Evaluate the need for resources to complete a project and calculate their cost.
Evaluate the need for resources to complete a project and calculate their cost.
Evaluate the need for resources to complete a project and calculate their cost.
Communicate ideas to a group through the use of sketches and other documentation.
Create necessary sketches to communicate ideas during the design process, utilizing basic shapes.
Examples: lines, circles, ellipses
Apply isometric and orthographic sketches to add clarity to a design.
Apply geometric relationships between lines and shapes to create a mathematical database to describe design ideas.
Create solid models utilizing concepts of parametric modeling.
Analyze models to determine whether necessary engineering design features are included.
Develop strategies for the rapid creation of design solutions by using solid models.
Apply the concepts of digital prototyping to accelerate the time frame between ideation and completed project.
Access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.
Design and create a model using additive manufacturing technology (rapid prototyping system).
Apply new principles to achieve more rapid and less costly development and deployment of new materials.
Utilize rapid prototyping (additive manufacturing) to create highly complex parts designed in a CAD system.
Apply problem-solving methodology when devising solutions to mechanical motion problems.
Apply the design process in the development of a mechanical system.
Assign mathematical relationships to schematics that program machines to apply force.
Design a system that manages power to accomplish a task involving defined movement.
Read and analyze detailed descriptions of machinery and provide a concise summary for documentation purposes.
Utilize mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design to develop solutions to open-ended problems.
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces..
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Apply Cartesian coordinates to create toolpaths for machine tools.
Research and apply proper cutting tool speeds, feeds, and directions for manufacturing specified materials or products.
Create simple Numeric Control (NC) part programs using a text editor or a Computer-Aided Manufacturing package.
Analyze Numeric Control part program files to identify and correct errors.
Analyze part geometry to select appropriate cutting tools and fixturing devices needed to create a part using a CNC machine.
Edit the tool library of a CNC machine program to establish tool offset values.
Design and prepare 3D models with appropriate units for use in toolpath generation.
Set up a CAM package by editing the material and tool libraries.
Generate tool paths from a CAD program and edit NC part program files to identify and correct errors.
Design and analyze an efficient electrical system to convert, transform, and transmit electricity.
Research and specify electrical devices necessary to fulfill power requirements.