Standards - Career & Technical Education

Course: Career Pathway Project in Manufacturing


Produce an original multimedia presentation that communicates project results to an audience.

COS Examples

Examples: Produce a digital presentation and oral explanation, create a documentary, present a project model and explanation

Course: Introduction to Drafting Design


Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces..

Course: Introduction to Drafting Design


Utilize CAD software to generate multiview drawings using appropriate file management techniques, basic drawing commands, and basic dimensioning techniques.

COS Examples

Examples: create, set up, and save files; line, ellipse, circle, and scale; linear and angular

Course: Intermediate Drafting Design


Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces..

Course: Intermediate Drafting Design


Demonstrate the proper use of sectional view concepts to create a full section, half section, broken-out section, offset section, revolved section, and a removed section, utilizing cutting planes and applying section lining.

Course: Advanced Drafting Design


Incorporate safety procedures in handling, operating, and maintaining tools and machinery; handling materials; utilizing personal protective equipment; maintaining a safe work area; and handling hazardous materials and forces..

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