Develop and maintain a plan for a financial business.
Develop and maintain a plan for a financial business.
Develop and maintain a plan for a financial business.
Explain how effective debt and credit management practices affect insurance costs, job opportunities, and interest rates.
Analyze traditional and non-traditional sources of credit for suitability to particular situations, listing advantages and disadvantages of each type.
Analyze the impact of international, federal, state, and local regulations on financial management decisions.
Describe effects of tax structure on business decisions.
Compare and contrast legal rights and responsibilities related to financial management for various types of businesses.
Explain the role of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in regulating financial markets.
Determine tax liability as it pertains to the finances of a business.
Identify and explain the legal and ethical responsibilities of financial managers.
Discuss the impact of short-term gratification on ethical decision-making.
Determine the impact of international activities on personal financial decision-making.
Example: If tariffs increase the cost of steel used to manufacture washing machines so that prices go up, a consumer may choose to have an old washer repaired rather than purchase a new one.
Utilize exchange rates to convert from one currency to another.
Gather and share information on the impact of domestic and international labor issues on personal financial decisions.
Example: If the minimum wage is increased, workers may be able to buy more fresh produce to feed their families
Gather and share information about the significance of credentialing in financial and investment fields, the value of belonging to a professional organization, and the importance of continuing education.
Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces.
Demonstrate effective workplace and employability skills, including communication, awareness of diversity, positive work ethic, problem-solving, time management, and teamwork.
Explore the range of careers available in the field and investigate their educational requirements, and demonstrate job-seeking skills including resume-writing and interviewing.
Advocate and practice safe, legal, responsible, and ethical use of information and technology tools specific to the industry pathway.
Participate in a Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) to increase knowledge and skills and to enhance leadership and teamwork.
Discuss and demonstrate ways to value diversity.
Research and present findings on cultural challenges and diversity issues that impact global business relations.
Explain the role of culture in global business.
Identify various elements of culture and the effect of each one on global business relations.
Investigate and share information about the use of advertising media in foreign markets.
Examples: radio, television, Internet, printed publications
Gather and share information about the nature and scope of financial globalization since World War II.
Discuss the role of deregulation in financial globalization.
Summarize the impact of globalization on the foreign exchange market.
Research trends relating to competition in global financial markets.
Discuss the impact of globalization on financial market sensitivity.
Research and share information about the global financial settings in which businesses operate.
Research the impact of globalization on businesses and summarize reasons that businesses move operations abroad.
Explain factors that affect the growth of the global financial environment.
Describe ways in which businesses can enter a foreign market.
Investigate and share details about the annual meeting of G7 nations to address international economic and political issues.
Identify which countries comprise the G20 and explain their goals for economic and financial stability in the global economy.