Exhibit competency in one or more specialized skills in health-related fitness activities.
Exhibit competency in one or more specialized skills in health-related fitness activities.
This activity is designed for students to understand the importance of a healthy, active lifestyle. Worksheets that link to PowerPoints for students to complete and make notes are attached. Also attached is a homework sheet that can be used for the section which will test the students' knowledge and understanding of healthy active lifestyles.
This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.
Exhibit competency in one or more specialized skills in health-related fitness activities.
Explain the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to preparation for college and/or a career.
Participate several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness-related activity outside school hours.
Identify components of a personal fitness plan.
Determine target heart rate and apply that information to a personal fitness plan.
Research and design a comprehensive personal fitness program to enhance a healthy, active lifestyle to develop lifelong health habits based on the components of health.
Identify healthy stress-management strategies.