Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

What Makes a Fairy Tale? Part 3

Subject Area

English Language Arts




This activity will demonstrate student knowledge of fairy tales and their features. Students will independently read a fairy tale of their choice.  They will identify fairy tale features of their chosen fairy tale and add specific information on fairy tale features to a graphic organizer.

This learning activity was created as a result of the ALEX - Alabama Virtual Library (AVL) Resource Development Summit.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 1


    Identify common types of texts and their features, including literary, informational, fairy tale, and poetry.

    Unpacked Content



    • Texts
    • Features
    • Literary text
    • Informational text
    • Fairy tale
    • Poetry


    Students know:
    • The features of common types of texts.


    Students are able to:
    • Identify common types of texts and their features, including literary, informational, fairy tale, and poetry.


    Students understand that:
    • Texts can be categorized based on predictable features.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    Students will be able to apply knowledge and independently identify the features of a fairy tale.

    Activity Details

    1. Review characteristics of fairy tales using What Makes a Fairy Tale? Google Slide.
    2. Students will read another fairy tale besides the Three Little Pigs and look for features of a fairy tale. 
    3. Students will select a fairy tale from selection of fairy tales from the classroom or school library.  
    4. Distribute the graphic organizer and checklist and make sure students understand the task. Explain to students that they may fill this in while reading their chosen fairy tale
    5. Allow students time to independently read the fairy tale of their choosing and complete the checklist and graphic organizer. 
    6. At the end of lesson, ask students to share their fairy tale and the features within the story that they wrote on their graphic organizer. 
    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    The teacher will review each student's graphic organizer to assess the student's ability to accurately identify fairy tale features.



    Advanced students can complete an additional graphic organizer on a fairy tale of their choice. 


    In a small group, teacher and students can complete the graphic organizer together.

    Approximate Duration

    Total Duration

    31 to 45 Minutes

    Related Learning Activities

    Learning Activity (Before)

    Learning Activity (During)

    Learning Activity (After)

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    Teacher Preparation:

    Teacher should be familiar with features of a fairy tale and graphic organizer.  Before the lesson, gather an assortment of fairy tale books from classroom library or from the school library or use links from Teaching Books. Additionally, make copies of the Fairy Tale Checklist and Fairy Tale Features Graphic Organizer.  

    Student Preparation:  Students should be familiar with fairy tale features and how to complete the graphic organizer. 

    Materials and Resources

    Materials and Resources

    Fairy Tale Features Graphic Organizer (one per student) 

    Fairy Tale Checklist (one per student)

    Assortment of fairy tale books from classroom books or from the school library.

    Other Fairy Tales from Teaching Books:


    Digital Tools / Resources