulary by playing a digital learning game on Gimkit. This is a review of the 11 vocabulary terms from Welcome to the Underworld in a paired reading with Chapter 18 of The Lightning Thief.
This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.
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Verbals are verbs disguised as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Verbals come in three forms: gerunds, infinitives, and participles. Gerunds are verbs that end in "-ing" and function as nouns. Participles end in "-ing," "-ed," "-d," "-t," "-en," "-n" and function as adjectives. Infinitives are the base form plus the word "to" and function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. This resource provides instruction and practice in identifying verbals.
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This lesson may be taught as part of the Unit Plan - Solutions to Lessen Human Impact on the Environment. In this lesson, the solutions to lessen the human impact on the environment will be explored. Students will communicate their plan during journal writing by producing an informational writing piece that uses the conventions of Standard English such as capitalization and punctuation. At the end of the lesson, the students will peer edit their writing using the provided writing anchor chart.
This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.
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Healthcare workers often write reports, charts, and emails. Writing clearly and accurately is critical to patient care and success in the medical field. This resource provides instruction and discussion about the audience, purpose, and functions of workplace documents.
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Students will work in collaborative groups to analyze and interpret research information from their previous reading assignment on the social, political, and economic impact of the Great Depression on the lives of Alabamians. Next, students will use a graphic organizer to collect information needed to develop and write a five paragraph expository essay on the social, political, and economic impact of the Great Depression on the lives of Alabamians. Finally, students will present their expository essay to the class.
This unit was created as part of the ALEX Interdisciplinary Resource Development Summit.
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This lesson uses music and art in a vocabulary study of unfamiliar words from the song "America the Beautiful," increasing students' vocabulary while also increasing their knowledge of U.S. geography. A discussion to activate students' prior knowledge about sights and scenery throughout the United States is followed by a read-aloud and introduction to the song "America the Beautiful," which is then sung in each session of the lesson. Students learn the meanings of the song's words through shared reading and the use of context clues and images. Students then use photographs, illustrations, and descriptive language to create a mural shaped like the United States. Finally, through pictures and words, students reflect on what they have learned. This lesson is appropriate and adaptable for any patriotic event or holiday, and many of the vocabulary strategies are adaptable for other texts or word lists, as well.
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In this lesson, students will identify how animals and elements of nature are represented by dancers. They will read poetry by Indigenous and Native Peoples of North America. Using basic locomotor movement, students will choreograph and perform a dance from a poem.
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Students will use elements of music such as tempo, dynamics, and vocal exploration to retell a familiar story, including key details. The students will use music to show expression of the characters in the story.
This activity was created as a result of the Arts COS Resource Development Summit.
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In this introductory learning activity, students will become familiar with the terms that will be used in the following learning activities. Students will first complete a LINCs graphic organizer where they will take a new vocabulary term, find its dictionary definition, upload (or draw if using paper) a picture that represents the term, come up with a Reminding Word (a word that looks, rhymes, or sounds like the word but does NOT mean the same), and a LINCing sentence where the goal is to use that Reminding Word and part of the definition in the sentence - and not the actual term itself.
After completing this introductory activity, students will immediately see these terms used in the second part of this learning activity. The three-column chart is used for students to “frame” a certain character in “The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street” by first reading for information and evidence on the character. The teacher and students will work together to read the excerpt for context and comprehension before reading for purpose with a highlighter in hand to annotate for textual evidence.
This learning activity was created as a result of the Struggling Readers Initiative Resource Development Project, in partnership with Dothan City Schools.
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Students will view a video about prefixes, suffixes, and roots. Students will receive a Greek and Latin Roots Guide. Students will work in small groups to identify words that contain Greek and Latin roots. They will also identify the definitions of these words and use them in sentences. Students will complete an Exit Slip to show understanding of Greek and Latin roots.
This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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This lesson will begin with students reviewing the steps of the scientific method, then applying the steps of the scientific method using an online interactive game. Next, students will utilize the steps of the scientific method to explore factors that caused the population of the peppered moth to change over time. The students will conduct an experiment to gather data regarding the factors that led to a population shift in the peppered moth species. Then, students will read an article about the history of the peppered moth and play an online interactive game to further explore the factors that led to a change in this species's population. Lastly, students will develop a writing piece that includes a claim related to the change in the peppered moth's population and evidence that was gathered from the experiment, reading, and online activity.
This lesson results from the ALEX Resource Gap Project.
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This lesson is not about markers over pencils; it is about developing a relationship between students and media and how such nurtured connections can support students' ideas in what they write and how they write it. Through in-class discussions about writing/drawing materials and carefully observing how an illustrator uses media to communicate ideas, students will see how materials can extend knowledge. This lesson provides opportunities for students to explore and experience the meaning potential of everyday writing and drawing tools in their own writing. The lesson can (and should be) adapted for older students.
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In this video, students learn why it's important to take turns speaking and listening while having a conversation.
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After studying a character, students will create a Word Art design to show how a particular character develops over the course of a text.
This activity results from the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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A strong argumentative essay starts with a clear and concise topic that you care about and can research. Get tips for forming and developing an argument that will hook your audience and set the platform for a convincing essay.
This tool will assist students in selecting and narrowing a topic.
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This activity is completed using Google Jamboard. The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to discover the affixes that affect the part of speech of a word. This would be a great opening lesson for a morphology lesson.
This activity was created as part of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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In this learning activity, students will gather information about personal experiences of survivors of Japanese-American internment camps during World War II. Students communicate the information they learn by creating their own comic to retell the story of the survivors. Resource links to videos, journals, articles, comic book template and artwork are included in the material.
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If you have ever had your class interrupted by a thunderstorm or by a bug crawling across the carpet, you know that students naturally question the world around them. This lesson encourages second-grade students to ask questions about a specific topic, choose a particular question to explore in detail, and research the question using a variety of resources. Students organize their information on a "What we think we know," "What we have confirmed we know," and "New facts we have learned through research" (TCF) chart. They then collaborate to write a class scientific explanation.
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Alphabats - Alliteration is a super fun way for kids to practice phonemic awareness. Click on the bats’ bellies to hear the words, then match the words with the same beginning sounds. Match 6 words correctly, then help the bats collect fireflies!
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This activity is designed to allow students to write a comparison-contrast essay comparing song lyrics dealing with a mother's love.
This activity was developed as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.
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Students take notes to determine the most important information given in a video segment and written text. They compare the information and draw written conclusions about the importance of studying the pig frog and the Everglades.
This resource supports students as they discover explicit and implicit meaning from an informational text.
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This activity is designed to help students learn and understand what a claim is and what evidence is. Students will collaborate to create a definition for both claim and for evidence. The teacher will assist students in solidifying their understanding of each term.
This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.
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What makes a shadow? Do shadows change? Can a person escape his or her shadow? These and many other questions provide the framework for students to explore their prior knowledge about shadows as fiction, informational texts, and poetry. In this lesson, language arts skills are linked to the learning of science in a literacy-based approach to the study of shadows. Through discussion of the literature on shadows and the use of questioning techniques to probe prior knowledge, students begin to explore scientific concepts and develop and test hypotheses. After studying shadows, recording observations of shadows, and hearing poetry about shadows, students create their own poetic response incorporating their knowledge. The inclusion of poetry in the lesson encourages aesthetic appreciation of scientific phenomena and invites students to observe the world around them from new perspectives.
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The teacher will present an informational text from the website, ReadWorks. The students and teacher can interact with this non-fiction text by annotating the text digitally. The students will answer the questions associated with the article as an assessment. This learning activity can be used as an introduction to transparent, translucent, opaque, and reflective materials, serve as reinforcement after students have already learned these concepts, or be used as an assessment at the conclusion of a lesson. This informational text could provide background knowledge before students investigate materials that are transparent, translucent, opaque, or reflective.
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Say What?! is a crazy way to help children learn how the English language is structured. These kinds of Mad Libs games have been popular for decades, and now with this online style, children can create their own stories. They'll have to blindly choose from nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and much more. Learning about parts of speech in context is what makes online Mad Libs games so effective.
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Flipgrid is an online resource that allows students to produce a video recording in response to a particular topic and then share it with teachers and classmates.
This activity gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of metaphor in a personal way. Students will reflect on their personal traits/characteristics, brainstorm an animal, object, etc, that shares similar qualities and write a speech about their chosen metaphor. Then they will perform, record, and share their speeches with the teacher and classmates through the online tool, Flipgrid.
This activity was created as a result of the ALEX Resource Development Summit.