Standards - Career & Technical Education

Course: Career Preparedness


Generate an electronic portfolio using digital tools.

COS Examples

Examples: cover letter; current resume; completed job application; interest, aptitude, and achievement assessment results; curriculum samples (academic research, educational projects); four-year high school educational plan; education/career preparedness checklist; examples of academic and career preparedness achievements (student organizations, club memberships, honors, credentials, certificates, awards, community service experiences, recommendations)

Course: Career Preparedness


Diagnose problems for hardware, software, and advanced network systems and identify possible solutions for common technology issues.

COS Examples

Examples: printer, projector, power supply, task manager, network connectivity, firewalls

Course: Career Preparedness


Explain consequences of inappropriate, illegal, and unethical use of technology systems and digital content.

COS Examples

Examples: cyberbullying, plagiarism, phishing, hoaxes, impersonation, baiting, spoofing, inappropriate sexual communications

Course: Career Preparedness


Utilize an online learning-management system to engage in goal-oriented, focused, project-based, and inquiry-oriented collaborative learning projects, discussions, and online assessments beyond the traditional classroom.

Course: Career Preparedness


Describe the functions, advantages, and disadvantages of various types of financial institutions.

COS Examples

Examples: central banks, retail and commercial banks, Internet banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, investment banks and companies, brokerage firms, insurance companies

Course: Career Preparedness


Evaluate services and related costs associated with personal banking at various financial institutions.

COS Examples

Examples: checking and savings accounts, personal checks, cashier’s checks, overdraft fees, online banking

Course: Career Preparedness


Assess ways that credit card terms affect the cost of using credit and the impact of those costs on personal finances.

COS Examples

Examples: annual percentage rate (APR), grace period, fees, methods of calculating interest

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