Research and interpret the rules of individual, dual, and team sports.
Research and interpret the rules of individual, dual, and team sports.
Research and interpret the rules of individual, dual, and team sports.
LS-4.2 Display positive leadership skills while participating in individual, dual, and team sports.
Describe how personal actions impact self, teammates, peers, and opponents.
Anchor Standard 5: Values Physical Activity: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
LS-5.1 Identify and evaluate personal, psychological responses to participation in individual, dual, and team sports.
Discuss how participation in individual, dual, and team sports assist in developing positive self-image and awareness.
LS-5.2 Analyze the role that physical activities play in social interaction and cooperative opportunities within the school, family, community and workplace.
Discuss and evaluate the benefits of socialization and self-expression in individual, dual, and team sports.
Life Sports: Individual, Dual, and Team - Level 2
Anchor Standard 1: Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.
LS-1.1 Physical fitness
Demonstrate necessary components of physical fitness to achieve a desired level of individual success while participating in individual, dual, and team sports.
LS-1.2 Acquire training techniques necessary for participation in individual, dual, and team sports.
Exhibit proper fitness component techniques in activities to achieve a desired level of health-enhancement.
Anchor Standard 2: Movement and performance: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics related to movement and performance.
LS-2.1 Acquire an understanding of the importance and consequences of safety in individual, dual, and team sports.
Demonstrate safe and appropriate use and care of equipment and facilities during individual, dual, and team sports.
LS-2.2 Acquire proper techniques of specific activities and sport.
Model proper skills and components for the specified individual, dual, and team sports.
Anchor Standard 3: Physical Activity and Fitness: The physically literate individual demonstrates the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.
LS-3.1 Maintain a consistent level of exertion in physical activities to attain healthy benefits.
Apply skills learned to execute a higher level of physical fitness while participating in individual, dual, and team sports.
LS-3.2 Develop the intellect to plan activities and sport.
Participate in challenging activities requiring the utilization of newly acquired skills.
Anchor Standard 4: Personal and Social Behavior: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
LS-4.1 Acquire knowledge of rules as they pertain to individual, dual, and team sports.
Adhere to rules pertaining to individual, dual, and team sports, showing sportsmanship and personal responsibility.
LS-4.2 Display positive leadership skills while participating in individual, dual, and team sports.
Identify and describe examples of positive and negative behaviors in individual, dual, and team sports.
Anchor Standard 5: Values Physical Activity: The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction.
LS-5.1 Identify and evaluate personal, psychological responses to participation in individual, dual, and team sports.
Evaluate a physical activity that shows how it can be beneficial to an individual’s health and enjoyment for individual, dual, and team sports.
LS-5.2 Analyze the role that physical activities play in social interaction and cooperative opportunities within the school, family, community and workplace.
Develop two types of individual, dual, and/or team sports designed to enhance your current health and wellness to support a healthier family, classroom, and community.
Strength and Conditioning - Level 1