What Makes a Fairy Tale? Part 1

Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

Subject Area

English Language Arts




This activity will introduce students to the features of a fairy tale. Students will recall fairy tales that they know and brainstorm parts of a fairy tale. The teacher will lead students through this discussion and help them identify features of a fairy tale.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.


English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


Identify common types of texts and their features, including literary, informational, fairy tale, and poetry.



  • Texts
  • Features
  • Literary text
  • Informational text
  • Fairy tale
  • Poetry


Students know:
  • The features of common types of texts.


Students are able to:
  • Identify common types of texts and their features, including literary, informational, fairy tale, and poetry.


Students understand that:
  • Texts can be categorized based on predictable features.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify features of a fairy tale.

Activity Details

1.  Students (individually) will complete the K and W sections of the Fairy Tales KWL Chart to organize brainstorming ideas.  

2.  After students have completed the K and W section, in whole group, teacher will question students on what they know about fairy tales.  Students will answer according to what they have written on their chart.

3. To activate prior knowledge, teacher will ask students: Can you think of a fairy tale?  Teacher will show covers of books to help students think of different fairy tales.  As students recall various fairy tales, the teacher will list the titles of fairy tales on the markerboard. 

4.  After brainstorming, teacher will ask students what they want to know about fairy tales. Students will answer according to what they have written on their chart.

5.  Next, teacher will introduce the features of a fairy tale, using the Google Slide, What Makes a Fairy Tale?    Teacher will discuss the following features:

  • Once Upon A Time…
  • A story from long ago
  • Takes place in a kingdom, village, or forest
  • Good and Evil Characters
  • Have a BIG problem
  • Usually have magic
  • Good ALWAYS wins!
  • …and they all lived happily ever after

6.  At end of lesson, students will complete the L section of the KWL chart to reflect what they have learned.  

Assessment Strategies

Teacher will question students for understanding of features of a fairy tale using thumbs up or thumbs down.

Example Questions:

1.  Does a fairy tale begin with once upon a time? 

2.  Does a fairy tale only have good characters?

3.  Does a fairy tale involve magic?

4.  Does a fairy tale have a happy ending?

After questioning, the teacher will evaluate student understanding by reviewing student answers in the L section of the KWL chart. 


Advanced students can read a book from the fairy tale assortment and complete the Fairy Tale Features worksheet.  


In a small group, focus on reteaching characters, setting, problem, and solution with students who do not understand the features of a fairy tale.  

Variation Tips

Teacher can write the features of a fairy tale on the markerboard rather than using the Google Slide presentation.  

Background / Preparation

Teacher Preparation:

Before the lesson, gather an assortment of fairy tale books from classroom library or from the school library.  Be familiar with features of a fairy tale from the Google Slide.  Next, cue Google Slide to ensure it is working and solve any technical issues.  Also, you will need copies of Fairy Tales KWL Chart (one per student).

Student Preparation:


Learning Activity (Before)

Total Duration

16 to 30 Minutes

Learning Activity (During)

Learning Activity (After)

Materials and Resources


  • Assortment of fairy tale books from classroom library or school library.
  • Copies of the Fairy Tale KWL chart (one per student)
  • Computer and interactive whiteboard or projector and screen
  • Markerboard and markers