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This free resource from KidsHealth is informational material about going to the dentist.  Students learn the importance of visiting a dentist, what a dentist does, and how often visits should be scheduled.  Brushing and flossing are important, but students also need to visit their dentist regularly to keep their teeth strong and healthy. 

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Learn how to teach children ways to manage their feelings and turn them into positive actions, including creating a calm and regulated environment, showing how to manage impulses, and discussing ways to resolve conflicts.


3, 4, 5

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This unit focuses on analyzing food labels and understanding nutrition facts. This unit includes several printables and a link to an interactive VENN diagram. It is recommended that seven 50 minute sessions be utilized to complete this unit. 



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-3, students watch the BrainPOP Jr. movie Emotions and explore related resources to learn how to recognize our own emotions, and how being mindful of them can help us. Students will then play a game of Emotion Charades to demonstrate that our nonverbal communication can indicate someone's current feelings and emotions. In conclusion, students will discuss how identifying our emotions can help us select strategies to work through the emotions in a positive manner and support others as they experience emotions.


K, 1, 3

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this video segment from Understanding the Opioid Epidemic, students will learn the historical context behind the current opioid epidemic. Prior to the mid-90s, when pharmaceutical companies began telling physicians that opioid pain relievers were safe, the use of opioids to treat pain was limited. Teachers have access to various support materials on this site about the opioid epidemic.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this episode of Happy Healthy Kids, Miss Kelsey provides a “fountain” of facts about drinking water. Did you know your age determines how much water you should drink? Let’s find out!


K, 1

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This lesson helps young people discover “tricks of the trade” in food and beverage marketing. They practice comparing the messages conveyed through advertisements with the nutrition information available about different products.


4, 6

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This resource includes information for online safety, information sharing, and privacy when gaming or surfing the internet. Appropriate internet communication skills are also discussed.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education
Digital Literacy and Computer Science

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

At the Ft Lauderdale Aquatic Complex and International Swimming Hall of Fame, Penny and the KidVision VPK Kids learn how to be safe around water - and have fun at the same time!


3, 4

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a resource library with downloadable PDFs related to the topics of online safety, cyberbullying, social media, cell phone safety, and technology use. These resources are geared for both students and educators. 


7, 8, 10

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Smoking may be at near-record lows, but vaping remains popular. Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an e-cigarette or similar device. The term is used because e-cigarettes do not produce tobacco smoke, and instead produce a vapor that consists of fine particles. So, why is vaping so popular and is it a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes?

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Meet Misra Walker, an 18-year-old who lives in a section of the South Bronx in New York City called Hunts Point. Misra explains some of the conditions her community lives with because of significant industrial activity in the area. She tells how she, along with her teen advocacy group, A.C.T.I.O.N., worked to convince the Manhattan Transit Authority (M.T.A.) to run a seasonal bus shuttle to one of the few green spaces in the community.


10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This is a comprehensive website full of strength, conditioning, fitness, flexibility, and self-care activities. These resources can be used by the physical educator to create fitness-type workouts or students can use this website to develop their own workouts. 


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education
Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Learn about the four stages of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a brain disease that has been found in autopsies of many former football players, in this interactive from the FRONTLINE: League of Denial website. CTE was discovered in 2002 in the brain of former Pittsburgh Steeler Mike Webster. In its four stages of progression, changes in the brain are manifested by changes in behavior. At first, there are no overt symptoms; however, this gives way to rage, impulsivity, and depression, then to confusion and memory loss, and finally to advanced dementia.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Learn about beep baseball. It is a modified form of baseball that allows the blind and visually impaired to the play the game.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Conflict resolution is an important skill that students need to learn – beneficial to them within the classroom as well as in everyday life. Not only will kids use conflict resolution in the classroom, they will also continue to use these skills as they grow. The conflict resolution skills they learn in elementary school will help them solve problems as adults. So how do we teach conflict resolution in the classroom?

There are many steps to teaching conflict resolution. To truly teach conflict resolution, you’ll need to teach your students how to analyze the conflict. They’ll need to be able to identify the problem and try to understand what’s causing it.


K, 1, 2, 3

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This TED-Ed learning activity guides students through the explanation, possible causes, and treatment for bipolar disorder.  The word bipolar means ‘two extremes.’ For the many millions experiencing bipolar disorder around the world, life is split between two different realities: elation and depression. So what causes this disorder? And can it be treated? Helen M. Farrell describes the root causes and treatments for bipolar disorder.

The activity includes a video, multiple choice and open-ended questions, additional resources to dig deeper, and a guided discussion.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


8, 10

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

There are options for people with intellectual disabilities to live on their own. Assisted living programs help connect adults to housing in the community and assist them in skill building to promote independence. Cori Piels describes her transition and goals for living on her own. This video can be played during a lesson on promoting independent living and how to demonstrate healthy practices.


6, 7, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Have you ever wondered what stretching actually does to your muscles and your body? What is the best way to stretch? And why are some people...stretchier than others? Those questions and more will be explored in this TED-Ed video.


6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education
Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The source is an informational PDF about the pros and cons of the use of technology as it affects personal, family, and community health. The guide covers issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. To access the PDF, scroll to the bottom and click on the Printable PDF link. The resource also has an option to purchase free copies of the guide. The resource has additional links for information on Kids and Technology.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Daniel and Katerina are playing "train" at school, but things aren't going Katerina's way. Katerina learns that others will not be able to help her if they don't understand why she is upset. With Teacher Harriet's help, Katerina and Daniel learn to use their words to tell each other how they feel. This video can be played when teaching a lesson on expressing feelings in a healthy way.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Physical inactivity has consistently been shown to be one of the most powerful, modifiable risk factors for all causes of death and disease, alongside smoking and obesity.

This interactive body map brings together scientific evidence on the links between lack of physical activity and disease.


9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Physical Education
Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The resource is informational material about refusal skills from the Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention website. The purpose of refusal skills is to give youth the ability to say NO to unwanted sexual advances or risky situations. There are several essential components to an effective refusal or NO statement. Youth need to understand the components that make up an effective NO before they observe or practice the skills.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Take a trip to the dentist in this video segment from IdahoPTV's Science Trek. Discover why different animals have different kinds of teeth and what kinds of teeth humans have. You'll be able to answer the questions: What are the parts of a tooth? What is a cavity and how can you keep your teeth and gums healthy.


K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Students learn that food and physical activity affect how we feel. Healthy choices help us to feel good and to perform at our best! This one-minute video shows how unhealthy eating can make us feel sluggish and tired.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Go shopping with chef Won Kim as he dishes on selecting affordable ingredients that can come together to make a complete, healthy meal. A balanced lifestyle makes room for the exercise, nutrition, and sleep that keep our minds sharp and our bodies strong. Learn the basic science of balance and get excited to make a homemade meal with your kids.


This resource explores the topic of physical wellness and how to maintain an active, balanced lifestyle. The six-part video series includes balance in the world around them, and how kids can start thinking about keeping a balanced diet and incorporating exercises in their lives. 



7, 8

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The Mind Matters series is a valued resource for tens of thousands of teachers. Each booklet is devoted to a specific drug or drug group. Hard copies of the booklets in English can be ordered for free, and both English and Spanish booklets are available online as printable PDFs. The accompanying Teacher’s Guide, which includes background information and activities to enhance students’ learning, is available online in a printable PDF format.


7, 8, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

This free activity from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will teach students the importance of washing their hands. In this activity, students will conduct an experiment on washing their hands. They will learn that “clean” hands may not be so clean after all and the critical importance of washing their hands as a way to prevent the spread of disease.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Playing outside makes kids happier, healthier and stronger! In this segment, Abby Brown joins a local school for recess, where they play outside, learn new games, spend time with friends, and get a brain break!



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

The health skill, Goal-Setting, empowers students to strive for self-improvement.  The Goal-Setting health skill supports students in creating and achieving both short and long-term goals. Students gain confidence in their abilities to set and achieve goals by following clear steps over short periods of time. Students learn to identify areas of growth before creating goals that support their success.



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

What are your automatic reactions when you think about anxiety, depression, alcohol, exercise, eating, or persons with mental illness?

At Project Implicit Health (PIH), you can measure your thoughts about mental and physical health that are difficult to consciously control. The tests require less than 15 minutes and you will receive feedback about your performance and learn more about your automatic thoughts.


10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this classroom resource from PBS LearningMedia, students watch a video about getting and keeping fit in a non-judgemental way. When Arthur doesn't fit into his costume for the play, he's shocked to learn that he's become "husky-sized." Now he's serious about getting in shape. Will he turn to an all-protein diet? Eat only herbs and berries? Or will he try something really radical... like exercise?! This is a free resource. This resource also includes links to additional activities to use with the video.

This alignment results from the ALEX Health/PE COS Resource Alignment Summit.


K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

In this episode of Happy Healthy Kids, Miss Kelsey explains how brushing keeps us smiling. Do you know how long you should brush and how often? Let’s find out!


K, 1

Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Marathon runners must run much greater distances than their track-and-field counterparts, needing to start slow and speed up towards the end. This experiment will help you to discover why.


8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Subject Area

Health Education
Physical Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource

Welcome to the world of Ammi—a mindfulness adventure series for young children. Ammi is a wise and gentle child who leads the way as we explore ourselves and one another through the natural world. Each story uses guided imagery to inspire inner connection and support emotional regulation. These simple meditations recognize the importance of imagination as a foundation for conscious creation in the world. They bridge the physical, the energetic, the emotional, and all the spaces in between. Whether in the home or classroom, you can engage in these special practices with children of all ages. Read them aloud together, listen to the guided meditation, and welcome the time to process and integrate the practice.

This resource will help young students learn mindfulness techniques, including practicing self-control and strategies for managing stress. 



Subject Area

Health Education

Learning Resource Type

Classroom Resource