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Acquire information related to diverse perspectives in the target culture.

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Students know:
  • a variety of the target language specific vocabulary.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of time frames.
  • are familiar with current events and news across the world.
  • are familiar with the impact of marketing and how it reveals a target culture's perspectives.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • describe photos, artwork, images, charts, and videos.
  • ask simple questions about photos, artwork, images, charts, and videos.
  • identify the main idea and topic of online articles, videos, advertisements, announcements, and social media posts.
  • recognize target language perspectives on basic cultural topics such as families, holidays, food.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use the target language to find and analyze information on the diverse perspectives of the target culture and make comparisons with the diverse perspectives of their own culture.
  • use the target language to make comparison of current events and how they are reported.
  • use the target language to identify advertisements and compare them with target culture and students'own culture.


Students understand that:
  • proficiency in a foreign language is a vehicle to gaining knowledge that can only be acquired through that language and its culture.
  • world language learning offers opportunities to uncover big ideas in and about other disciplines.
  • strategies used to acquire a language are transferable to other areas of learning throughout life.
  • a second language facilitates the acquisition of information about the world outside our experiences.


Compare characteristics of the target language and the native language in a variety of time frames.

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Students know:
  • a variety of the target language specific vocabulary.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of time frames.
  • both high frequency and other common idiomatic expressions from earlier levels.
  • cognates and false cognates.
  • when to use formal and informal langauge in the target culture.
  • uses of various time frames.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify which situations would require formal or informal forms of language.
  • use correct word order when writing and speaking about dates and descriptions.
  • recognize and use very common idomatic expressions.
  • match words from the target language to similarly structured words in the native language.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • identify and use a variety of target language vocabulary.
  • use correct word order when writing and speaking about dates and descriptions.
  • communicate in present, past, future, etc..
  • use idiomatic expressions to convey thoughts in culturally appropriate ways.
  • compare and connect language similarities and differences using cognates and false cognates.


Students understand that:
  • culture and language are inextricably linked together.
  • structures and writing systems of the target language and English have similarities and differences.
  • different linguistic structures communicate different meanings.
  • by learning another language one can better understand how the native language works.
  • other understandings will depend on theme taught.


Compare products, practices and perspectives of the target culture and the native culture in a variety of time frames.

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Students know:
  • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
  • how to identify the products, practices and perspectives of target and native cultures.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • compare and contrast daily life activities in the target and native cultures, such as schooling, working, freetime activities, and daily routines.
  • compare and contrast holiday celebrations and traditions in the target and native cultures.
  • identify games, fairy tales, songs, and rhymes from the target culture and compare them with those of the native culture.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use the target langauge to identify and compare the products, practices and perspectives of the target culture.
  • use target langauge to compare activities and events of the target culture and native culture.
  • use target langauge to compare the practices of target and native culture.
  • identify games, fairy tales, songs, and rhymes from the target culture and compare them with those of the native culture.


Students understand that:
  • custom and tradition vary within a culture, as well as between cultures.
  • by studying another culture, one can better understand and appreciate their own.
  • other understanding will depend on theme being taught.


Interact using the target language within the classroom and globally in a variety of time frames.

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Students know:
  • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
  • how to research and find information on various professional fields.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify places around the world where the target language is spoken.
  • identify places around the community where the target language is spoken.
  • engage a native speaker in conversation on familiar, daily life topics.
  • ask and answer simpler questions in speech and writing on familiar topics.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use target language vocabulary and grammatical structures to communicate with target language.
  • speak inside and outside of the classroom across a variety of contexts.
  • reseach and identify job skills necessary to enter various professional fields using the target language.
  • use target language vocabulary and verbs in a variety of tenses to simulate real world interactions in the target culture.


Students understand that:
  • the target language is used around the world every day in many different contexts.
  • the target language can help one better understand the world around them.
  • the study of world languages expands one's opportunities.
  • language is a tool to connect with the world.
  • learning a second language will open doors for you professionally and personally.
  • using the target language to converse with the target language speakers and simulate real world interactions builds confidence for using the langauge globally.
  • other understandings will depend on theme being taught.


Explore opportunities to use the target language beyond the classroom environment in a variety of time frames.

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Students know:
  • the target language Vocabualry for specific purposes.
  • verb conjugations in a variety of tenses.
  • how to use the internet to find authentic resources.
  • how to analyze the target language in authentic resources.


Intermediate Low Level
Students are able to:
  • identify opportunities to connect with native speakers in the local community and through exchange, travel abroad, or online.
  • search for, identify, and navigate websites in the target langauge to explore their interests, such as news, blogs, music, and social media.
Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • use the target language to find and analyze authentic materials and websites in a variety of tenses.
  • use the target language to find current events in the target culture.
  • use the target language to plan a school event to promote the target culture.


Students understand that:
  • language connects people.
  • they can use the target langauge inside and outside of the classroom for a variety of purposes.
  • learning another language helps you to become a better global citizen.


Communicate and share on familiar and new topics in various time frames and moods.

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Students know:
  • the target language vocabulary for specific topics.
  • a variety of time frames and moods.


Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • start, maintain and end a conversation on a variety of topics.
  • talk about daily activities and personal preferences.
  • use language to handle tasks related to personal needs.
  • exchange information about subjects of special interest.
  • Intermediate high level students are able to:
    • exchange information related to areas of mutual interest.
    • use language to do a task that requires multiple steps.
    • use language to handle a situation that may have a complication.


Students understand that:
Intermediate Mid Level
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Intermediate High:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.


Interpret, restate, and react to what is heard, read, or viewed on familiar and new topics.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • the target language vocabulary for specific topics.
  • how to communicate in a variety of tenses and moods.


Intermediate Mid Level
Students are able to:
  • understand basic information from advertisments and announcements, audio or print.
  • understand the main idea(s) of voice messages and videos
  • understand basic statements and questions in an interview.
  • understand questions in a survey or questionnaire.
  • understand information in a variety of print formats (ex: brochures, magazines, labels, etc.).
  • understand information in interpersonal communication.
  • understand main ideas, supporting details, themes, settings, characters and plot lines in literary texts.
Intermediate High Level
Students are able to:
  • understand basic information from advertisments and announcements, audio or print.
  • understand interpersonal exchanges, spoken or in print.
  • understand information in a variety of print formats (ex: brochures, magazines, labels, etc.).
  • understand main ideas, supporting details, themes, settings, characters and plot lines in literary texts.


Students understand that:
Intermediate Mid Level
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.
Intermediate High:
  • effective communication requires knowing how when and why to say what to whom.
  • the purpose of language study is to communicate so one can understand others and be understood.
  • other understandings will depend on the theme being taught.

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